The Bank of Stank

Yeah, dude, exactly. I don’t wanna have to do anything, really haha, except water the plants every other day and, if I think about it and feel like it, maybe add some coconut to my water or top dress with some MBP or something.

Or not haha.


ProMix with added perlite here. Would LOVE to see your face if you ever do run a big Octo!! 5 gal of ProMix and the plant can set up in any root zone it wants.


I’ve been waiting to pick up a couple more and it’s been at least 2 months. I wonder if they realize OGers are probably buying them all up. I wonder if 3d printing them would be cost effective?
Hopefully they’ll be in stock again soon.


Quantify a lot of work, haha! I’ll agree there’s time spent in the tent, the top dresses take about 30 minutes to an hour of tent time. I have the top dress pre-made sitting in a tote, so it’s really just opening the covers and dumping stuff on top, and then lightly watering that in, if any water at all.

Yeah, agree that’s a downside for me too, as I like options… I don’t think SIPs work well with multiple plants in them, best one-per-box. Just get a bigger tent and more SIPs :stuck_out_tongue: I kid…

Oh come on! How lazy are you guys :wink: No one rides for free! You gotta put in the work somewhere!

Oh, for sure, like I said, I’m not really trying to convince you guys to switch or anything. Everybody has to figure out what works best for them and their situation, as each one is unique… in five years I may be saying that big 3x3 beds are the best shit ever.


Pretty lazy.

That’s very true. And when you’re poor as shit, “riding” ain’t that fun…

Haha… That’s kind of where I’m at, just thinking,”You know? Everybody gets on these different things, the newest thing, but I’m pretty happy with my seven-gallon pots…” I mean, I haven’t had an issue with them, haven’t had to figure anything out, my soil’s always worked pretty well (unless I fuck with it haha), so… What’s the problem? Haha!


Just a few short days later and I can tell it’s about to explode in here. All the new growth is nice and green, and I’m already seeing beautiful white roots coming out the net pots. I’ve even got roots coming out the side of the fabric pots which I’ve never seen before. Truth be told, my soil transplants usually look worse than this for longer. The recovery has been surprisingly quick.

I’m one of the few fools using these silly round mini octos that are still plentiful on Amazon. The base rez is so small, maybe holds a gallon completely full. Getting the autofilling port low enough to only go halfway up the net pot was a trick to figure out, as the net pot goes all the way to the bottom of the base. I turned the main rez off completely 2 days ago and that dry spell seems to have kicked them into overdrive. I’m going to let it all dry out another day or two before letting the water start flowing again.


Definitely lookin nice and perky! Gonna be a jungle in there soon! :fire:


Just a couple days later and it’s clear that things are about to start taking off in here real quick. I think that dry spell kicked them into action. Roots are finally coming out the net pots into the rez, and they are drinking water much faster now.

Even though the plants themselves are still not to my liking, I think I’ll be whistling a different tune in a week’s time. The Chem91 and Romulan S1 are supremely unhappy still, but slowly turning the corner. The Romulan still doesn’t show any roots. But then I lifted the Chem91 and was shocked to see 2 foot long fishbone roots all coiled up in that pot. Way ahead of any others in root development. Hopefully the top half responds soon.

Blueberry   --          Chem 91              --  Lemon G                
Romulan S1  --  Sunset Sherbet (Sherbisnky)  --  Tangie
Sunset Sherbet   --     White Rhino      --     Death Star 
(Pushpop Yoda)

I’m really excited to see if I can keep Lemon G fed throughout flower. She’s just a beastly grower and eats up my water-only soil in the first 4 weeks. She’s probably the only one in the bunch who barely sneezed making the octo transition.


i let them go dry a day or two before EVERY fill up , dry back helps in these pots .

I don’t like the little round ones either they’re a pain in the ass to fill and they go through water too fast other than that they work fine


cuts doing well i take it ???


Thanks for the insight on the dry back. I’ll just let the main autofill rez go dry for a day or two before filling her back up. Otherwise they would be filled up constantly.

I agree these little round ones would be a pain to stay on top of without the autofill capability.


Yeah man, cuts are looking great. I’m expecting all 9 to root.


try any of the bud yet?


by the way Papa log got the cuts from the other member so thank you for offering to send him some but you don’t need to😎


No, I’m waiting until we can try together. Just need a few more hours in each day lol.
Maybe I’ll bust into that THCa bud though, since it’s not getting great reviews.

Glad to hear Paps got the hookup! I’ll have to find someone else to pass along the extras to.


Definitely I would love your opinion on that THC a bud you noticed you got the container

yeah if you can’t use all those cuts certainly pass them along💥


Hmmm, extra cuts from the Bank need a home says you:)???

Really what I was curious about, is how the BCS sprouts was doing?


2 of the 4 BCS plants grew very mutated and I culled them. I’m left with these two visually pleasing specimens. Anxiously awaiting a bigger home. One is for sure female. I think the other is also a girl.


That Lemon G is going to take over half the tent!!


Sounds good to me! If half of these plants fail to get healthy then I’ll just let Lemon G take over their place. Or just give her a hardcore cutback if not.