Testers: Blueberry Diesel

Mine started out kinda struggling but now they are loving life. Pic for proof they arent dead :slight_smile:


Looking good! :+1:

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I don’t think they’re big enough yet to worry about quart size pots. My other 7 plants (3 strains) are all much bigger and doing fine. One BBD is ok. It’s probably just luck of the draw on the seeds I started. I still have some, so the odds are they’d do better I would think.


Here is a photo of my saddest one of the three. It has lost its first 3 sets of fan leaves. Like I said above, I haven’t exactly grown this one with care. They are now in a 3 or 4 gallon fabric pot (i cant remember) and they were in tiny pots probably 0.75gallon for far too long so that could be the major issue and now it will recover. I turned the light down again today to 45% power from 55% but after your comments on them loving light its probably not the issue. I am definitely stress and battle testing this one :slight_smile: Starting to think I am growing too many different plants when I am screwing up, but its all one big fun experiment anyway.


100% I really think it comes down to this cultivar just wanting that room to grow. I’ve done 5ft plants in smaller containers than what im in with these… I’m thinking this isn’t one of those. I’ve said it now a few times whoever takes these outside and puts em into 10g+ containers or the ground will have monsters! Would like to see someone do it.


I have one pencilled-in for Decadent soil Spring 2023. This coming year a few get wet and the Fittest gets Dirty. New tactics


Mine are only in 2l fabric pots of coco.
They are growing fine other than the one that’s foxtailing. I think it’s too much light so ive moved the light even higher.


Update! Going to be up potting them soon. Once that happens I’ll have pics of just them. For now you’ll have to trust me they’re in there. Lol


Now that’s what you call a full canopy :rofl::v:

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Every tent I have except one 2x4 is like that. Lol


I’d be keeping a close eye on the humidity with a tent that full once your into flower. Botrytis loves conditions like that. Get yourself a good dehumidifier and a few clip on fans. :v:


I don’t flower on that tent. All the flowering tents have multiple clip fans in them and the room is controlled by a 14k btu air conditioner/dehumidifier. No worries brother. Just posted some new pic in my journal if ya got time check it out


I’ll take a look now. :+1:
Obviously you know what your doing and have a plan. Just figured I’d advise after suffering botrytis personally in the past. Once it sets as you likely know not much can stop it.


Day 39. WOW.
These plants are incredibly uniform, all 10 are almost the exact same size. Super close internodal spacing amongst all of them as well. I have learned and I think mastered how to better water them as they look good for this stage of growth compared to other times I’ve grown from seed. Starting them in 1g pots I think helped as well over putting them in. 5g nursery pots. Next update they will be put into 3g smart pots and we will top dress them for the first time. Just water and ocean forest soil until this point.


What kind of stretch can I expect?

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Good amount of stretch… most of the plants are at least double in height from original flip height. The males are out of control and have grown past my light. Almost 3x on the males.


Day 21: At this point the males are just dumping pollen and I think since I’m off work for the next 5 days I may chop all the males sooner than I planned. White pistils are already close to non-existent so I’m sure these females are pretty good and prego. I’ll see how things are looking in the next couple of days. Everything else is looking great.


pollen everywhere!


as of right now everyone who has signed up has received their seeds minus 1 guy from brazil . i look forward to your updates everyone. :+1:


Pics coming in the morning, finally up and running.