The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

To go where?


that is a good question
Our needs are different that most and would be looking at somewhere south of the equator where we can just live our remaining years in peace.
Possibly the balkans but a person is not immune to the world’s problems moving their but a whole lot of people my wife’s family knows that live here are selling everything and leaving canada. Many Yugoslavs that are my age say 50 and older are also doing the same as they have seen the path Canada is on before in their countries (so they tell me) and want no part of it. One of my best friends who had a thriving company in BC lowermainland… Selling the business to his two sons , selling the daughter the family home at 1/2 market value and he’s taking his retirement money and moving to Poland to his girlfriends family’s large country farm/estate. Crazy.
I don’t want to leave Canada but I’m at odds with the path the country is on. I was asked previously in this thread to avoid bringing politics into the conversation so I have to check myself and stop there haha.
Personally I would like to sell everything, buy a small rural property in alaska and live my remaining years in peace and quiet. My wife made her career in health care and is in demand in any country she chooses pretty much but she wants sun and sand and a flat on a beach in south america or move back to the balkans along the ocean somewhere.
We’ll figure it out
If things drastically improve for the better in Canada in the near future maybe we will stay but the writing is kinda on the wall. I’m a gun owner and a hunter and under attack on all sides for that cultural pursuit so I don’t think “my kind” is welcome in my own country. I have to stop there. someone can change the topic if they like

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Things dont improve by people just leaving. If someone wishes for a certain thing to change then they should work to change it. Just one guys opinion.


More than one Doug.


Unfortunately this is a double edged sword, as some people have really jerky wishes :rofl:

I used to work in a bookstore and retirees would come in droves to buy guidebooks to Costa Rica. Somebody must have let out the secret it was a nice place to retire.

If even half of the people I talked to decided to emigrate then that country must be overrun with geriatrics by now. Or not, this was a decade ago.


I used to go to CR a lot. The last time I was there it was overrun by the party crowd, they were building condos and gated communities all over the place. Prices of everything had skyrocketed. I’ll still go, but I’ve written off the NW coast a long time ago.

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I guess they finally made it there, and managed to ruin it for everyone.

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It has been overrun by geriatrics.

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Anyone here eaten Fresh is Best brand salsa or tortilla chips, or seen their products in grocery stores? The website says they sell all across Canada but I’ve only seen their products on the west coast.

When I was in Kamloops I saw a chili pepper wearing a sombrero atop a building and decided to investigate. In the parking lot of the building there was a folding pavillion where they served me copious amounts of salsa and smoked black bean dip. It was absolutely chronic.

The lady serving me said it was unlikely the dips would survive the drive to Vancouver and the subsequent flight back to Ontario so I was not able to bring any home with me. Devastated, I had to settle for a few bottles of hot sauce which were similarly delicious.

If ever you have the opportunity to enjoy snack products endorsed by a spokespepper wearing a sombrero, don’t miss your chance.

TL;DR I like salsa. :hot_pepper::garlic::tomato::onion:


I’ve never seen one around my area. After googling it I think it is just a Kamloops things.
Edit: my mistake, they got one in Vancouver as well.


I think I visited the factory itself, but I did see their salsa in the grocery store in Kamloops.

Sad to hear it’s not ubiquitous throughout B.C., or all of Canada for that matter. Great snacks are out there right now going uneaten.


Have some in the fridge right now :+1:

came from Save On Foods, lower mainland


I will have a look next time I go.


Okay fellow canucks!

I am about to renew my acmpr, and was wondering if anyone has glowing recommendations, I fully understand the pay to play notion, but want to see if there is a clear leader in terms of fair prices and service.


I use, prices are not bad and they are super easy to deal with.


People pay for this?

Mine’s free… I just go through a cannabis clinic doctor. Never paid a cent.

edit: To expand on this @sprinklememaynee I went to my family doctor and told her I was interested in using cannabis to treat a specific condition that they diagnosed me with. She referred me to a cannabis clinic doctor. I told that doctor the same thing, they asked how much I would use and wrote me a prescription. I included that prescription with my application for a ACMPR and it came in the mail a few weeks later. I was not aware that people paid for this license. Canadian doctors are getting pretty liberal with this stuff now. I’d just talk to your doc and see what they can do for you. Don’t take no for an answer.


I also use license to grow. That reminds me I need to renew mine. Sucks the process takes so long and is only good for a year. I could be wrong but I feel like the prices have gone down.

@NorthNorthNugs You’re pretty lucky. My family doctor sucks and would never sign off on this. I haven’t seen her in a decade+ because of that. It’s a shame there’s a massive shortage of family doctors in my city/likely the country and I can’t even switch from one that I don’t like at all and avoid/don’t trust. Most people I know that got it through their doc also seem to have lower limits but I’m not sure if that’s a common thing or not.

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Ya I didn’t realize this was a difficult thing for them to sign off on. She gave me some push back and made comments like “I’d like to wait until there’s further research” etc, but I insisted and just kept pushing back until she gave me the referral. Ultimately it’s your own body and they should do what you ask or find a new doctor. The first cannabis doctor I had I complained about him bc he was a real tight ass. I asked for a new doctor and the second one was much cooler. He bumped my plant count up and everything. Some times you just have to put your foot down with these doctors. Ultimately they will typically listen to you unless they have evidence that cannabis will kill you somehow… which is hard to prove.


Yes. As long as you intelligently informed about your treatment options they will do what you say within reason. Sometimes you need to be a dick about it though


Ya man exactly. If you’re like “I need crack cocaine bc I get headaches”, that shit aint gonna fly.