The Apothecarium - Outdoors / Organic / Medical

Not a soil grower, and can’t grow outside, but I sure love seeing both done and done well! Looks like you’ve gotten a lot done in a few seasons! Tidy, happy, and diverse! What’s not to love?
I’ll be keeping an eye out.
Stay up!


An experienced grower with a noble quest, @Til_Valhalla!

The wide net you are casting with all those strains should confirm if (any?) CannaMeds will help your Mom. Have you had any suggestions yet of a chem profile that helps with Alzheimers/Dementia?

Best of Luck,


thank you for the vote of confidence. appreciate that.
my learning curve has been straight up. it hasn’t been easy, but i think the work is paying off. it’s not curing her (didn’t think it would. she was pretty far into it when they finally diagnosed her correctly) but it is certainly helping with many symptoms that are improving quality of life.

i didn’t realize i was going to enjoy this as much as i am. the plants are beautiful and fun to grow, i’m helping my MIL with medicine, and i like smoking. the flavors i’m getting off some of these are amazing. it’s a total win/win/win for me.

so glad i have like-minded people to discuss this with (now). no one talks in illegal states. sad, but it’s what keeps us out of prison i guess. :frowning:

appreciate you stoppin’ by and the words of encouragement. thanks.


it is a wide net. a co$tly and wide net. and i still have some strains to find. not having much luck with them. i don’t know if anyone grows them anymore. lavender is of particular interest. on paper has the best terp profile for this project.

not sure what you mean by chem profiles? we have pretty much taken her entirely off western med pills. she had 5 different doctors giving her handfulls of pills. no one was talking to one another. any complaints were met with increased dosages or different handfulls of pills.
well, we did our own research and found out that half of the pills were NOT supposed to be given with the other half as they caused problems. essentially she was being poisoned. we finally brought this all to their attention and they ooh and ahhed and came up with excuses and all blamed each other for not checking … ridiculous.
my wife pulled her off 90% of the medications. she has been feeding abuela clean, and giving her LOTS of suppliments (vitamins, fish oils, herbs etc). now when she goes for doctors checkups they say her body is in amazing condition. all internal organs except her brain are in tip top shape.
all except her brain. this is a frustrating disease.
as stated earlier, the ganj is helping. i don’t think it’s going to cure at this point but it does treat some pretty important symptoms of the disease and overall improves her quality of life.

thanks for your well wishes. we appreciate them.


Post up what you are looking for. I’m sure there’s people here that can help if I don’t have them. This place truly is magical in that sense, I’ve seen it countless times! Just pop out of the woodwork :joy:


i have posted the list of what i’m missing.

but maybe i posted it in the wrong place? still a n00b here.

yeah. seriously. ANY assitance finding ANY of the “lavender” strains would be huge. it seemingly has the best terp profile (on paper) for Alz/Dem in terms of where my own research and observations lay at this point.

Lavender Haze
Lavender Kush

any help finding any of those would be miraculous at this point. i can’t find them… none with any lineage attached at least.


Ironically I just helped someone find these (lavender) recently . @Sodapop is doing a project in honour of his very cool uncle and I had recommended lavender for the floral aspect as it’s unreal how floral she gets. Perhaps he can point us in the right direction as I completely forget where he acquired them after all :man_facepalming:t2:


lol… interesting.
Sodapop and i have been talking in DMs since i joined the site. we had mostly been discussing GDP and he has been answering my questions about breeding. i wanna try some pollen chuckin’ soon…

Awesome! We’ve been pming for a while as well. See small world around here. Very very cool. He’s a great dude too

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yeah. i am actually blown away by how proactive this site is. a lot of people willing and wanting to help me out. i am grateful and appreciative… and finally feel like this is the place to be. this is comfortable fit and filled with more like minded people getting sh*t done.

want to thank @FirstCavApache64 for inviting me here. evidently he knew what i needed as i wasn’t really finding it at RIU. thanks firstcav. appreciate you.

small world indeed. soda is a cool dude. :slight_smile:


High @Til_Valhalla, very interesting project. As a geezer, I’m taking notes on the Alzheimer/dementia strains.

I’ve recently lost 2 friends with Parkinson’s, and have two more contending with it. I probably missed it in your posts, but what strains are you looking at helping with that?


I’m glad you were directed here as well. Ironically @FirstCavApache64 is a good friend , a brother in fact and one helluva guy. Seems you’ve already found many awesome people, I love hearing this. I’ve sent sooo many people here and have yet to see one leave or be dissapointed over the years which is much less than I can say for elsewhere. Much much less in fact


Hi there.

a few strains come to mind with Parkinson’s =
Kosher Kush
Lavender Haze
Amnesia Haze
Bubba Kush

i have a gelato x kosher kush cross in veg indoors. abuela showed some positive response to gelato in testing 2 weeks ago. seemed to be a good afternoon strain. good mood and relaxed but still functional.
never grown kosher kush. i do have seeds tho.

hope that helps.
thanks for stoppin’ by.

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ha. small world.

firstcav pretty much introduced me to anyone worth the introduction over there. i’m glad we found each other. i think vets always find each other anyways. the BEST brotherhood. anyways he pointed me in the right directions and helped me get up to speed on a lot of stuff. i was LOST. (thanks FC)

our last convo over there he pretty much told me i was in the wrong place and invited me here. evidently he knew what i needed. glad he did.
i have gotten more action and offers of help and actual help in 5 days here than 5+ months there.

quick backstory - used to smoke as a teen and still smoked in my 20s on occasional deployments in the military. had a couple buddies that were heads like myself and we would meet locals, sample the local ganj and try to smuggle seeds back (strain hunting before strain hunting was cool! lol) and grow them out. we could get them to sprout, but would always get deployed again or deer would eat them or… or… or… so never got to finish.
got out of the army, kids were born and i went sammy straight guy for many years for my work. when i “left” the scene there was no internet. there was high times magazine, sensi seed bank was the ONLY one, and lengthy jail sentences for anyone caught in posession. skunk was big, and northern lights was just making its presence on the scene. that was it.
getting back into the scene was a shock. there are thousands of seedbanks. there are legal states. weed is on the internet. you can BUY weed on the internet in some states. there are fem seeds. wtf is a fem seed?! there are autos. wtf is an auto?! there are MILLIONS of strain names. there are thousands of flavors. i keep saying this, but i was the proverbial frozen caveman woken up in modern times. my learning curve has been straight the f*ck up with afterburners on since day 1. i have had to pack 30yrs of cannabis “moving on without me” into 3yrs. and i’m still the retard in the room with much to learn.


Thanks for the reply. Does your cross help with your abuela’s tremors? I’ve been reading that THCA has been helpful for some patients, but, other than Kosher Kush, can’t find much info on that in the profiles of the plants you listed.

Someone mentioned Romulan here, which I’ve got in veg now.

I’ll keep following along :slight_smile:

The garden is one thing, the cause is definitely a whole other level. I’ve lost two grandparents to Dementia/Alzheimer’s, one just at the beginning of the year, and it’s strong in other places in my background. Scares the shit out of me, if I think about it too long.
I hear you about having folks to talk to and bounce things off of, even in a legal state like us here. Still gotta worry about security, and things can get especially lonely when they’re also so damn exciting, eh? Watching grass grow is about as exciting as I need anymore.
Sounds like your work is pretty meticulously on point, thoughtful, and standardized in your fashion. I can’t begin to say I can help properly, but I will certainly keep you in mind if I hear about anything on your lists or anything regarding neural degradation and cannabis.
Glad to hear you’re fitting in as nicely as can be.
Good luck, bro, more than moral support, you got an admirer for the work.
:ghost: :raccoon:


i haven’t been able to test the GxKK cross yet. it is still in veg. only about a month old. but it is VERY vigorous. i think i’m going to clone it.

my problems are many, but one major one is that i have the seeds, but not the space or time. so many just waiting their turn(s). and so many that i have already tried that don’t work.

ok. if you have the spare time, and enjoy some dry scientific reading, i always recommend starting at two locations:

  1. the actual national organization for the disease in question. usually there are a lot of good docs in there doing research and putting out papers and articles and not necessarily sponsored by big pharma.
    Medical Marijuana | Parkinson's Foundation

  2. this place pulls together research from all over the world in catalogued medical journals and papers form university studies etc.
    Marijuana for Parkinson’s Disease? - PMC

either of those two place above will give you months worth of rabbit hole links to click on the bottoms of the articles bringing you to source papers for the study data. click click get some.

quick google search pulls up a few aricles:


i’m sorry for your loss.
it is kinda scary. there was a point where she knew she was slipping and trying to fight it… now… that spark is gone. sad to watch.

yeah dude. felt pretty isolated. i can hang, but it has SUCKED. had a really nasty scare my first year. police helicopter overhead days before my first harvest. sh@t myself. thankfully they were busting up an illegal immigrant prostitution ring 3 bocks north of us… all the chopper pilot had to do was look down… and watch me sh:t myself and try to move like 30 plants indoors running tree to tree for cover like i was back in. holy sh:t what a day. was expecting the cops to kick my door in any second. had visiting nurses over for abuela, my wife was on a conference call with her work… f^ck. never happened tho. thank GOD.
this site is helpful. just trying to keep myself from ramble typing. got a sh^tload to say and a lot of questions. trying to keep a lid on it.

yeah… i don’t know where all my work is going to go. maybe the next person can benefit from it. i’m not a scientist or doctor. i was a medic in the army, but that’s the extent of it. my wife loves her mom and i love my wife. both are familia. i do what i have to do. shrugs
my problem is inconsistency with my notes. but i have a good memory (despite being a stoner) but i know documentation is important. paperwork is annoying to me so i get lazy with it from time to time and just rely on my memory. (which doesn’t help the next person so much lol)

hey man… right now, people just reading my ramble typing and offering encouragement, asking questions and displaying any interests in what i’m doing is helpful. being isolated sucked. so thanks for stoppin’ by. appreciate you.

and yes. any assistance finding my missing strains, helping me find local growmies to help me grow some of this sh*t out would be great too… but that’s almost as impossible as finding th OX seeds… no one want to get pinched in an illegal state… but damn dude… the disease doesn’t stop progressing and i’m kinda racing the clock to find the right strain(s). space and time (and cops) are my biggest enemies.


Thanks for all that. I’ve actually been through most of those. I read them, but when they start differentiating between Indica and Sativa, I take all the rest with a grain of salt. :slight_smile: Most of the “research” just seems to be parroting some other alleged “research,” or trying to sell a product. 1st hand is hard to find :frowning:

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exactly. that’s why i like to dig into the first two links i sent.

the national library of medicine is REQUIRED to post all the studies used in their articles. they are posted at the bottom of each article in footnotes.

click the footnote links.
follow the rabbit holes. that’s where all the white papers and medical journal studies are located.


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