Testers: Blueberry Diesel

I can’t yet. The joint that I smoked was good enough that I put it out 1/2 way to smoke a 2nd time. By put out I mean I spaced out staring at my plants and forgot about the joint and the rest of the world except the spot somewhere deep inside my tent. It didn’t seem to be a sleepy or drowsy stone. Once there is more data I can give better report. I’ve only harvested the single plant so far w/one dropping today and the other 2 somewhere next week(s).

I didn’t have papers last night when I got to work so im quite sober at the moment. I will go and sneak a few grams to get enough of a sample to get this answered for you w/o the results being affected by other cannabis use. All in the name of science.


Heres my 4 BBD update week 8. One has some fade going on and one is topped and at week 4.

Wont be long now.


VERY nice grow you’ve got going over there!


Mine are still very young but seem to be on the heavy side as far as feedings go…I think their nutes are at about 2/3…


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I fucked up. I awoke late for work the day I planned to harvest the BBD that kept putting on weight nonstop. I decided to leave the lights off until I got home so I could harvest her before lights on. I didn’t get to her until almost 24 hours after this, lights off for total of 48 hours before harvest.

This was the final pic of her, my better half was taking photos for me. She spun the plant to get another angle and asked me, “why is it all brown a squishy? Is that normal?”. Fuck no it is not normal. One of the main cola was 3/4 unusable and about 1/3 of that cola was full of bud rot.

It was panic mode for a few moments so the pics got forgotten about and damage assessment/ control kicked in. Thankfully it was only the single cola and no other plants had been affected. The rest of the plant was chopped and allowed to dry w/o the washing I had prepared for them. It is 100% my fault w/my humidity and crazy weather changes daily, 92f one day 32f the next, im surprised this is the first time I’ve had to deal w/this issue.


In and of itself, leaving the lights off for two days before harvest won’t harm anything. There’s an old school technique where people do this intentionally right before harvest to increase trichome production. I’m not saying it works, but I tried it for years when I first started growing, definitely won’t hurt anything. :v:


Your ROG (rack o green) looks awesome. Nice work all the way around

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Love that Full Room shot…
Lotsa good nrg there bro

Heres the top of one bbd.


Just saw that the stigmas had wilted where I put some BBD pollen on one of my super frosty Swazi Dragon females :heart_eyes:

Pz :v:t2:


I was vague, my bad, the lights being off was not the only issue or the “real” issue per se. The lights being out for so long create the environment I which the main issues, which humidity and air that hasn’t been exchanged for fresh air the entire time would be close to the top of the list. Also my perpetual grow is more perpetual chaos than anything which is again my fault. Also on top of that I found thrips in the room last night so there is that. Thank you for pointing that out.


No worries makes sense, if your between grows you can spray everything down with iso and that will kill the thrips, you can even spray plants with 70% iso to kill them as well just spray lightly. Good luck with those buggers


This is my favorite bbd. I topped it once but it has 3 tops.


So I tossed @DefNSmokn some of the Blueberry Diesel F1 pollen from my run and he dusted a beautiful Bluberry Blast from Snow High seeds! I’m really looking forward to seeing what comes of this cross!

If any one is curious or wants to follow along you can see the Blueberry blast he pollinated HERE!


excellent. :+1:

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By the way… the “Sweet” aka fruit loops female smokes very nicely and held it sweetness but has a legit cereal in milk taste with it. It’s actually very nice!

Body is melting into my bed right now. Super relaxed. Similar effect to the funky female. I approve!


I’ve been trying to remember for a couple days…weren’t a ton of people running “Blueberry diesel” crosses in the late 90s? If I am remembering correctly, it was very popular back then with tons of peeps crossing their blueberry cuts to their diesel cuts, almost like a competition…I could be wrong…:grin:

My plants are coming along nicely…seem slow imo, but it could be my setup.


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Plant #1 a very strong piney ammonia smell, made me nervous to the point where I cut down before I was planning

Plant #2 much more appealing, smells of grape jelly or brach’s hard candy, you have to dig in there to get some fuel Funk. 2 tops on this one

Plant #3 my favorite out of the bunch, this one packed on the weight one straight sphere bud with little nuggets all up the stem. Straight skunk no gas or sweet just fonky.

Plant #4 was the viney plant and once again another terp! Slight eucalyptus is my only description of her, very excited to taste it tho.

All four plants side by side numbers 1-4 left to right

I’ll do a smoke report once they get a week or two to cure. I’m not cheating myself out of this flavor packed harvey :yum: I know it’s something in these, especially #1 and #4.


Very nice work. These Blueberry Diesel look excellent.


@Maximum its so Kool to see your name up there !!!

How do you say SCORE auf Deutsche

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