The Canadian Contingent (Part 2)

I’m going to start buying disposable plastic bags on Amazon in bulk.


Do you just burn all your plastic milk bags down by the stream?


I use them to suffocate deer. Hunting like a true sportsman.

I’m going to do the same thing with plastic straws.


I’ll keep buying bikes. Gotta do my share. Need more two smokes


You’re thinking of sea turtle hunting…that’s what the straws are for.


Sea turtle = good eating.


I never really feel full unless I get some micro-plastics.


Due to new regulations those plastic bits on your bikes must now be replaced with cardboard.


And not that fancy cardboard…that real shit cardboard.


Show me a petition that says we shouldn’t rape the commons in search of profit and I will sign it.

My expensive coffee beverage comes in a plastic cup with a plastic lid but I get a cardboard straw. It’s ridiculous.


I got lots of plastic cardboard :no_mouth:


Since when were 4 strokes referred to as two smokes?

Some nice kids bikes you got there :stuck_out_tongue:

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Said I needed more two smokes :wink: Only got the 2. Small bikes are for friends and family


Well played sir lol

What year is the YZ and how do you like it ?

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Got 3 YZ lol. Both YZ250s are my go to. The new YZ250FX is a 23 and super fun in the forest. Love how I can tune everything on my phone and can hold 2 maps to switch between. The CRF450 doesn’t get ridden enough lol

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Guessing the black one beside it is also a YZ . The color threw me off lol

I am a huge Honda guy and I am not a fan of the 450. Not quite a dirt bike , not quite an adventure bike. High price point and frequent maintenance requirements.
I would take your YZ over a 450 anyday.


this winter has been wierd but it’s all cyclical.
I have kept a hunting and fishing log since I was young. It details all kinds of things from stream heights and river flows to lake ice thickness and spring melt.
The exact same weather patterns my area is experiencing right now occurred for 4 years in the 80’s. No safe ice on the lakes till january and very dry summers.
The patterns also match the area I grew up which is 5 hrs of hwy driving to the south and down at sea level.
I am not a climate change denyer … though my words may sometimes give that impression.
However, back in the 80 when the anomalous weather was happening… the powers that be convinced an entire generation that humanity was doomed unless we changed our ways because of the ozone layer.
Humanity didn’t change it’s ways (as a whole) and the ozone layer miraculously healed itself according to well know documentation from NASA.
I do not believe that paying carbon tax will stop climate change like so many climate crisis fanatics are shreeeking. That in itself is a scam on humanity and is only making the rich, richer and crooked governments cash to pilfer.
I believe that the mining of elements required for EV battery production is both environmentally damaging and rife with human rights abuse at mine sites all over 3rd world countries. I also believe that the processing of these materials into batteries is also extrememly bad for the environment not to mention what the world will face when these batteries need to be recycled by the millions once we are all mandated , forced, to drive ev or don’t drive at all. The massive reliance of an electrical grid and vehicles mass wired to GPS and intrusive software… one natural disaster affecting that grid and everyone is hooped.
Tyranical governments can also deny you the ability to use your vehicle by remotely switching it off.
Climate change is something humanity must adapt to , evolve with, not try and dominate and defeat… that is not possible, So really there is no climate crisis… only a crisis for those who are unable to adapt or evolve with it. Soon seas level areas will need to relocate to higher ground, it;s that simple.
The earth has done this before, we just have to roll with it or perish.


So, what will happen when everyone has electric cars and need to plug in to get to work the following morning when the grids are not as good as people think , I know that for years here in NS the large commercial consumers of electricity are on notice that they may have power cut back during peak demand , a lot of work needs to be done .


EV’s are nothing more then a bait and switch on the products we consume.
Our society has been made to have such a singular focus ( making money ) , that it is all our so called educated people are able to do.

It has nothing to do with the environment or anything else. It is simply marketing. The same thing that controls how most people even think.

We don’t need new products to consume. We need an entirely different way of living. One that is much less manmade and consumable .

The robots may make out fine though…


So , as life has thrown me a few curveballs, a bit of housing insecurity, a new potentially life ending unknown allergy and a few other things, I did start a 90 day contract as a casual federal employee, yes, I did pass my “Top Secret” clearance level .
Sure am glad that they didn’t ask for the contact list in my phone lol
As soon as I get a bit of ferment production happening I will make some 95% ethanol available to any of us Northerners that can’t get any 95% in their province .
I will ask for a little bit of cost coverage and postage paid, not in it to profit .
Let me know if interested , I will make a list .