The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Yeah it would be good to get the taxes back on all your growing materials and electric if you have a medical grow.

There is a well known Humboldt grower, what does a pod cast, said the biggest problem in the states is not having enough product at the same time, to keep the retailer happy, by the time he has a buyer it’s past it’s prime. He recommended growers growing in local groups, joining together under one licence. Not sure that’s possible in Canada. My wife works from home so we can off set 10% of the electrical against our taxes, small bonus.


In some respects, what we are participating in here could be called an agricultural cooperative. Call it a digital agricultural cooperative to really confuse folks! But coops of various sorts have been around a while, there may be something that can be leveraged off for a novel business concept.



Like some federal grant of sort?:thinking:


Your best bet with a grant…Would be a No-Till, organic, green production, for CBD Strains (medical). An outdoor license is the easiest, it’s requirements are a 50ftx50ft plot of fenced land, and a couple of secure buildings. Then make an amendment to an indoor license (it’s far easier getting the indoor one this way), after you have the outdoor one already.

I am fairly certain that was what I was going to do.




Yeah figuring a 2000 sq. ft. canopy would take at least 2 people fulltime to manage, It could be done if all facilities and such doesn’t require outside capitol. If the risk was simply trying to give a go with cannabis vs. existing canola field or just changing the crop in the greenhouse, it would be worth taking. Having to invest the required, licences,permits and compliance alterations which I imagine are in the $60,000 range is bearable if you have a complete outdoor crop failure. You’re fucked if you have loans or investors. Partnerships and co-ops with farmers are difficult in Canada. I’ve floated a co-op idea for years, but croppers are a suspicious bunch in these parts. There is quite a few large organizations looking to cultivate logistics and facilities for craft growers co-ops. They have lots of investors willing to back competent growers etc. Growing your own medecine is one thing, I don’t think the legal market is for part-timers, or hobby farmers just yet. Hey It was a pipe dream for decades this (quazi) legalization. You didn’t even imagine smoking weed legally walking down the street!!! Things change, sometimes astonishingly quickly, so I never stop dreaming, or growing lol.


Have a look. MSN. I’ll be back after purging…


Ya big fallout at canopy. Have a few xcoworkers that went there.


It’s really very sad that we use exploitable and disposable TFWs to grow legal cannabis. Shame on us.


That was a shock - the total yearly number makes you wounder where the rest are working? Is it all agriculture?



There’s no ‘WE’ in legal Canadian Cannabis,or apparently ‘Canadian’ either. ‘Real’ Canadians are tasked with Overgrowing these douchebags now that “WE” are legal. "Benefit to our community"and “keeping away from children” is ACTUALLY, use revenue from sales and everyones income tax to put foreign workers in a position where returning home may result in Prison or worse wiki says 4 months to 20 years for possession. Not legal in Guatamala ! And a last ditch effort to profit from customer ignorance and corporate fraud style accounting losses by “approving” edibles only a child will buy ! image|215x121


this is what you need to know for applying for a license and the application requirements. note you will need a cultivation license as well as a processing license to harvest and process it. under 600kg/1320lbs a year is micro.

personally i just want a nursery license to sell seeds and clones, but manitoba residents can’t grow anyways so i couldn’t even sell locally :confused: trudeau really created a shit anti-freemarket


Ontario in da house!!!
We should be able to by now go to a nursery and pick up genetic material. Its been 2 years. Canada Govt not making it easy for us who wish to be fully legal and compliant. They have a few femmed beans for like $60/4 seeds. Right. That will be the day…
Anyone know if nurseries are gonna be a thing or what? In Cali and Wash, Oregon they are flooded with nurseries and genetics. Even Michigan, Im a quick boat ride to MI.
For being “legal” its a complete shitshow.


ANy Canuckleheads running your own genetics that have been acclimatized to your area over generations?
I feel thats one of the most important factors when selecting genetics that work for ya.
Im trying to find stuff this year to keep and work some lines of some stuff.
Anyone got some cool shit they been running outdoor in your parts over generations?
Let’s hear it…

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I have no successful experience with acclimatizing bag seed to outdoor growing but - there is always the old Canadian standby, Friesland.
There is even a tweaked back-cross, Freezland from a Dutch seed company as well.

According to “The Big Book of Buds” (2001) there used to be a few other Canadian strains:
Americano (a NL xSkunk cross)
Atomic Northern Lights
BC Big Bud
. 5 different Blueberry crosses
Hawiian Sativa
Island Sweet Skunk
Max 49
Ultra Skunk
Willy Jack Brainer

Looking at the flowering times, I think the majority of these are outdoors in BC only.
It might be an idea for a project to have a closer look at the quicker Indica strains to see what could be recreated with available genetics.
Big Book of Buds is readable on-line and well worth having a look as there is some interesting back stories there.



Agreed. Unacceptable. Exploitation.


Yea @Gpaw Im familiar with Freisland/Freezeland
Good Freeze has that detergent/pinsol thing to it.
She would flower in July for me, and be done by mid Sept.
WOuld make for a great plant for someone who needs bud to be done by early-mid Setember. Its perfect for that.
They are photo sensitive (like a semi-auto)so I would run them at least 20/4 lit. I wouldnt drop below 5-6 dark hours or she may trigger.
They dont reveg well.
I would def recommend this strain tho for those who need their gear in on time. Hempdepot carries some Freeze hybrids. I personally recommend the DurbanXFreeze. Total head high, great stuff.


The B.C. Hawaiian Sativa is goregous!!
A menthol sticky mess. Some are candied like Hazy, some just menthol. 10-12 week finisher tho. Makes a good hybrid plant also.
Highly recommended.


The Romulan can be some serious meds!! Ive heard of it floating around some Cali clubs back in the dispensary days.
One of my top 3 all time plants ever was a Romulan X Mikado. Found a pheno that was a super-tart plant. almost like putting a battery to your tongue. The calyxes had distinct bracting. Different from everything else. (R.I.P. Federation Seed Co). Havent come across anything like that since then. Kicking my ass to ever let it die.


That SHIT strain that flowers in 35 days is probably our best bet here in Manitoba…or just straight autos. Snow in May is not unheard of…so put out in early June and hopefully finished before end of September when we dip to frost in the morning. Daylight hours are still 13+ hours of daylight at the end of sept…so you need something that’ll start flowering with 14 hours of daylight…or a greenhouse to extend flowering.

Tried doing a super silver haze outdoors…got to about 6 feet tall, but by the end of october it still hadn’t thrown a single hair…was kind of a let down, but should have known better.


ouch! yea.
It would work excellent in your condition. Handles weather well.
Timewarp is also a well known cultivar from the west coast in B.C. Its buzzy for its quick flower time.
Ive heard some C99 are quick flowering.