Testers: Blueberry Diesel

I s a w in this thread someone chopped tall seedlings assuming male. Although very characteristic of the male plant, with this strain you’ll be culling WNBA chix. Myself, I ride them out.
My plants are around 40ish days into flower,and I am seeing coloring throughout the white pistols. And I have 2 taller phenos.


i didn’t even know these would purple, so that’s a nice surprise.


this is a late response but there are 1 or 2 spots left for Canadians if you’re interested. just PM me.


My little runt BBD turned out to be worth growing. She’s not huge but she smells great. Comes down today…Thanks


Wow, that bud structure is nice!

Pz :v:t2:

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anonymous4289 did a great job creating this…beautiful plant. I’ve got it in my 15 plants I HAVE to grow in my backyard this summer that I have room to grow 7 plants in…if I cram them in.

I mean I have more room, but if I cut any more deck out or tear out anymore of my wifes flowers, things might get ugly around here.


So right now the Mrs. and I are shucking some seeds from the Funky cultivar.

This one is super loud I haven’t even touched the grove bags since they originally went in (5 weeks back) and as soon as I opened it I was punched in the nose.

I am getting a skunky/new tire smell off this one but it has a very subtle sour like twinge on the back end. Smoke reports will proceed as I am finally going to let friends as well as myself start to sample these babies!


Looking good brother. Funky BBD! Hell ya man. Are you sending them out or trading them. Would love to chat about that!!


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Sorry if I missed something…
The weed on the grove bag is yours or is buyed? I mean, if that is a bud bag I see many seeds and I thought that the bud bags were sensi.


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I will gladly send to anyone who has tested in this thread for anonymous. Any one else will have to win them in giveaway’s or maybe we talk about trades I do still love hoarding seeds lol. At this point though… I probably have enough to share with every member on OG. While I was doing a giveaway my woman managed to pull a few thousand already.

The Blueberry Diesel I just ran for this thread is in the Grove Bags. I can’t remember the last time I bought cannabis lol


The 2 I’ve got remaining in flower both have the vanilla lemon terps that the others all shared but they are definitely more fuel leaning. The lemon vanilla pledge from the smallest plant is turning into my favorite plant I’ve grown.

This is one of the final pics I can find of her. I wasn’t expecting what it turned out to be.


Yes, I suppose, but I also suppose that if the bud weed came with seeds then… why not?

Innocent me. :rofl:



I find this very intriguing! I would like to take you up on that opportunity to get some of those purp terps you guys are getting. I have a few left but absolutely wouldn’t mind having more to go thru.
After all like someone else had mentioned more than once @anonymous4289 did that shit!


he did a seed run on purpose, so it wasn’t hermi plants or anything


The seeds were intentional I open pollinated the 8 plants I had to F2 the cross.

Otherwise yes there would be problems. That would be the hermie of the century with that many seeds in it. lol


i can’t wait to see all these smoke reports coming in. they look great, but do they smoke well? let’s find out. :+1:


We had a pretty good haul and honestly there is soooo much more of the funky pheno to collect still… I only had about 20% of a qp Grove bag full for what we just finished.

There is still a FULL QP bag to go through :laughing: Seeds are looking really good though I’m happy. Needless to say this cross will exist longer than I will now. haha


Wow bro nice!!!


Yeah tons of love to share for some giveaways after I take a couple months off haha @Terpsnpurps

Got a couple of buddies locally who are setting up grows. gonna help them out and get setup and in return my plant count just went up to 36 with them haha gonna run this line out a bit. See if I can cross both cirtus moms progeny to make a purple citrus goddess… I’m sure I can get to where I want to be.

@anonymous4289 let me know next time you need testing I’ll always be down!


Color me interested! Any talk of Northernlights and I’m there. not familiar with TOK. I’ll have to scope it out! let me know.