The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Bury it up to the first set of leaves, it will root. :seedling:

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Beauty of a day, last races of the season!


That looks fun :+1:

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@Fitzera are those ice gokarts or modified mowers in that second pic at the races?
I wish someone around here would organize winter racing events here. Our lake is 11km long and 1km wide, would be awesome for some tracks to race on. Maybe I will plow a track next year. i have an old craftsman die hard II , 5speed 18hp lawn tractor I keep meaning to tear down and turn it into a racer. Maybe if I build one and plow a track and race around on it… the locals will catch on hehehe


Those are quads, my buddy rides a modified banshee and those other two are modified 450s. They run professional studded tires…they rip! There are a couple side by side classes as well, probably like 8 different dirt bike classes and a few for quads.
Another buddy of mine rides one of the bike classes but blew up he engine last year and didn’t get his new one together in time. It’s such a good time and usually a really good turn out of races and spectators.
I’d suggest contacting your local dirtbike/utv club if there is one to see about setting something up, that’s why puts these ones on here.
But for lawnmowers I’m not sure what you would need to do…obviously these races have insurance and are allowed by the local towns they happen at and all that jazz

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:crossed_fingers: it’s a preggo female and it makes more for the neighbourhood!


Haha they are creepy little guys but I’ve known the benefits of them forever. About 19 years ago I was doing outdoor in my backyard as well. Usually 6-8 big 6-7” monsters surrounded by my veggies etc. the rats would constantly take bites out of everything and ruin food crops, I had mesh over it all etc. I noticed a couple possums living behind my garage and my neighbours in some old wood and stuff he was saving. I was told they kill rodents etc. so I took off the mesh to see what would ensue. Within about a week I noticed the rats had stopped eating the fruits/veggies almost entirely, all the fallen rotten stuff was always cleared up, only downfall was they would get in my garbage day after day, no matter what I did, they even pushed over cans with cinder blocks on top! Smh one day I came home to my neighbor sitting on my stoop he’s like “I need your help with a varmint! “ huh? He points to a metal trash can on his driveway, I knew instantly but prayed he didn’t kill it…… walked over to a youngish possum playing dead. He’s like I’m gonna drown the prick since the ammonia isn’t working. Apparently he had been placing rags with ammonia on his fence and under etc. by his pool which he was told would burn their nose and scare them away. I finally convinced him to let me take it to the woods out of town in a huge forest. We went and laid the garbage can down and drove/walked away while it scampered off into the woods. I never saw them again but saw signs they were still around protecting my yard. I garnered a new respect for possums through all of that. One other cool thing …. They have a two headed penis! Haha


When the feral cats kill the rats, we leave the corpses where they lay and within a few days it’s gone. They LOVE bones as they need a lot of calcium and tend to stay close to water sources… we have 3 year round so our ecosystem is totally working as we had hoped for everyone’s benefit!!!



Hey Everyone ! So I met a local guy recently and picked up some clones. Buddy seemed truly passionate about collecting strains and very well conected so I don’t have any reason to not assume all these clones are legit.

I got Breeder Steve’s cut of sweet skunk, Roberts creek congo (directly from white buffalo seeds), Fraser vally Blue berry, banana punch (karma cup winner), Rene and Blue moonshine x Fraser vally blue berry. This weekend I’m picking up a BC blueberry (good outdoors) and the original Texada timewarp that this gentalman has been holding for 35 years.

I’m super excited about this score and if there’s anything in this list that you need to have shoot me a message and will ship some Canadian legends out.


Those are some great strains Rene haven’t heard that one in years. From what I remember it was kick ass.


I’m litterally exploding right now for you over this.


Texada Timewarp!!!


Some of those sound pretty interesting. I might have to hit you up for a few of those at some point if possible. I’m not sure what fraser valley blueberry is or BC blueberry for that matter but I’ve been searching for the old blueberry that me and some buddies smoked for years back in the early to mid 2000s. I’ve had tons of blueberry since then and it just isn’t the same. The more recent stuff I’ve seen smells more like blueberry/sweaty socks and the buds are way denser. The stuff I remember (which might be pretty foggy by now) was pretty lime green and had a blueberry but also somewhat skunky smell to it. I haven’t seen it since around 2006. I’m sure it was around for longer though since at the time a lot more Canadian growers were still growing old stuff. Not so much anymore.


Rene, that brings back so many memories!


Fabulous score! :+1:

Congratulations, I got to smoke that Banana Punch last summer… Enjoy!



Goddammit profanity expletive fuck.

So I’m a champion for bagged milk.

I just cut my thumb on the little plastic toggle that keeps the bag shut.

I still maintain bagged milk is the best but we need to address this toggle issue.

I suggest a multi million dollar think tank funded by the federal government.

Maybe they will appoint me minister of milk affairs. It needs to happen.

I’m going to go lick my wound.

Have a lovely snow day.


You’re a true warrior!

Heal well my friend.


Rt. Honorable Foreigner Minister of Lactating Affairs.

A man of the people, I am.

And thank you.


I hope your milk bag feels better soon. :upside_down_face: