Testers: Blueberry Diesel

Today was a male choppin’ party… allergies were in high gear. As much as I love open pollinating a cultivar my nose hates me for a solid few days.

Cleaned and cleaned some more today after the chop. Next weekend I will douse the girls with water to eliminate the rest of the pollen they’re caked in. Let em suck in whatever pollen they still can for the next week. I’ll also clean the tent walls and fans. Did as much as possible with my shop vac without trying to disturb the ladies to much. as well as a quick wipe down.

Trim bins are so multipurpose… collecting pollen.

Slowly chopping them down…

All done… what a mess.

Cleaned up.

I’ll get some close shots of buds shortly once the pollen is completely cleared from the tent. these females seem happy and look excellent.

that’s all for now… :metal:


Your growing some beautiful looking plants there @Rhai88. Absolutely love their structures. :+1::v:


yessir… wanted to see what they looked like untouched. The front right has been an excellent plant from the start. Healthy growth. Not picky and smells great. May have to take a late cut of her and keep her around if she ends up great smoke.


I love growing clones but there is a certain magic to seeds and not just seeds but testers. Its like playing the lottery with breeder s being able to sway odds in a growers favor.

I sneezed twice just reading your pollen harvesting.


@CosmoNut oh man I had skin breakout and allergies to the max it was rough usually ill long sleeve up and mask up but I was I’m a hurry with everything I’ve got going on right now. on the plus side I’ll have BBDiesel pollen for the next few years haha and the 4 females are prego as all hell. So seeds and the ability to pollinate with the original males. pretty cool.

@anonymous4289 these are definitely looking like winners the picture of the trim bin was only half of one male. The males from this cross you made dump pollen. I’m still sneezing at work right now. haha


that’s good to hear. i pollinated 2 chem fuego females with the chem fuego male used to create the blueberry diesel. 1 gave me probably 2000 seeds and the one that looked better gave me 5… yes 5 seeds, lol.


it’s funny how some work with you and some don’t… better hang on to those 5 seeds haha probably be winners.


Mine aren’t looking great. Embarrassing to even show the photos.



BBD-C The worst of the bunch. All the branches are tiny and the fan leaves are dying from the bottom up. It seems to have finally slowed down on moving up the plant but it’s pretty ugly.

Look at this curled leaf that is half green half yellow/brown.


I’ve only seen this happen with tobacco mosaic. That is strange!

plants are looking a bit rough but I’m sure you can bring them back!


That’s happened to me. Have you checked the soil ph? After I adjusted it all came out fine.

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They new growth seems to be ok. Do you think it actually does have TMV? I do smoke cigs unfortunately but I always wash my hands before going into the grow.


Just a heads up, you would need to wash your hands with 10% bleach solution. Even alcohol doesn’t work.
I now will not touch my plants, without a new pair of gloves on. Once was enough!

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It’s doesn’t mean it’s TMV… but it looks similar to it. if your new growth looks good you should be fine. Just keep and eye and what not.

Are you in coco? it’s looks like coco perlite but I’ve been wrong before. What are you feeding?

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Growing in soil. All organic, using Gia Green, worm castings, and water.


That’s what I’m using and it doesn’t seem to like it. Other strains are doing fine.

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Now that I searched out TMV photos it does seem like it could be TMV. Just like looking up a virus for humans, all sorts of scary shit and saying i neeed to nuke my grow. I have 48 other cannabis plants to worry about now doh

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TMV? What is that?

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tobacco mosaic virus. Some argue that cannabis can’t even get it while others say they have proof of cannabis testing positive for it. It’s transferred from tobacco products (not the smoke) to plants by touch.


With so many plants I dont often check soil PH anymore. But since this one is having issues I will give it a go. I have never found that my PH is off in a soil test but maybe this one is.



Don’t freak on the TMV yet. I don’t smoke cigs and zero people are allowed in my garden. 1 leaf on the whole plant did this.

Personally I would check your runoff water for pH and ppms before I did anything to the above lady