The Canadian Contingent (Part 2)

I will mount her head on my wall.

 you said mount her.


And head too


Did you mean “mount against the wall” ?

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Somethinga going against that wall.


Either way: stuffed.


Stuffing is a great idea !
The kind that goes with turkey ?

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Up to the stuffer’s discretion.

Sausage stuffing ?

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Now you’re cooking with gas

Well farts are bound to happen.


Yes but I tend to time them for the elevator.

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Up and down stuffing is good, just as good as in and out stuffing .

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Just stay away from the celery. No celery.

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Agreed for safety reasons.


Celery has its place
 when appropriately lubed!


Fibrous and not easy to lubricate.

You beat me to it

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I was once chastised by a smart ass teenage daughter of a friend of mine down in the city. She ripped into me about hunting and how cruel I must be to kill beautiful animals and how scared they must be when they got shot. I got my friend to fire up youtube and proceeded to show her videos of grizzlies killing elk and cariboo, packs of wolves hunting and killing moose
 ect. Some of them were very graphic and she didn’t want to watch
 neither did I for that matter but to prove a point. Then I showed her a few hunting video kill shots and the results were remarkably different. The animals were mostly unaware of a hunter dropping the dime on them and they died quickly. Contrast that with the death these animals recieve at the claws and jaws of predators and it is pretty sickening to watch. Those animals die is terror and pain every time they are killed by predators. Man has to eat too and I showed her some videos from the slaughter line 
 where the store bought meat comes from
 then back to the hunter, butchering his kill and making sausage and filling the freezer with quality free range natural meat.
To her credit, she sat through the whole hour + of youtube videos and my commentary/thoughts as an ethical hunter who’s meat comes from the land and not the store. I truly believe I completely changed her mind and undid all her assumptions about hunters and hunting itself.
The meat has to come from somewhere, I choose it from the wild places.


Either that or bow hunt soybeans