Testers: Blueberry Diesel

Yes, it’s just a precaution if the container start to build condens when the freezer is open and closed. I highly recommend if you are trying to store pollen for a long time :+1:t2:

Pz :v:t2:

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I use silica packs inside a Tupperware container and then toss all my individual centrifuge tubes into it. I haven’t had an issue but then again I’ve never stored pollen for longer than about 6 months. I just tossed some BamBam pollen at a local buddy of mine and he pulled a ton of seeds off his project. Viable from 7-8 months back. So this will be a test without flour to see how long term I can push it. lol


The Blueberry diesel are the 5 lined up in front of the camera. Maybe a weekish and I’ll start flower.


Haha I’m looking at the photo and yeah it’s hard to tell which ones but they are in a straight line out from the camera


Live report incoming… :wink: Funky Mom

EDIT: 1 hour later and after a couple medium rips.
(just broke my 3 week sober reset good time to test)

Terpenes: Held its smell but taste is more earthy than I would have expected. kinda has the sourness to it though. Will need more to really get an idea.

-Body feels wonderful. Very relaxed. Very aware of my skin currently. lol took a shower and was in there for 30 minutes :sweat_smile:

-I’m very spacey right now. Caught myself admiring the drywall a couple of times.

-Non-Narcotic which makes me happy but definitely a Sunday hitter. wouldn’t expect much to get done on this but I also don’t feel like I need my bed.


thanks for the update. is it not strong enough?


I’m not a fan of silica, I feel that it can over dry things…



Nah brother the effects are exactly what I look for actually. It’s a good balance of relaxed but functional. Would assist you on sleep but not knock you out.

Watching a movie and enjoyed the hell outta some panda express right now best its ever tasted haha . Senses are definitely perked up right now.

Body feels like noodles haha

I did take a another blast. Feeling pretty fresh. :pancakes:

My woman just took her first hit. Get ready for another edit. lol


Haven’t collected pollen for storage ever but this would be the way to go imo. I used this method for storing seeds but also use a vacuum sealer.

Maybe that’ll change with a cure. I’ve found weird smelling strains ended up smelling/tasting different after a long cure.


@HumblePie420 My seeds I have in ZipLock bags in my veggies crisper drawer. I don’t use silica packs on the seeds.

But definitely for pollen.

Buds have been curing since dry for about 5 weeks. That’s usually a good window for them for me to be sampled in my experience. Not a bad taste by no means just not the greatest.


i look forward to it. :+1:


Let’s just say she smoked… made dessert and asked if I wanted to go to bed at 7:30 about an hour after she took her one and only hit. :laughing:

She does smoke less than I do but she’s not usually a one hitter quitter. lol

She said the same about the taste but honestly could have been my dry. Felt like I monitored it well though. We will see about the others once we break into them. Tonight we are going to shuck the smaller bag of the Grapefruit mom “the pretty one”.


1,000th post! :clap:


Then this will be the 9th post!!! :rofl:

Sorry, I have to do this, binary humor :sweat_smile:



Gonna be a hell of a lot more posts to come lol.


Just a little FYI update. I ended up putting my BBD back into veg. I never cloned it because o have eleven other strains I’m working with and at the time it wasn’t doing it for me. After harvest that has changed. Turned out way better than expected. I was wrong. So, reveg! It’s been ten days and this lady is showing off. Never gave I had a plant reveg this fast. Tons of new growth.
As for the bud, early smoking has produced some very nice flavors and a great clear headed high. Taste has changed twice from citrus gas to a berry gas. It’s got another week or so before I’d say it’s in its final state but the berry is increasing and the gas is staying the same. Great bud @anonymous4289 !!!



Smart! I kind of wish I had reveged the grapefruit momma to cross back to. But… F2’s will do.


Mine smells like Pinesol. I like it!


hello everybody,
well just to update, today they are with ?
well the girls here complete 3 weeks 9 weeks of life.
I’m going to take some clones of each, and send them to 12x12, put another 120w card and let them bloom with 240w.

I’m going to have to use the spare LEDs, because I had a nasty surprise, 5 LEDs seem to be burnt out, they are interfering with at least 2 rows of LEDs that are weaker.
I’ve been looking through the forum for some kind of maintenance, changing the LED, I haven’t found much, the seller said it would be difficult to replace the burnt-out LEDs.
Has anyone gone through this, or seen something similar?

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If you have any spots left I have plenty of room open I can run them right away :canada: