The Bank of Stank

Jet says the ICC and WC look excellent and that you did a great job!


never been to interested in the mac1 cus its lower yeild but man is it a pretty fkn plant lol. i still wanna see the wedding cake and icc lab tested vs each other… see what the differences are in the %s and terps


Did you get this yet? Jet wants to know how the grow is going? The ICC are freaking hand grenades and are easy to trim.



Apple Fritter



how long did your ROM go.

thanks …


They’re not mine but Jetdro’s and they went 10 weeks but says they could go another week.


i could beat the shit out of someone with that icc cola. and that applefritter looks so good. love the pics thank you


You absolutely can! ICC has some of the densest nugs I’ve ever seen! That being said, I think the stand out in this grow was the Pinesol Goji. She smells JUST like a more piney less lemony pinesol. Looots of pine and a chemical cleaner smell with a back hint of lemon, not fluffy but not dense like the ICC. I cant wait till next week so I can try her out!


yess pls share her report. i need something old school in the stash to take over gg4. looking around for a killer purple indica or rockstar. they used to be my favs like 7-8 years ago


I’m at 68 days now and it’s going great. I’m growing in mini-octos and cramped spaces. My plants tend to stretch really heavy in this setup. The ICC had the least amount of stretch though, maybe on par with the Deathstar. Big heavy dense buds, yes! I’m getting worried about mold actually but haven’t seen any signs yet. Hard to get a sense of scale as I have unusually large hands.

I think I’m going to let the ICC and WC go to 11 weeks, as they’re not quite done yet. Here’s the Wedding Cake with those huge TK internodes. Got to say, I’m pretty excited to try it. Not many TK crosses that I haven’t liked.

Yes, I’m still holding that Pinesoul Goji cut that Greasy gifted me. I absolutely loved that smoke and old school piney flavor. Premium stuff! I just harvested a shit ton of GG4 though in it’s place for “old school” smoke. I’ll have to wait a round to grow the Pinesoul again.

So I’m assuming you’ve grown her though? I just harvested some and she did great in these octos. I do love that plant but I can get tired of it after a while, so maybe she balances herself out with the low yield. I do always seem to finish that bag first.


Those look excellent, love all the color and they look dense too . Smoke report when dried i hope


Good for you on the big hands lol


Garden looks great though brudda, after growing the WC out to 11 i thought by the smoke she could have come down sooner, i was thinking next time i grew her i was gonna go late 9-10 weeks, but i guess having the durban in the cross you really could take her late, it was good smoke at 11 weeks but i thought she was lacking in flavor at that point, as opposed to pulling her earlier.


negative have never grown her as a pure cut or smoked that i remember just crosses smoked. but as u say its the first bag to go so maybe im wrong. but i tend to lean to yield a little more because i have a few friends that i make gummies for and myself so i need to get as much as i can out of my spaces. but if it came down to it always quality over quantity.


if your tops start look funny and just generally off to the eye, ahh then ya you should get in there and have a closer look.

just something to think about …


This Lemon G in the ground is outperforming all the octopot ladies outside. She’s about 8ft tall and 5ft wide! Might be time to start considering my last-minute trellis options lol.


She smells DIVINE!!!


Hey brother, any updates on the grow? It’s been 11 weeks now. How are they looking? A certain someone is interested.