Testers: Blueberry Diesel

Well there is definitely a shit load of potential in that list right there… I’d be inclined to watch the show if you do!

Mac has been impressive to me. A couple of my buddies are running Caps cut Mac and they’re some beautiful plants. I just recently had the cut myself that I just had to toss because my dog had his way with it. I about lost my shit lol


Malawi G never seems to disappoint! Everything I’ve ever seen grown out of it is always solid.

I think the Apollo, Mac, and Malawi would be my choices out of those.

The Master kush x 88g13hp might make it too.


Sounds like a nice selection!



Speaking of feedback… I just gave one of the little F2s going a stem rub. Don’t think I’ve ever had a plant give me a hotdog w/mustard smell before. :exploding_head:


lol :laughing:



isn’t that the strangest thing? i don’t know the first thing about terpenes but it’s crazy how all these smells come through. from fruit to diesel, baby poo, and everything in between. i swear I’ve smelled fruit that doesn’t exist, lol


Absolutely… sometimes I have to to back to a plant and be like “wait a minute what?”

I literally rubbed that plant 3 different times once on each hand then washed my hands and did it again. :laughing:

Hotdogs with mustard it is… definitely different. :thinking:

These plants continue to amaze me daily. They’re just as diverse as we are… lol


Nice list, what do you want to see in each offspring?

Pz :v:t2:


usually i just go with whatever i think will match well. the malawi gold x nl5xtok would be a nice almost landrace indica x sativa hybrid, i think it will create a beast of a strain but i am concerned about potency. i think the apollo11g would make a nice hybrid, both being short and stocky for the most part, it worked well as the mother in my Apollo Ape cross and i’d like to use it again. some strains i just think will work together and some i just throw in to see what they turn out like.

i forgot to add the 3 BCSC NL5 F4s i’m keeping as backup incase the nl5xtok don’t work out.


NL5 is usually used to bring potency and shorten the flowering times in sativa crosses. So i dont think you have to worrie about that. Most African landraces have a high thc content for being landrace already, in my experience they are around 12-17% thc while the average is around 8-12% thc for landrace cultivars.

Pz :v:t2:


I would gladly take you up on that offer…I haven’t had the chance to try it yet but it smells delicious. He grabbed my attention with “Blueberry Diesel” and that smell won’t let it go.


I did it aswell! I have some BBD pollen in the freezer from a frosty, large male which smelled like lemon oils and hash. @Rhai88 was super kind to send some seeds from a lemon mother. Aiming to find a good lemon plant with these F2s and chuck an lemon incross. I will also share the seeds from this cross to anyone who wants them that have recieved BBD in the same fashion as @Rhai88.

Pz :v:t2:


I’m in line already. :wink:


anyone that has final bud pics (not on the branch, i mean finished buds about to be smoked) please post them with a smoke report. i would love to see the results of all of your hard work.

The way @MyLittleGrundle posted is perfect, i love shots like these:


Sry, I can only post pollen pics, really wish that I had a female!

Pz :v:t2:


How many seeds did you get in your original pack? Only males that’s rough. Did you collect from multiple males or just a single? @LonelyOC


I did some pretty heavy testing of the plants and about half of them survived and when they went into bloom the stem broke on 2 or 3 and the rest where males. I guess the males survived because they where abit more developed then the girls. One of the males was a lot more vigorous and was frosted. So I saved the pollen from him, thinking I would try to get the Blueberry out of the plant with my Shiskaberry. But the Shiskaberry female I had didn’t have any Blueberry terps, it had passionfruit terps instead. So now I’m clueless. Thanks for helping me out anyway! :grin::+1:t2:

Btw, nice new pic you got!

Pz :v:t2:


I may be in the market for some of that pollen :wink: I’m just saying.

You’re welcome gonna have to give me a little though to get them to you since you’re international. I just ran out of global stamps but they’re in the mail to me so once I have them I’ll get some your way.


Yeah, sure. It’s in the freezer with dried flour and silica packs. So it’s probably good for years. Pm if you need some :+1:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


You cut your pollen with flour? I’ve heard of people doing that but I’ve never done it myself.