Testers: Blueberry Diesel

it’s always fun when people can compare grows/plants as they go along


Ill be growing in a flood and drain. @esrgood4u would likely be DWC. Sure we can find you a UK grower for soil and one for Coco. 4 methods of grow for testing from 2 packs is some good going. Can’t wait to drop my jack’s rainbow beans now to some testers :sunglasses:


Im in the US. I could/would start them as soon as they arrive, I am wrapping up my last run and starting the next this week. I want them b/c I’ve been growing the same plants and seeds for 3 years now and I would like to experience something different and new. I’ve been in prohibition forever and so my experience with good genetics is very limited. Thank you



Bro these will be going in coco as my rdwc is in use at the minute and won’t be free until November ish


Im in soil at the moment but depending on things may go back to coco


Yeah same time as my f and d will be free bro. But I will start in little solos ready to drop in a few weeks before.

@Bob13 I did like 2 soil grows and it’s just not for me bro :joy:


More sensative to being root bound no?

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i’m the opposite. i would love to switch to hydro but i’m just not comfortable with how quickly things could go wrong if they do. flood and drain, aeroponics, etc. i don’t know what i would choose. maybe aeroponics. i’ve only ever done soil.


Not so much the rootbound. More the bugs. Soggy pots etc for me. I didn’t get the greatest yields either. And the initial growth takes foreverrrrrrr in soil.

@anonymous4289 I thought the same as you. Until I tried it. Never looked back. I’ve got no pH meter. No PPM meter. Etc.
I literally chuck 100litres in my Res and then 400ml of advanced nutrients sensi Coco pH perfect line and forget it other than taking pics :sunglasses:


Im fighting soggy pots at the moment :joy: about to uppot with dry soil after these have been overwatered for three weeks and lookin sad


This is where Coco is good. You can’t really overwater bro. Theyll take a feed daily with no drooping :sunglasses: up pot with dry should help. Stick some perlite in your dry mix

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Or a 1inch layer of hydroton in the bottom of the pots. :+1:

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Also does help on the top of your pots to keep FG to a minimum if you have them as a problem.

Not sure the OP is gonna want us rambling about medium here though :rofl:

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chat all you want, lol. it bumps up my thread so i can draw the attention of potential testers. :+1:


Can’t argue with that. TBf this is usually when you get the best conversations going about useful off topic stuff :100: can almost guarantee you will catch me and @esrgood4u involved


Yeah as mentioned I can do in coco coir perlite too!

But no probs if not let me know if you get some.

Happy to document like I always do openly on here! Easy access of loads of camera and tech makes for a good diary!

Either way no worries not sweating over some free beans :face_with_monocle: can order any seed caviar seed / OG seed / whatever seed you name it from seedbanks cash no issue really…

Rather see then go to maybe people who really would like them.


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Yeah i got near an inch of hydroton ready for the 1gal pots but i feel like i should have more, ran out though. Where do yous lot get yours?


I’m gonna send you half a pack bro don’t worry. You grow them out however you want :sunglasses: just tag the O when you pop em :100:

I need to get myself a decent camera. Preferably an IP cam for my next run. So I can do a timelapse from the same position for the entire grow. Probably a good way to test the new system I’m building with these blueberry diesel too.

You actually just got me excited brother

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You can go to b and q and get some stuff called hydroleca. £10 for 10 litres just give it a good wash before you use it bro

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Ordered 25kg Amazon for mine! You get quite a lot!
But who am I to suggest it’s my first ever bag haha