The Canadian Contingent (Part 2)

Here’s a few of the plants I have going in the raised beds. Just got them out there a few weeks ago (I know very late but better then not) The smaller ones are from @OriginalDankmaster96 Island Crippy, Pressure Skunk, CripXmas A2 fem, Dankmaster Crippy and the larger plant is from @Kyumonryu its a (Kush4 x Sunshine Daydream) x Puck3


Yeah I know…I’m hoping it can hold a ball park within 1level above and below to indicate if I’m close and run another soil test (this was my thought)…I’m a spent 40 on the soil PH and Nutrient test kits and let the Probe be…Never had or used 1 but Never heard or known them to be reliable but, I thought maybe with New Technology …:man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:…Salute @DougDawson Thank U for Sharing :muscle::muscle::muscle:

( Oh & @DougDawson U say Mulch because Wood will lower the PH??? Or is it for another reason


Outside of JAMAICA, CANADA is top 3 in Great Tasting Jerk Chicken, Beef, Pork etc…Hands Down


@Hashpants …Sorry that last question I asked @DougDawson was meant for U…In regars to the Mulch…My Bad…


Mulch will even out the soil moisture levels, which will help with ph fluctuations. Straw or rice hulls are good mulch.



I am not sure its your ph

I would go more with septoria
usually its the rain that bring it in
I used citrus acid / lactic acid
you may need more then one treatment
but it usually go away

The one I used is name BioProtec
it help to also use some dormant oil
it will stick it to the leaf when you do
had a few drop of dish soap.



There ya go, from the man himself :metal::metal:

What about running water through the media and testing the runoff? That’d be pretty accurate, no?

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Those sound really nice

@Barefrog I’ve heard of Septoria but not sure what it is…I will read Up on it & the application of Citrus/Lactic Acids & see what I can afford when I hit the shops…Thank U for sharing & Teaching…Appreciate U​:muscle:t5::muscle:t5::muscle:t5:

@luxton They’re in the ground so no Run off to collect
…I did make a Soil Slurry (Soil from garden "dissolved in water) & applied Vinegar to 1 sample & Baking Soda to a second sample to see the reaction…I’ll grab a Soil test kit this weekend to get a more precise reading of the Soils PH level…I will wait until I do the soil test B4 I make any major decisions on what I apply to the soil…I will most likely purchase the Acids Suggested by @Barefrog ( sounds like a foliar application, I’ll research & inquire 1ce I get there) …And If there is a PH problem I’ll start there…Salute to U and Respect Family :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Best of luck man, I hope whatever it is clears up for ya! There are some amazing growers here, I’m sure someone will know how to best help :grin::ok_hand:

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I’d never seen Septoria until last summer when we got all the rain. It hasn’t raised its ugly head, yet, but I’m keeping my eyes out for it this year. I beat it down with hypochlorous acid.


Good morning @IndicaDominanT . I’ve got that slurry test and 2 different probe style. Just different manufacturers. I think they’re good enough to see what direction you need to go.


I totally agree they might work the very first time and then after that I would never trust them.


Thanks @CanuckistanPete , @crownpoodle , @THCeed , @luxton , @Barefrog , @DougDawson , @Hashpants …Salute​:muscle::muscle::muscle:…I Appreciate all knowledge & experience shared…:pray::pray::pray::pray:

Did a Read on Septoria & It does look like what I’m experiencing…My go to Shop has Cyclone it Contains Both Citric/ Lactic Acids

Screenshot_20240724-194839_Samsung Internet|243x500


I would wait to see if it spreds. Could’ve been a one time thing. It’s almost impossible to eliminate anyway. It’s a product of its environment


I am getting it pretty bad on a couple of plants. It rains almost everyday here. Always a heavy dew at night. I remember reading about you making your own. I think I might have to.


It’s a great product that doesn’t get enough love on here. I think the name “hypochlorous acid” scares a lot of people off. If they saw how’s its made (water/vinegar/uniodized salt) they’d laugh at their concern.


@Foreigner, the beans have landed!! Thank you


@IndicaDominanT are you using city water? I stopped using tap as it had a high PH and a lot of cholramine and chlorine in it (Scarbs).

Now I only use rain water (water barrel collection) for my outdoors as I have the space to set this up. Otherwise getting an inline filter for your garden hose does a world of good.

I say all this because the last time I saw the issues in your images with my own plants was due to the tap water fucking up my shit. This being said, I’m also getting the expected yellowing of the lowers as my plants lift off getting ready for flowering. :ok_hand:


This could be the case too. I cant account for this as I’ve been fogging with H0Cl like @CanuckistanPete also mentioned since last year and that keeps all those pathogens in check.

I think he got the H0Cl generator I also got which make 1L of the stuff in less than 1/2 hr.