The 1970s. Please explain

I am appalled that you could not mention the mini skirt or the bikini… not that we had first dubs on them but they did approach new hieghts


Do not forget the tube top for women…lol


I was born in 78 so the womb was compromised & I came out like Disco Stu… :sunglasses:

“Disco started as a mixture of music from venues popular with African Americans, Hispanic and Latino Americans, Italian Americans,[4][5] and LGBT people[6] in Philadelphia and New York City during the late 1960s and early 1970s.” (wikipedia



:evergreen_tree: :v: :wink:


I was a preteen/teen in the 70s and my most vivid memory is Led Zeppelin. Or maybe the first time I smoked herb. Everyone wore those 3/4 sleeve concert shirts. And goddamn hiking boots. Not awesome flexible hikers of today. Oh no, these were boot boots and weighed about ten pounds each.

On the negative side you had the BeeGees, disco, and those awful Angel’s Flight suits and pants the ponces wore.


Looking back on it I feel that the anti-disco thing was a thinly-veiled anti-gay (and black and latino) thing in a way, since a lot of gay men liked disco back then and would dance at discos. Disco is just dance music with a strong backbeat, like funk. Corporate stadium rock of that era was no better.

  1. vans…I had one in high school. Mattress in the back and a freakishly loud 8 track!
  2. off-roading and dirt bikes…Way too stoned and lazy for that shit.
  3. CB radios…Very popular in the early 70s with folks of the redneck persuasion. We wouldn’t have been caught dead with one. 10-4 Good Buddy!
    4)Semis-truck drivers…They always had speed and you could easily get a ride when hitch hiking.
  4. Smileys…I never heard of a Smiley, but I’m sure they’re far out!

Glad to be of assistance…



you started this shit meathead lol


Oh hell yes, vans were the best. I drove one in high school too, had a bed in the back with a velour covering, a small sink with a water pump run off the battery and the walls and roof were covered in fur. The whole interior was gold. There were some great partying done in there.
Had a CB radio in it too. Really only ever used it to listen for or ask about info on where the cops were hiding.
Dirt bikes were just plain fun. I was lucky enough to have miles of trails that started right across the street from my house. I largely stopped riding the trails after I got the van, sex, drugs and rock and roll consumed most of my time by then.
I don’t remember seeing much of the smiley face stuff until the 80’s but who knows.

Fun times :partying_face:


Good times…


i thought that CB Radios were still used predominately up till the mid '90s when nextel took over with small 2-way radio services?


Nah, in the 70s CBs were huge. Regular people were putting them into their station wagons for family trips. Guys kept logs of all the people they communicated with. Shit, there were even CB clubs where they’d get together and kibbitz about their favorite radios, channels, handles, etc. I had the misfortune to attend one of these events with my uncle and cousins. It was kinda surreal as they would only refer to each other by their CB handles.


they were most drivers I know used them till then.
Theyre still being sold at stops so still being used.


It was an underground thing during the 70s/early 80s in the UK, mainly because it was illegal like most things the masses might want to do here. Then convoy came out here, was a big hit and loads of folk wanted sets. Because it was denied people wanted it more (see also drugs) almost a million people marched on London demanding it be made legal. The UK establishment decided they had to give way but being the kind of chaps they are (posh and hate being beaten) they allowed the use under licence of FM CB radios. Something which no bugger had even heard of. Also they limited power output to 4W and antenna size to a 1/4 wave. Basically it was to be not much better than line of sight. Most of us broke the rules as usual :laughing: The duke boys helped sales in the early 80s then people lost interest and it was back to a handful of truckers. Over and out :rofl:


Freebasing Cocaine is the explanation you seek to your queries.


I seem to remember speedballs being very popular…good point :+1:

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In the 70s weed/stoner culture was very strong, and for the first time it was in the mainstream media. Most everyone was smoking then, including Jimmy Carter’s son on the white house roof with Willie Nelson. Even many parents and grandparents were secretly trying it out. Pot smoking was in many songs and movies and for the first time there were even comedy albums that talked about weed. High Times magazine was sold openly on the newsstands.


Peter Gabriel Genesis lead singer, he cant explain the 70s either…


Can anyone explain the 80s?


The 80’s are when Cocaine went from oil (base) and then combined with baking soda to make Crack… and rap was created, and since that time there has never again been a pop song without a rap part.


:robot: Affirmative. Require new disscussion thread! :zap:


We’re still working on this one!

It’s clear that the doses from pre-1970 didn’t wear off.
