Testers: Blueberry Diesel

You can’t go wrong suggesting hydroton really bro. It’s about as inert a medium as you can find. What did you give on the 25kg sack?

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£19.80 to the penny bro

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Smashed that. Absolute bargain :muscle: you don’t actually grow hydro though do you so why the clay pebbles lol


For pots to sit on top in the drain trays to a layer over soil to stop greens forming etc etc for my partners papaya and I used a scoop in my medium mix for my clones. :crazy_face: many uses bro

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Ebay if I cant get to a grow shop.


Wonderful. I look forward to it.

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This sounds like a great time , will get you my addy here soon.

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Looking forward to see how these grow! Its an interesting cross for sure!

Pz my growmies :v:t2:

6,29 €
construction material
+12 gallons

BE great to run those genetics - have a run ending next month - will have a space for your gentics’s. WOW !!! blueberry with some Gas (Chem Fuego) next run starting in early Sept. L:ive in the good old USA Also thanks @DougDawson


I’ve been wanting to try something diesel and something blueberry honestly.
Could probably run them in a couple months. Currently running some outdoor Copa testers in the outdoor Copa testers thread.


PM me in a couple months when you’re closer to when you can grow them and i’ll send a pack your way. Just remind me via PM and we’ll take care of it then. :+1:


Sounds good. :ok_hand: marked it down

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Y I want these seeds I’ve been looking for some blueberry crosses and blueberry pie x chem Fuego just checks off all of what I look for in a strain
When can I start growing them I’m currently waiting for my new light to arrive and then I’ll be able to break in my new grow cabinet 4x2x6 and I think it’d be great to see what magic is in them there beans and it’s a win for us both using my new cabinet and testing some beans
From the US

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So my original plan was to wait until both my 2x4s cleared up in a few weeks time for the Blueberry Diesel…

I said screw it and dug out the 5x5 and the SD from hibernation and got things setup. Got a few new ACinfi products on the way for it as well. Should be able to get started shortly after the seeds land. Excited to get things underway! Thanks for letting me get in on the action @anonymous4289


awesome man. the plan is to send out the first batch of packages on Tuesday. i’ll let everyone know when they hit the mail. there should be tracking numbers as well. i look forward to your progress. :+1:



Why do I want these seeds?
About to start my next grow and would like to apply all that I learned to them.

When can you start them?
Pretty much as soon as I get them.
Where are you from?

Thanks for the opportunity!


Hey everyone. There are currently 7 US spots left as well as 5 Canadian spots. If you read the first post and feel you qualify then post here with the 3 answers and i’ll fit you into the first batch to be mailed out.


room full of tents !! wab tot start using them “infinity” has some very good tents Gorilla ents are good also but doin’t have the enviromental controls , which I perfer BUT one does pay for that additional spec

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First batch of packages have been prepared and are ready to go out on Tuesday. If you feel that you qualify please feel free to answer the three questions in the first post. If you do it now you might make it into the first batch. :+1: As i stated before, there are 7 US spots open, and 5 Canadian spots open.