The Canadian Contingent (Part 2)

They used to teach firearm safety in school when I was younger. Hunter Conservation course and it was great. Army cadets and reserve forces made me more interested in rifles and managed to get a Marksman certificate. I believe a lot more people need to learn and respect firearms, and home defence is still a thing. If they get past my 3 dogs and survive the wife’s wrath, they probably need a loud reminder not to f**k around here.


Just remember as my fater taught, after you take them down, fire a warning shot. :v:


… Was your father’s name … Bob?.. :thinking:


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Lol, nope, Doug Dawson :v:


I’ve never even held a gun before. Things die with them. No take backsies, and I’ve never had a use for one.
I’m cool with hunting and hunters. But if I was on Alone, the show. I’d be a fisherman :smirk:.


I hear ya, they land in the hands of many people that don’t use them responsibly/sensibly. I’m not a hunter I just like target shooting, although it’s been years since I have done that.
Never seen that show, but if I had to survive off fishing I’d die pretty quick. :laughing:
All I ever catch is a buzz. :crazy_face: :rofl:


you could set snares as well, I do enjoy that show.


I get that perspective but also don’t see fishing as any different from hunting. But I get it. I have never wanted to hurt a critter but have hunted for food.


Noooo, that’s a slow ass painful death. The earth curteling screams. That would be about the only time I’d want a gun and 1 bullet. Put it out if it’s misery.
As for fishing v hunting, it’s visual I guess for me as well fish kinda win with catch n release, if I’ve got a full grill at the cottage.
I never understood growing up. Watching Sunday morning hunting shows. Hunters with their kids. “Look at this beautiful specimen of a buck, so majestic. Strong. Had offspring and a family”
Now pull the trigger slowly son, and never let anyone see it again.
Now that was me as a kid. Now I understand hunting, hunters and the need for it. As well the rules and regulations.
So how bout just making a gun for hunting. 2 bullets max in the chamber, bolt action.


I have been shooting twice. Once in Canada where you have to take a one hour lesson and then the instructor hovers over you and essentially pulls the trigger for you.

I have been shooting in Texas where they just went “here’s a gun go nuts.”


Damn you guys have to turn up in person to renew? F**k that noise! Thankfully it is all online now in the UK for anything Gov ID related (When it works!)


Only when you need a new picture. Otherwise you can just do it online.

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This is why the guns I guess.


the wife and i got our pal a few years ago just because! Friday is date night we go to the gun range we are members at send box of 50 a piece down range mostly at the 25 yard range low score buys supper any Canadian that wants to go shoot with me in Chatham area 22lr is what i have to offer anytime i do not need an excuse to go i will supply the guns and ammo you have to pay 20 bucks as anon member to play 99.9 percent i am the only one out there and gun guys are not much diff than us they love to show off the hobby OFFER OPEN


just caught this. Sorry for your loss brother. It’s always hard and we never forget them.
Missing our Lucy bad… probably more than is healthy. The only plus side is now the deer are in the back yard every day almost. Downside… now I have to chase the black bears out of the yard… that was Lucy’s job LOL Opened the front door last week thinking someone was coming up my front stairs to knock on the door… I opened it and only to be greated by a black bear standing there like it wanted to come in LOL
might be time for another dog


When you spend thousands of hours in the forest, a very real and truthful natural reality is revealed to you. You dont have to wonder anymore what your part is in the natural world. Its not shameful or unnatural to kill animals for food. The study and understanding of a respectful hunter only helps to strengthen the herd. That hunter is properly ensconced in the natural order and doesnt need permission to fulfill his part. Television hunters are a bit removed from the real process , to say the least.


I was listening to a radio show about hunting and the takeaway was shooting rhinos in Gambia(I think) isn’t a bad thing. Older males become aggressive and a risk to the herd so they sell tags to shoot those older males.

A form of conservation.


Trophy fees there is whats used to protect the remaining Rhinos and Elephants.Conservation prevents poaching. Hunters pay the bill.


I’m a city boy but have no issue with subsistence hunting or even properly managed trophy hunting.


So, what does a country boy need to bag a trophy wife in the big city and should it be catch and release only ?

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