The Bank of Stank

“Knee high by the 4th of July”. Well the Blue Dream is currently reaching about 6’ 6" and hasn’t even started flowering yet. That’s an 8ft stud against the wall for relative size. The big octos are kicking ass outside. I can still get a solid 7-8 days if I fill it to the top.


My first time outdoors is trucking along towards disaster. I had these big ones out too early, they started flowering, then reverted, and are now in true flowering as utter monsters. Just a fun experiment and I’m almost hoping at this point I don’t make it to harvest hahaha. I better get these big ones trellised ASAP or things will get real ugly. Here’s all my dirty-ass, bug-infested beauties.

Blue Dream (octo) and Lemon G (in ground) are the heavyweight champs, though Lemon G is probably twice as big. Next year I’m just running them all in the ground like her. Been much easier with watering her, even in long periods of no rain she never once wilted. Her trunk is as thick as my forearm.

I’m really happy the cucumbers finished up so I could clear them out and give these biguns some more space. Here’s the Deathstar, all gnarly and filthy.

Tahoe OG looking mighty bushy.

A little Querkle F2 in a 5 gal bucket that’s been dried out way more often than I care to admit, but yet, she persists with living. I started her first, pollinated her with Querkle F2 pollen, and I’ve already harvested those first round of seeds (only like a dozen or so). Now she’s back to flowering again. Colas so thick with old material that I’m sure she’ll rot away eventually. I have a clean version of her going inside though so I can see what’s up.

These were put out at a more appropriate time. I’ve got to phenos of COPA’s Meig’s Gold x High Voltage outside, and 2 more inside as well. Always happy to be running genetics that have a local tie.

And here we have Tangie, Lemon G, and Tahoe OG from left to right.


good to see you posting … and your sexy girls :fire:


Inside is cruising along at maximum efficiency. I’ve got mini-octos running in all my tents now and it really couldn’t be easier. My only complaint is the lines sometimes get clogged, and because the soil bags can keep the plant happy for so long without any water in the bucket, it often takes a few days of complete dryness before I notice. By that point the plant starts getting unhappy pretty quick.

The clogs are sometimes from reside buildup breaking loose, much like a blood clot causing a stroke. Those are easy enough to clear out by blowing on the lines. But then you have plants like the GG4 that are so voracious that they will grow into the system and often cut themselves off from their own greed. I noticed the pot was bone dry and so I tried clearing the line. I was blowing as hard as I could and just couldn’t free the clog. Then I pulled the line and saw the roots growing into it.

I put the line back in and STILL couldn’t get any air through. Then I opened the lid and was shocked to see the entire bucket completely filled with roots. Sweet Lord, that’s a lot of ramen!

I simply gave the bucket a quarter turn and that was enough to get some flow going back into it. She’s only at week 6 but already has some massive buds. The leaves are almost completely yellow but I think now I’ll at least be able to get her to 9 weeks without complete senescence.


My first run with thr mini octos went pretty well. I did not have nearly the amount of roots as you have in the rez though. Still playing around with them. And i forget if it was you or holyangel that mentioned getting algea with the white minis. Which is exactly what happened. All 3 of them i ran had slimy green roots and algea in the rez. So , i guess it didnt go to well for me. But the plants grew really well. I have since bought some of the brown ones to try out.


Week 6 in the 4x4

GG4 – Sour D – Wedding Cake
MAC1 – Ice Cream Cake (Jet’s cut)
Illudium Q36 – Deathstar

17 days in the 3x3 seed tent

Herjuana x DLA11 #1 and 2 (Positive Vibrations Creation)
Meig’s Gold x High Voltage #1 and 2 (COPA)
Querkle F2 – Motorbreath 15


Ah that sucks but good to know. I think I called it… I didn’t hear anything about them so I just picked up 4 of the white ones to use :joy: Guess I’m gonna have to wrap them in aluminum tape or something :thinking:

Plants are lookin fantastic!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


I’ve only seen the GG4 do that. I’ve harvested plenty of other big healthy plants from these small octos and not once did the roots take over completely like that GG4.

Ah bummer. Nothing a little spray paint couldn’t fix though! It’s cool that the plants still grew well despite the algae. Octos rule.


I think i bought the last of the brown ones after i bought the white ones. I have a total of 12 now. 8 white and 4 brown.


I swear I remember trying to get you to switch to them a couple years ago!! :flushed:

Glad to see you posting again! You sure have your hands full with both the tents and outdoor.


Oh, maaaaaan!

I mean, I understand that,”I just haven’t felt like updating…” feeling, but I totally forgot you were growing all that stuff outdoors. That’s some shit worth updating! That’s new! Haha. Really eager to hear how all of that stuff turns out for you.

Outdoors… That’s where it’s at… haha.


Roots will fill any space given, especially if there is water flowing through; I have had 3/4" drains get clogged, there doesn’t seem to be any solution except to manually clean the drain tubes once a week.


Coming up on 8 weeks in the 4x4 tent and getting some major bud-chubs. Just had to do decorate the walls with some fat flowers.


Illudium Q36


Ice Cream Cake

Sour Diesel

Wedding Cake



WTF is that? Haha. It sounds like the name of the latest model of Artificial Person in Alien or something.

Looks good, though haha!


Clearly you’re not a Bugs Bunny fan.

Illudium is another Ohio clone-only. It’s Bubba kush basically. Well, a cross of Bubba x Hawaiian indica male that was then BX 3 times back to the Bubba. She vegges slow like Bubba and has those dark broad leaves. She has a lot of those unique Bubba scents (kushy, earth, chocolate, coffee) and maybe a little creamier? The smoke is a bit stronger than the Berger cut but not much.


Everything is looking fantastic! Your ICC and WC are Jets cuts right? They are looking great!


Thanks! Yup, those are Jet’s cuts in flower. Gonna have a great yield from them both. Excited to sample some fresh without any German shepherd hair on it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Its the dog hair that really makes it something special. You just dont get those wet dog terps without them. :sweat_smile:


Tell him I’m gonna send him some back after a good cure. He can see how I did with his gear.


Ah, okay. The flowers on her look pretty great.

I remember that episode from when I was a kid, but I definitely didn’t remember that Marvin’s weapon was named the Illudium Q36 haha.