Testers: Blueberry Diesel

You can’t go wrong with Tribus I swear by the stuff.


It’s expensive I know that but a little goes a long way. Not sure if I am sticking with it or just going back to southern ag.

Can’t argue with 5/5 germ rates…I blame @anonymous4289 though and his parent selection :). Let see who pokes there head out of the dirt though.


I guess I should post an update on Blueberry Diesel, they’re growing nicely and not complaining about the fox farm grow im using. New pots soon.


Sitting here tonight after watering really admiring the kids and really paying attention to the males right now. There is some serious vigor in these plants especially the males. The tallest male stands roughly 5ft tall right now as you can see is a few inches from the light. Not worried about burn since it’s in a gap where it’s located but damn this guy doesn’t seem to want to stop growing. glad I still have some head room. I have raised the light more than a few times as well as the fans. When I first flipped the plants were around the 2 to 3ft mark so be prepared for some stretch my friends. check out the difference.

Before 11/3

After 11/15

A few did stay short and squat but all together major growth. It’s been 12 days and I’m sitting in front of a jungle now

Any way just a quick update. Have a great week people!


awesome. it might just be me but it seems like everyone’s growth is intense from the start.


they’re sprightly… best word I can use for this cross you made honestly. I have one finicky plant outta the bunch but even she is moving. I really thinking it’s gonna be a banger.


I’m hitting them with everything my small tent has got and they ain’t freaking out. If anything they are loving the amount of light they are receiving.
They are being fed 1500 ppm of ionic bloom nutrients with added p.k and calmag at the minute. I’m really pushing them. :v:


Looking great @Esrgood4u


Cheers bro. I’m hitting them with everything my small tent is capable of and they don’t even wilt. I water once a day with 1500ppm of food and they just keep growing. I think @anonymous4289 is onto a winner with these. :v:


Here are the two best right after transplanting. 2 more in solo cups still


4/4 germ rate on the ones I popped.


Check-in on where I’m at!

I’ve been BRUUUTAL towards these! Having too high pH, too low pH, under feeding, over feeding, long dry periods, stretching the shit out of them and the lights I’ve used have been on the strong side.

Pretty much only thing I havnt tried is over watering, since it’s pretty much impossible with the current method I’m using.

They are keeping very strong! Considering the conditions! Impressed :fire:
3 stunted hard! So I culled them. Left with 6 of the strongest strongest individual. The F2s from two of these individual are going to be fire for sure!

I will let them recover for 2 weeks, then they are off into flowering.

Great work @anonymous4289
This is very strong plants and out of a 11 pack I would have been left with 5 very strong plants(growth wise), 1 strong and 5 ordinary plants. That’s very much over the average. I usually find 3 per 12 pack :+1:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


That’s why we’re testers.

I grew 4 seeds fron the seeds and ended up with 3 females. 75% success rate. :+1:


You’re not kidding these plants can take some light… I’m at max power 700w. The biggest male was a good 2 inches give or take below the light last night and today its touching. The plants are seriously moving!

Those are looking pretty squat are your other two any taller? I have a wide variety over here but 3 did stay much shorter.


The other two are smaller. they seem to just be short at least so far


Still holding 5/5 all have popped there heads up now.

Still just ro water the small cups sitting to the side I use as humidity domes until they outgrow the cup.


can’t stop won’t stop! at this point I’ll just let this male do it’s thing and possibly chop the top… but I don’t want to raise the light any more and the other plants suffer.


Reading through the germ rates looks like everyone so far has had all their seeds pop that have hit water, even if some died shortly there after. Time for my update :grin::

Here we are at day 32 and I can start to see some big differences. Some have big leaves, and some have smaller leaves. Some with 3 leaf nodes and some with 5 leaf nodes. Appears to be a good mix and everything looks nice and healthy still. I watered today and will probably top dress their first veg feeding next week before their next watering. Then I’ll give them a couple more weeks to sex themselves before transplanting to 3g fabric pots for the late veg stage.

(See you later space cowboy)


looking really good in there… nice healthy and chunky leaves! what are the bottom 3 you have going in the top pic?


Blueberry clones from Jordan of the Islands lol. Momma had to watch her baby’s grow :joy::fire:!

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