The Bank of Stank

100% germ rate on the latest popping frenzy. I’m going to have my hands full. Clones best be moving along.

I could flower 9 females at once as per my norm. With 21 sprouts (all regs), that sounds about doable. If I have extra gals I’ll just veg them another month, when the other tent opens up. Or just cram everything in one go. We’ll see. A bit early to be counting chickens but I’m riding a thin line here.

Annunaki: Black Cherry Soda BX2
Doc D: Black Energy x Dragon Energy
Dynasty: Lucky Fruit
Bodhi: Sunshine4


Hey @schmarmpit that afgooey smells just like the one smoked back in the 90s it’s smells super good sweet and something I can’t put my noose on. Love those stains that just smell like something else. Making pollen at the moment with it but man I’m really liken her. Just like a fine lady wearing perfume. Thanks G


Ive got her hanging right now as well. I do wonder if that little extra is the ghani side of the cross. Hows the flava and stone on her for ya?

We would get afgooey around these parts too, always around the same time of year as well so someone was growing her seasonally.


I’m in the process of making s1 pollen but she still put out resin I just smeared the leaves and gave her a whiff. She smelled fantastic. After first runs of plants I get I s1 them, then hit them second round to make fems for my own preservation, and smoke. I think this one might stay in my library but will see. High is important to some but not me I’m more into flavor, smell then the high. Plus Im a light weight just smoke here and there. Mostly when I sleep at night. I’ll let you know when the time is right.


Man, it’s super early over here but I think that Weasel cut may be it. She definitely catches my eye in veg as tiny clones :eyes:
I like what I can make out in your pics here too. I honestly wasn’t paying too much attention before, but now… she makes the AJ cut over here look like Chem D to me. e.g. :wastebasket: :joy:

Looking forward to see your results with her while I get her ready to go :wink:


They all look quite healthy, I wonder how fast will they develop, not so long till transplanting I guess :slight_smile:



Turbo Diesel


Happy growing


I’m coming up on 7 weeks in flower and she is looking awesome! Stacking nicely, strong sour smells. I’ll get some pics later when the lights come on. I didn’t think I’d get a decent run with her in my environment. She’s known to be a nitrogen hog and my grows lean more towards starvation. But she’s hanging in great so far and should make it to the end just fine.

That’s what the plants would love I’m sure. But they’ve got a bit more time in the starters still lol.

This is my first time trying nutes on babies instead of water and my recycled soil. Looking much healthier out the gate. They’ll be going into my soil eventually but I’ll be keeping a few for nutes-only testing.


Oooh yeah. Those are a few of my favorite things @Heavenlygoo !


Coming up to week 7 and the colors have gone crazy. Cold nights, more intense light, they are fading fast. Some may cringe but I just absolutely love it!

The 3x3 is now around 2 weeks flowering and the stretch is pretty well finished.

Here’s that Weasel, @HolyAngel. Smells great!


Oh man :star_struck:
I think that one is the ticket. Idk why, but just looking at it… feels right :heart_eyes:


Such a big girl, she looks so delicious and promising. What was the taste?


that crippy got so purple damn. can we get some close ups of her :heart_eyes:


Waaah look that purple !!!
i’m jealous


Which one, the Sour Diesel? This is my first grow with her and have not yet tasted.
I like your name and wonder if you take offense to my grows, which to me, could be named YellowNotGreen.

Ask and ye shall receive. Crippy always goes purple on me, every time, even in the hot months.


Im in NE OH and just recently got to try the Lemon G. Ive had a few other lemon strains that were just straight meh… the Lemon G shot up into my top #5 instantly. The flavor is just mind blowing good. The buzz is real weird for me though. In small doses, it completely lays me flat, but larger doses it gets real trippy and energetic. Its awesome shit!!!


Watch it with that GMO, she’s going to keep going for a bit :sweat_smile:


thank you for the close ups. such a beautiful plants. if she smokes as good as she looks thats a winner


8 weeks now on the 4x4 and we’re getting close on some. There’s only 3 new plants in this tent this run. The Niwashi cuts of Capulator’s ‘Juicee J’ and ‘Super Lemon MAC’ are looking and smelling awesome.

The Super Lemon MAC smells exactly like Super Lemon Haze Franco’s cut, one of my favs from a while back, but it’s got this extra bit of creamy sweetness from the MAC that nicely compliments all that anise. Stouter plant and nicer looking buds compared to the Franco SLH as well. Should smoke a treat.

The Juicee J (Alien Cookies x Kush Mints #11) has smaller buds and a completely different smell profile. Lots of earthy kushy dankness going on here, not near as bright as the SLM.

And a shout out to Farmer Freeman for allowing me to go whole hog, popping seeds and keeping clone moms all in my little getup. The 8 Sunshine 4 beans ended up having a perfect 50/50 ratio. Males were tossed. Cry me a river, seed makers. Probably won’t even take clones of the gals cause I’m back to my old ways!

I’m sure these SS4 are looking forward to getting bigger homes.


What’s this about? I haven’t heard of that one, I don’t think, but I haven’t really been looking, either haha. Is that what he used to make the Franco’s Lemon Cheese? I only ask because I’m growing a hybrid of that FLC right now.

Plants look good! Haha…