The Canadian Contingent (Part 2)

Hmmmm , I’ve got some ideas lol. I feel you it’s ridiculous the crap people can get away with. Especially cops. I always remember the old adage. “If you can’t do the time, do the crime IN CANADA” :man_facepalming:t2:

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On a similar Canadian crime note if I were to run into the people responsible for threatening scam robocalls in mandarin I’d go to fucking jail.

They should both be burned to the ground and pay my phone bill because they’ve basically ruined it for me.


Haha for me it’s the “duck cleaners” but EVERYTIME I tell them “I own a duck farm with 1200 mallards” and ask “how much per bird “they hang up.


I get them too.
And the CRA is going to put me in jail.
And I have a very expensive package but I have to pay lots of money to get it.
Or I’ve won a free vacation.

To be scammed in English, press 1
To be scammed in French, press 2

Full disclosure: my grandfather got scammed by scammers using MY name saying I was in jail and needed 5 grand etc etc. that was a fun conversation.


Planted too early. Sure it was supposed to stay above freezing last night. If they survive under those trash cans they should end up being good Hardy plants


Oh man, did they get him for the 5 gs? Pricks that really grinds my gears there’s a special place in hell for those who take advantage of or hurt the elderly :rage:


They did yes. Then they said they needed 10 more which they did not get.

Then he called me up copping a huge attitude and I had no idea what he was talking about.

The scam is this, I’ve heard it verbatim from other sources:

“Your relative X was helping somebody move but there was a small car accident and it turns out the car was full of drugs and they need cash to prevent relative X from having a criminal record.”


Bastards, sooooo terrible!

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It was a weird experience. I mean, I’ve been busted before and gone “ok you got me.” But this was being busted for something I didn’t do or even know about.

The line that convinced him was “if I were in jail do you think you could reach me on my phone?”

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This is why I hate people…. :weary:


There was a funny article about the same scam on an old lady and she said sure I’ll go to the bank come on by in 4 hours and I’ll have the money for you. Busted. Very clever.

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Yes! There’s some very clever ones, I could see my grandpa doing that while he was alive.

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Like @chronix said, it’s an Expeert Grill from Wallmart. Not a name I know but it looked good and I like the versatility. Having a charcoal side intrigues me.


Thing looks badass @DougDawson truly. I’m jealous if u saw my grill you would laugh it’s definitely on its last legs


I see you folks chatting about scams

Kijiji scams of someone asking for your email/phoe number to send you money for an item you sell is a scam.

I was drunk and allllmost clicked on it the other day hah!

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Yeah, mine is too. It’s rotted from the ground up. I changed the burners year before last but it’s just not stable. The one I grabbed was only $428, was close enough to 420 that I just had to, lol.


Some of them are very smart. I got a text one saying my bank card with ###XXX has been compromised.

The thing is the first numbers are all the same so at first glance…

It’s a nice Q. Much better than my last one that routinely caught on fire :joy:

I’m in the same position, last year I threw charcoal in around the burners to plug the holes, (no joke) hoping to replace in the near future. Now I want one like yours….

Seems like there’s a scam for everything nowadays.

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