Testers: Blueberry Diesel

That 6th pic of the individuals is a strong contender, has like a rainbow of top buds starting to form. I can’t wait to see that one progress more!

Shame I lost my account and email not been on here in a while I am pondwater or somthing bloody like that stoners
I know am new but heh the mrs love the blue I love the d so adding
Uk brother
I run organica bxeb strip 1000w led self made
120gal beds and I also breed currently doing banana zkittles terphogs with karmas sour dawg fam taking to f2 selection on each before crossing my gems in

But I’d love to test yours what stage they at f2?
I won’t get a test but I will offer you some pollen off my zkittles male free she is tasty bx back on for sweet notes and 50day flower


Seeds arrived big shout out to @anonymous4289

Will pop them in the next few months.


download (7)


Smells are becoming more prominent. Getting more of a lemon pledge smell from them than fuel now.


that would be awesome if the og kush in the headband in the chem fuego stands out, i wasn’t even thinking about that.


Update 11/19 (Day 17)

Quick photo dump for the weekend.

Males won’t stop for nothing.
Dropping a good amount of pollen already.
Females are already taking it all in got some pistils turning colors already.

Good things to come


that’s a nice field you have there.


full 5x5 my friend… watering has become quite the pain in my ass I definitely enjoy it but damn moving them just a bit is a mission need a longer wand haha


how many plants is that? looks strong, hardy and full of life. oh, by the way, very impressive looking plants, however many there may be of each?



@anonymous4289 just wanted to give a big thank you for the vile of seeds that were in the mail! much, much appreciated. plan to put them in the water in the next few days. hopefully right after Thanksgiving, when everyone else is sleeping off lunch. again, thanks.



Got 8 going. 4 males and 4 females These plants are awesome honestly. Very healthy and resilient to everything I’ve thrown at them. Made a couple mistakes early in veg but they came right back. I have high hopes for this batch and the F2s to come.


Limonene is definitely the dominant terpene when I open the tent. I’ll give the Buds a slight rub later today to see if the smell is coming from all 3 or just a single plant. :v:


Holy crap lol that’s one scary room
Dang there nuts guess ya wanted seeds haha
All that pollen just missin bees


Gave each of the Buds a slight rub and its the taller plant rear left giving off the citrus/lemon smell. The other 2 are still just smelling “green”.
Had to raise the light slightly as noticing the taller one starting to show signs of foxtailing.


Mine weren’t looking so hot after moving them to a tent with a stronger/better light. They were overdue for an upotting and were very stretched from being under a weak light. I have since up-potted all three but it’s still working through all the changes or reacting to something i have done (or not done). bottom leaves are all yellowing and falling off and the rest is pretty light green. Hopeful I can bring them back to health. Fully confident that any issues are of my doing and not the genetics. Only other thing I know has been wrong is the humidty is low compared to ideal so i am bumping that up.


I’m going throught the same thing. I have 3 other strains that are doing well but the BBD didn’t seem to like going to the stronger light. I’ve turned it down a bit and one looks fine, but I think I’m going to lose one and the other (I started 3) is 50/50


What size pots are you guys in? Light has not been the issue for me its been the fact that the roots are so vigorous that they stress from being in smaller containers. Other than that any issues have been on me for not paying close attention to a PH flux in my res but these plants do bounce back like champs.

This right here is my pukey/fuel/menthol plant its very strong smelling compared to the rest who have more piney/citrus notes and subtle. I may end up re-vegging this plant because it’s standing out amongst the pack.

I’m at 700 watts right now and she is praying hard and I’m pushing them… in my experience this strain has taken all the light I’ve thrown so far.


I transplanted into 1 quart pots (946 ml) about a week ago.

If they’re anything like my batch the roots will take off much faster than most plants I’ve been used to. When I upgraded from my 1gs into my 3gs I felt like I was about a good week behind. Maybe take a peak at your roots.