Testing some OverGrow beans

Well I’m testing the beans for 2 growers on here. I planned on just killing all the males and flowering just the females.(limited room) I wouldn’t kill any of the girls even if I wasn’t testing. They are so small still just over 2.5 weeks or so Still to early to tell any differences. But the girls will be potted up maybe in 10 days or so in 2 gallon grow bags. They will all get 1 or 2 cuts before flowering as well.


Boom! That a pretty even spread. I am definitely along for the ride.


Yeah over all a pretty even split. Lots of SSDD x Goji girls. All new strains for me, good times in the grow room. Thanks for your support Crunchberries


So far so good

I just ordered some sex test kits from LeafWorks. Been told they are super accurate.

This will cut weeks of work and waiting from the 10 photoperiod plants I just dropped in soil, since I’m only looking for moms with this run.


Hell ya brother!!! Looking great in there!
I’ll be hanging around for this.

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These are the Goji x SSDD i topped them relatively early. I clone the tops I got 3/4 moms to root i may go outside and take a few cuts off the one that didnt root. They are growing nicely big holes backfilled with peat perlite recycled soil compost and some fertilizer azomite and lime. The goji f2s are inside needs to be transplanted.


Nice, very healthy looking! Hopefully you find something that makes the space and time worth it!


Looking strong. :+1:

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