Testers: Blueberry Diesel

Understatement lol they are Devine.


I forgot to mention that all of my plants start to finish in 18oz solo cups filled with coco only. Fed Armour Si, MaxiBloom, Epsom salts, and the occasional PH up or down. Beginning of flower AN’s kushy kush added, end of flower Epsom and Molasses. Nothing else throughout the grow.
And my nuggz turned out dense as rocks.


I recall one of my fav plants ever wasn’t real tall, but has a main cola the size of a softball waffle bat.
I was getting ready to harvest her and as I got closer I was just amazed at her beauty.
But something just didn’t look right. So I decided to peek inside and as my finger drew closer…
Sploosh. Finger sank into second knuckle. Was totally rotten inside. Back in the rookie days. Now I am constantly inspecting.
Hard lesson learned.

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In german we say punktzahl :grin:


Looks very good! Nice work. Had me excited to start mine next week.

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Blueberry diesel nug I have drying.

This one may be done at 10 weeks Saturday.


Looks so nice. Can’t wait to live that high vicariously via your smoke report.



Hey bud, your 18oz seed to bud sounds interesting, what’s the typical height/size of your plants?

I’m thinking for pheno hunting that would be sufficient for a clone and a bud taster, after it’s confirmed good its much easier to apply myself.



Wassup Dog, the plant size varies from 10" on up depending on the strain, and veg time, 4-5 weeks. Average a foot long. Weight same thing, around 10g but have gotten over half oz plenty of times. I had a Blue Dream do almost a whole oz. I’ve been growing in cups for a few years now and there’s no way back to large pots.


Wow man! Such a sweet job growing in a cup!

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You are such a legend! Great work, I’m really impressed.

Pz :v:t2:

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@Indoornesian many thanks to you buddy, much appreciated.

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Blueberry Diesel at night 6 of flower. We defoliated them a couple weeks ago and my brother had been going through and defoliating again this week as well. As these are in his tent I let him do his thing and will just be documenting from now on and helping when needed.


Looking good in there!


BBD F2’s going strong over here… These two I have going right now are more on the raunchy side right now. Liking what I’m seeing overall. Just a quick couple shots from tonight.


How I like my women.
Just kidding, jk. Don’t let my wife hear that joke or my growing days are over. Maybe even my breathing ones

Extremely beautiful plants brother. Talk about a dialed in room.


Hey all! @anonymous4289 most of all.

It’s me. The slacker who still not has set the tents back up. I have a couple free days this weekend, so I am hoping to muster up the motivation to get things moving. I am making this post as an attempt to keep myself accountable. I will report back if my mission is a success.


We’re all watching and holding our breath.

Well, watching anyway. Sort of.



A little over a week into flower and we have 2 more confirmed males, I was a little early on calling 3 confirmed females it seems. At any rate we have the tallest still in there confirmed female and we have one of the shorter bushier plants left also confirmed female. For sure this time lol. Unfortunately my luck was 2/10 female and 8/10 males. Maybe the F2’s will have better luck but seems a few of us have gotten a high male ratio. Has anyone popped a whole pack and gotten more females then males?