The Canadian Contingent (Part 2)

I break them in half, stick them on my finger and fling them at people. That’s what their for.


Doug Dawson: instigator of violence.


It’s only violence of it causes permanent damage. Old school rules.


And that’s why I always carry around with me a sack of oranges. Unless it’s winter.


Now not to get into bags vs jugs but just my beef in general

Lucerne dammit why cant you have an adequate cap on your 4 liters yet you have gone to the safety seal second pull BS with a shitty cap… the latter being the reason for the former.

Lay that sucker sideways cause you know fridge space, instant leak and me having a box glued to the glass shelf come morning with subsequent clean up.

Needless to say took my Dairyland 4L cap from my recycling and threw it on the lucerne jug go figure no damn leak.

Guess that what i should expect from Albertan/Quebec milk producers they just want my milk to be a separatist from its jug in its own fashion, and in comes BC to save the day and just keeping things where they should till needed. :joke:


Hey y’all! I got a new Secret Jarden DP90 (dark propogater) tent for $100 for Astral Grow having a redonk sale!

This is now gonna be my primary breeding tent as it’s 3ft long, 2feet deep and a little over 3ft tall! With the fixture inside i’ll have 30" of headroom for the plants which is MUCH better than my Mammoth propagator tent which is shorter but deeper.

Sharing the link in-case anyone was looking for a small breeder or male jail tent that isn’t a micro-tent.



Yet another milk tragedy that could have been avoided.

Donate today to help prevent it from happening in the future. I suggest “dear milk guys”


Saw a fella walking down the street wearing a complete MapleLeaf outfit.
I thot of this.


He must of lost the bet. :rofl:


If anyone uses this…
Just got an email that the 2k bag of Bud Explosion is finally back in stock… Or they found their lost skid at some amazon warehouse :roll_eyes:
I had ordered some Reefertilizer Bloom to try, but just grabbed a bag of the BE to work with my mega crop 1part…cus I’m a noobian :space_invader:


Ugh…was it one of those liberty tax mascots? Just to remind us that it’s time to pay to have someone calculate the money being taken from us…lol

That is a great deal!

Have you seen the Secret Jardin line of exhaust fans and charcoal filters? Not suggesting you need one, just that they are very cool looking.


A buddy of mine asked if I wanted to go see a new native dispensary that just opened in town, “Sure, whynot .” I said .
My buddy has been in the biz in one form or another for several years and knows a lot of the local players .
A buddy of his said that it was nice and well laid out .
We walk in , clean, well lit, nice vibe .
“Hey xxxx how you been !” from behind the counter then " Hey man xxxx ! Where the phocque you been ?" as a fella came out from the back office .
We got the grand tour and some schwag lol
Nice setup, you can see and smell the product and they pretty much have a full product line of anything available .
Your purchases do not come from the sample jars .
Private labeling , native theme, from 2$g to 13$g on green.
Again, nice setup, native theme, only saw non-native peeps while I was there .


Wow, what the heck are they selling for $13 a gram?

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The old days.


Doug, send me your addy, I’ll send you some “Kmac” for you to taste , you tell me what this “Kmack” is , I’ll be happy.
They have some other “Quads” , my buddy bought a few so I’ll know tomorrow.
I did buy some black tuna, I’ll give it to a friend of mine for christmas that loves the tuna strain , I’ll know if that one is real lol


I did notice that I do have access to some of their listed products .
My price is way better and my sparkle sticks are prettier lol


Is that place on the Hammonds plains rd opposite the casino there🤔

Right across from the gates at CFB stadacona

FYI Canada Seedz has a sale going on. Looks like they have a new drop from Sacred Cut, $60 packs and some of the older stuff on sale. And a few other packs from other breeders on sale.