Testers: Blueberry Diesel

Look great, I have been holding my tongue because I have quite a bit on the go now, but if there are still some going into the depths of winter, I will circle back around :slight_smile:
Sounds like some amazing work!


we’ll be here.


Good to hear! Looking at expanding and adding a veg area to supplement my current set up. Been reading through Bonanza of Green with a fine tooth comb. I am not a fan of downtime, and being able to double my size is going to be fun :slight_smile:

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So mine is now showing arrival is tomorrow damn Colorado postal workers all stoned LoL but seriously I am excited to get some into water n paper towel TTY soon @anonymous4289


There are still spots left for testers. 6 US spots and 5 Canadian spots. (shipping outside the US/Canada must get approval by @DougDawson ). If you feel you qualify, read the first post and answer the 3 questions.


that’s actually pretty quick, i was expecting a longer wait for all of them.


Wish I could grow some out but the garden is just about full with another few going into soil tonight. I’m for sure watching how these turn out here though!

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feel free to PM me in the future if you ever want to give them a go. :+1:

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If you don’t mind I have a suggestion. For those who are interested in testing for you just suggest they pay shipping… But I’m just the new guy lol… Also since you love BB strains I have BB skunk x fruity tickles if you’re interested.


i prefer covering shipping. i think it’s too much to ask others to pay for tester seeds. everything going to canada and the uk shipping is covered by the kind doug dawson. i just sent him a bunch of seeds for distribution because otherwise it’s just too expensive for me. i appreciate your response though. i’ll have to pass on the seed offer because i might not ever get to them so they could be more useful elsewhere.


Hey I completely understand. I just recently found out about your work from a few guys on WP! Keep up the great work.

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what’s WP?

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Got mine earlier today! Will be popping 5 of them tonight!


Friday night I steam cleaned and sanitized my tents. Saturday watched my mail box for hours (southwest heat you dont leave seeds in the mail). Mailman shows up gives me a wave as I’m running down to the mail box. Open the mail and nothing but bills. Hop on my pc to check delivery date. Now changed to Monday. Those rat basterds! lol Monday it is.


Just wanted to let you know that yesterday evening I had to go out to the mailbox because it alerted me of a package and they’ve made the trip and have arrived safely so after I get back from the family gathering this Wednesday I’m gonna be dropping some Blueberry Diesel courtesy of @anonymous4289 and I hope to find some magic in them there beans LoL Happy BBD growing to all tester’s The Doc


Beans landed safely. Gonna get em goin’ tonight.

@anonymous4289 would you like individual threads started or updates posted here?


updates here would be great, but if you wanted to make a thread i wouldn’t stop you, :+1:


Cool I’ll just keep the post to this thread. Thanks dude! Time to pop some seeds.


Yuppers I am just doing some final cleaning up and then tomorrow I’m going to be popping 5 and I will see where it goes and I just don’t want to overwhelm myself with the recent loss and I will keep my updates on your thread to @anonymous4289 and I am very interested to see what these are gonna do Happy BBD Growing The Doc