Testers: Blueberry Diesel

i think there’s only one spot left being held by/for a canadian, so PM me your info. let me be 100 percent sure of it and then i’ll have them sent your way. :+1:


Thanks much either way! Will do :+1:


lucky you. you’re getting the last pack of blueberry diesel from the great @DougDawson


Well shiver me timbers. Thank you very much indeed!


@anonymous4289 do mom and dad still exist for the BBD?



no, just about 1,000 F1 seeds.


Did you end up collecting any pollen from poppa?

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no, it didn’t produce much pollen. i tried to collect some and it didn’t go well. i have no experience collecting pollen but i think i did things somewhat correctly with no luck. i really had no use for it anyway.


Understood. I’ve got plenty of pollen if you ever decide to go through any of the F1 stock or the F2s I sent you.

all 4 males I had checked every box except for resin production but it’s not a deal breaker when hunting through males for me.

Super hollow stems, great smells, vigorous growth and fantastic root development, and man did they dump pollen I had to clean sooo much after that run.

Really looking forward to tossing that pollen at a couple strains. I may even hit one of the F2s right now to make a bx if I just so happen to get lucky and find a awesome female.


yeah, i’ve had plants that dumped pollen and creating a massive cloud of pollen in the tent, but this one produced very little. i pollinated 2 chem fuego females, 1 got like 2,000 seeds, and the other only got 5, yes 5, seeds. i don’t know if it was a weird female or just the male not producing enough. it just didnt take. my method to pollinate is to shake them violently but for some reason it didn’t work on the one. it always works… just not with that 1 female.

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It’s been a couple of weeks maybe, so an update is in order. My 4 plants were grown in one pot their whole lives, solos. They were fed MaxiBloom and Epsom with some Silicone. 4-5 weeks veg, 6th week in flower.

The plants inside of the boxes are BBD. Hard to see the viny pheno but it’s there


That one on the far right… <3 I love spaced out nodes. What kind of smells are yours putting off? @Indoornesian

That particular one you mentioned and the viny one were topped, both reacted very differently, one started putting off weeker stems a plenty, and the one you like just took off for the sky.
The scents are close to matching with fruity to cough syrup. Five different strains going on in this pic so it’s hard to imagine what it’s throwing into the air. My little closet drifts green funk wafting throughout the house.

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I do love lanky tall plants.

That’s interesting. I had a fruity/sweet pheno pop up as well. Not so much the cough syrup as artificial fruity. My women consistently describes fruit loops.

Yeah I’m sure the smells are busy in there.

I’ll be curious on a smoke report when you get to that point! See what’s up with the cough syrup and if it translates to taste.

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Absolutely, I’ll report back here each remaining step as I’m nearly finished
I sample prior to curing process after drying. If I time it properly the flavor profile will be close to what I’ll get from 3-4 weeks in a jar.


that’s one problem with the chem fuego side of things… very weak floppy/viney stems. 2 of my chem fuego f2s have that problem. i’ve had a few problems this grow. two runts that got fried , not sure if it was the excess cal/mag i gave them early on, not giving water breaks between nute feedings… i don’t think it was my LED even though i bumped it from 50 percent to 75. i should probably kill off those two but i plan to just see what happens. 3 decent chem fuego f2s but two of them are very floppy/viney. the other one is doing really well. overall it’s probably the worst grow i’ve ever had and it’s my fault but we’ll see what happens.


I’ve had a couple of missteps on my journey. think I had the flu and RSV or some other shit, it was awful for two months. the first set of seeds never made it, various problems. the second set of seeds, I’ve had one BBD seedling to survive. we have been having a plethora of mishaps plague the seedlings stages since back in Oct 2022. I hope the BBD is a female. and that my other lone seedling out of another set, is of the female persuasion as well. oh well, starting to get low on smoke, got to figure something out, pretty quickly.
I will post a pic or two when it is a little bigger, it is only 2 weeks old.


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The plants grew well, easy, and pulled through just fine after a rocky beginning. During veg nothing was special. They had no smell other than plant smell, no dank, and nothing that seemed to be setting itself apart. Flower came and all the ladies showed different traits but shared their nose quite uniformly amongst the entire group. I’ll go into more detail in my thread about each plant individually, im “working” at the moment. For the most part stretching was quite heavy and some got floppy in a bad way. She almost went to the worms is how bad the one ant was. The one plant I’ve consumed had been dried and in the bag for a week before I sampled her, that was as long as I could wait. I needed to know if the candy lemon cream cleaner would carry over into the smoke. The taste is not good, it is unbelievably great. I’ve smoked for longer than I want to think about but I’m not experienced w/the “real” genetics until the last few years so there is that, but this is the best tasting flower I’ve grown and maybe 2nd best consumed. No Blueberry lemon new rubber fuel cleaner smells. Not a single disappointing or unliked plant. The troubles I experienced were my own making and none of the plants own doings. This has been a real pleasure and will be around for some time if i have my way. Thank you @anonymous4289 it has been a pleasure.

There she is, already working on getting back to putting on some new vegetation. Clones I took the week before I harvested rooted and have grown out to the first 5 finger leaves each, and revegg has gone well w/o any problems.

If you got them get them in the ground or in the water, you will not be disappointed. Thanks for reading, happy growing.



you had me going there for a second, i was disappointed until i read the rest of that sentence, lol.


i’m glad to hear that man. i’m glad people are enjoying it. could you tell me any more about the high? was it as good as the smell/taste? what about the potency?