The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Just blew me away when I learned that nuclear power plants were created to get rid of (or repurpose) heat from the reaction that produces plutonium for nuclear weapons. Power plants are the secondary purpose for weapon grade plutonium production. Probably contact the SNR’s to huawei= no need for disposal! Canada not a nuclear power??? As if, we fuel weapons worldwide and sell the technology to, well, enemies. Totally unneeded in this country for our energy needs IMO


That’s why thorium has not replaced uranium as a nuclear fuel.

Why are there no thorium reactors?
All but a trace of the world’s thorium exists as the useful isotope, which means it does not require enrichment. Thorium-based reactors are safer because the reaction can easily be stopped and because the operation does not have to take place under extreme pressures.Feb 16, 2012

Reactors that use thorium are operating on what’s called the Thorium-Uranium (Th-U) fuel cycle. The vast majority of existing or proposed nuclear reactors, however, use enriched uranium (U-235) or reprocessed plutonium (Pu-239) as fuel (in the Uranium-Plutonium cycle), and only a handful have used thorium.

Can Thorium be Weaponized?
Thorium reactors can’t undergo a meltdown, according to SmartPlanet. Thorium is also far more abundant in the world than uranium, with supplies in places like Australia, India and Idaho.Feb 21, 2019

Imagine that… we have a safe, abundant alternative to enriched uranium fuel, and decide that the highly volatile option is better for the world?

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I didn’t understand all of that article…
but it still sounds like thorium would be safer as a fuel than uranium?

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It definitely would be and im all for it, but that article though is just how one can create uranium 233 as a byproduct in a reactor that uses thorium… So the argument that it can’t be weaponized is not necessarily true or so it seems. Or from what i understand…

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Yep, won’t save a penny or be less a threat of proliferation. Waste product can actually be more radioactive after…100,000 years? That’s 90% longer than we will pay to upkeep the nuclear waste dumps made in the last 50 years. So who cares right?? Fucking stupid humans:sob:


We have a couple uranium mines to the north of us 500 miles maybe . It all gets trucked through the city and if not mistaken goes to South Dakota in 45 gal barrel’s shipped in 53 ft trailers .

Somewhat interesting seeing the mine decommissioning shop just north of the city refurbishing so called cleaned radioactive equipment by reinstalling stripped out interiors of 2 year old trucks.


You should check the truck route’s with a Giger counter, the whole route will probably have a high radioactive signal.

In the UK they take the waste away in trains from the power stations, and the radioactive rust that falls of the carriages has made the whole railway track, a contamination zone.


Not sure how safe the yellow cake they produce is I’m sure radiation would be present any where they have been in contact with it. I know when shipped in barrels there not allowed off route and are on a time schedule for delivery . I’ve been told a trailer load is worth over 1 million dollars and several a week are heading to the US .

I’d be more inclined to think the decommissioning shop would be glowing with radiation don’t think I’d want a job working there.


Anyone know where to get like 100+ plant stakes without spending a fortune??

Can be anywhere from 24”-48”


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If your in the States


Homedepot or the likes either bamboo stake packs if you can find them but they can be crappy at times or cedar fence stripping or whatever its called usually they aren’t too badly priced and come in 4 foot lengths and bundles, but have to go in to see if they have those.


Found these. 30inches.
Just need em for support on 18-24” clones in flower

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So I returned to Canada (Pearson airport) yesterday, and had a laugh at the customs exit point, you know the guy who checks the ticket that custom inspector gives you. There was a sign that read ‘Declare all of your cannabis products here’. I asked the customs guy "isn’t that telling you to arrest him? (it is illegal to bring any cannabis into Canada, not sure about unusedlegally bought can. med weed) He said, "if you go “oops, I forgot to check my luggage, etc. then we won’t arrest here”. I laughed, and so did he… I think its just customs guys looking for a tip, Oh and BTW when returning to Canada as a natural born citizen, PASS BY the robot passport scanning pre screening an go right to the counter. As a Canadian we all have the right to manual inspection WITHOUT voluntarily submitting your face image to interpol database. I wanted to smash that fucking robot (and the annoying customs bitch) with a baseball bat. Just breeze through to inspector and FUCK THAT IDENTITY STEALING ROBOT!!! BTW I was wearing cannabis print shorts and a weed T-shirt an we all DANKED, NO problem whatsoever, just be polite to customs folk and don’t carry back home!!!


If they profiled me, I’m sure I’m in the old hippy/harmless idiot file now…y’know ‘not worth the hassle and poor prospect for a conviction’ in the cannabis portfolio. So no more shopping in the USA…YAY!


Well now I know why I turned so many heads in customs when I did my trademark fake sneeze that becomes ‘sars’ at the finish. The one I do when someone wears a mask in public or is chronically coughing in a crowd. Too soon…? My kids laughed,my wife elbowed me. Ahh I love fun in the customs line, ever since 2002 in Hawaii, standing in my boxers,in front of everyone. I asked the TSA agent if she wanted me to drop trou right there,y’know Pearl Harbour and 911 and all. She declined, a dissappointed ‘awwwww’ came from my travel companions and off we went. Because I don’t carry, I would see a cavity search, as ‘getting some’, and make a comment like, 'That hampster is not mine, I let my friend pack my bag…etc. etc. Sorry its Sunday mornin alone time wake and bake hour…


I don’t joke at customs anymore, too many bad experiences.


Anyone know if there was/is any changes to craft (micro) growing permits? I’m aware of the 2000 sq.ft. canopy, the production, breeding, research, packaging, processing streams. Is anyone on OG a licenced craft grower? Is there too much red tape overhead and not enough grower-to-store avenues to get established? Anyone actually run there max canopy space (none of the lp’s do…)? Or is this ‘system’ put in place to ‘out’ and crush anyone trying to produce QUALITY cannabis (currently in black or grey market)?


The only difference I knew of was it was cheaper for the micro grow to get licenced, but the big LPs complained it wasn’t fair, so they made it the same cost.

You will need license for each part of production, growing, packing and testing product, transfering to retailers, and retailing if you’re Ina province that is not doing gov run stores. With the required lawyers fees to understand all the jargon, you’re looking at between $50,000 to $120,000. Then you and your staff have to get and pay for training. I was thinking of doing it but I think you would be better off staying an illegal supplier. Kobracom420 has a very large grow, he may be able to give you more details.


Thanks @Shadey so really no change. @Kobracom420 was chattin with me,I’ll PM if I get serious. It’s outta my range and capability (micro anything), there are investors and distribution type systems, I contacted a couple of those. It is a lot of cannabis growers dreams, branding your own product, for legal sales. It sure is a dream of mine, but getting it out of the ‘pipe’ and turning it into a productive commercial enterprise, is really not what I ‘enjoy’ in my dream. Enjoyable hobbies suck, when you have to make a fulltime career of them. I would love to see a retiree worthy casual legal stream to get some excess outdoor goodness to med patients, for 500 bucks a pound LOL I put my legal freedom at stake for years without selling my herb, I would like a way to pay for my indoor electricity costs, legally, like we do at the end of our driveway with vegetables a couple Saturdays in the fall. Oh ya I forgot, win a cannabis competition, ya that.