The Bank of Stank

Yeah that’s (allegedly) the cut GreenHouse used along with a reversed Exodus Cheese cut, to make the ‘Franco’s Lemon Cheese’ as a dedication to him after he died. His two favorite strains.


im not a fan of the hazes but holy moly that Juicy J looks absolutely amazing.


Just Can not stop to look at that beautiful purple


I’ve not even had much real Haze to know for sure, but I don’t think the Franco cut of Super Lemon Haze is that “hazey”. It was a relatively quick flower. It would be kind of like calling Blue Dream a haze. Sort of is, maybe, a little? But mix the SLH with MAC and I doubt there’s going to be much haze effect at all in this SLM.


true enough. i just always thing of the hazes that send me floating out of my head into panic lol but blue dream was def more calming when taken until mostly amber. will be interested in that smoke report!


I have recently popped
A few bubblelicious beans from Nirvana, I really hope it’s still as you described.


That’s great, keep me posted! We’re those fems or regs? From what year? Seems these days you can only get feminized from nirvana.


Oh nice, not sure what year, but they are Regs. grabbed them through the vault seed bank Last year, definately gonna put the male pollen to use :+1:t2:


I’ve been wanting to try octopots for a while now. I’m finally pulling the trigger, but instead running mini octos so I can keep my 9 plant variety in the 4x4. These are all hooked up to a controller and rez for sweet autofilling action.

I realize that these transplants are larger than ideal, but they were in 4" nursery pots and I’m hoping some newer roots will want to stretch their legs and head to the rez. Planning on at least a month of vegging once they settle in.

Lot of familiar faces in there. Some new contenders are Blueberry, Romulan, and two different cuts of Sunset Sherbet. But I’m most excited to see if I can keep Lemon G fed and green throughout flower. She’s such a beast and just decimates my water-only soil.


Man that is such a nice setup :raised_hands:

Your girls all look super happy and healthy too :pray:


sweet set up man. 9 is the perfect number too.


Man, if those are anything like the big Octo’s you won’t be able to veg for a month! Are you feeding straight water or salt nutes?


That’s what I like to hear!

I switched to salt nutes and I’m scared lol. But you best believe I’ve still got my soil in bins ready to roll if this attempt is a bust.


I think you’ll be surprised how much you’ll like the ease of the octopups. Especially with that watering system! Can’t wait to see your results. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The octopup experiment is going as expected. I don’t think any roots have made it to the rez yet and the plants are all looking much worse for the wear. Though I’m just beginning to see some new growth, so hopefully the start blowing up soon. Moving forward, I’m starting all my veg plants in the same promix blend as they will be transplanted into and feeding salt nutes. This first round experiment, the plants were still in organic soil in small pots. The roots are all browned off and minimal in comparison to running salts with promix. I think they’re going to need a little longer to reach the rez than plants that are already used to that media and food.

The 3x3 is already at 7 weeks. The last of my organic water-only plants for a little while at least.

And some close-ups of the more photogenic ones.

GMO beasted out like I was warned. Kept stretching like I was warned. Let’s see if I have the fortitude to go 13 weeks lol.

Deathstar is really starting to stink now! I’m loving what I’m smelling so far. Super crystally too.

And MAC1 always looking sparkly.


We need a pic of the Octo pups!


Your tent shots always have such a nice range of colors! I’m going to be taking my pinesoul down in a couple weeks, interested to see how it performs in your tent and how it stacks up against everything else you’re running.


I left it out on purpose haha. I have a tough time looking in there. But it’s only been 7 days since I potted them. Just a bunch of old crusty roots trying to get to the rez.

The Lemon G however looks like she didn’t skip a beat (top right corner). What a beast!


I know you did! But I wanted to see. I’ve had them take 14 days to get settled in the Big Octo and some rootbound that took even longer. Can’t wait to see this tent blow up. Octo’s and salt nutes lead to explosive growth!

Might be a good time to figure out how you will support these 9 plants? Individual cages? Net trellis? Yo-yo’s? I have very few strains that don’t need support in the Octo’s. Just something to think about.


Oh yes, for sure I’ll be using a trellis. Even on my organic stuff I still need trellising. For these octopups, I’ll probably use a double trellis because I want them taller than I normally do with soil. Thanks for the support @Joker