The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Thanks brother I have to definitely give that a try



Thanks to u both …ye we will all follow this grow.

Vivar la vida


I’m thinking ahead…there young just now…thinking to nip at fourth node…but head room is no problem in greenhouse…I might do it flip two at a time after they six week old…out o veg different times. We see how it goes next few weeks…

Loving the responce.


Hawaiian growers use Papaya.


I was at a lot of rock and roll concerts. We were outside the one at the fairgrounds in Monterey in '67. The one and only Monterey Pop. Too young to get in then. Biggest Dead show I went to was the Who-Dead in 1976 or 1977 at the Oakland Coliseum. The Dead played in the East Bay and broadcast live on Channel 2 or Channel 36 live for many New Years Eves. They also played in SF a lot around GG Park. So did the Jerry Garcia Band, and several other Dead spin offs like Phil and Friends, Further, and The Other Ones. The Warlocks/Dead, the Doobies and Neil Young/Crazyhorse were local background bands. Bill Graham had a lot of rock shows then. At the Who-Dead concert we were 20 feet from the stage. I was deaf for a week after that. Kieth Moon was still alive then and Roger Daultry still had his voice. The Dead was the warm-up band that day. About all I remember was that they lost it in the middle of one set, and just stopped and stared at each other. We were soooooooooo stoned we did not care.

We were spoiled with all the Rock and Roll there. Locals like Greg Kihn live at the Barn at Mission Ranch in Carmel, The Kinks live in Santa Cruz, Neil Young and Crazy Horse playing at the Old Sash Mill in Santa Cruz all the time, the Who coming to Winterland (I was not at the session where Kieth Moon passed out, but several of my friends were). Then there were all the SF Bay Area local bands like Starship, Journey, Santana, The Doobies, The Tubes (my favorite live shows early on), and LA bands like Eagles, Blondie, Jackson Brown and The GoGos, and British bands coming through town all the time. We went to see DEVO in Santa Cruz, but it sucked. They payed for all of 40 minutes and that was it. Some of the Days on the Green I cannot even recall who all played. They were all day events at the Oakland Coliseum. Bill Graham typically stacked 5 or 6 top rock bands back to back at them. The Who-Dead was a Day on the Green as well, but 2 bands that played for HOURS and HOURS. I also went to several Big Sur Folk Festivals and the Allman Bros always played at the River Inn in Big Sur on Sunday afternoons. There were always bigger local and international bands playing at the Catalyst in Santa Cruz as well, or at the Monterey Conference Center or Fairgrounds. Then we caught some more big bands at the Hollywood Bowl and the Forum in LA. Spirit (Randy California) and Led Zep among others. Then there were all the small bands that toured California bars, some got big like the GoGos and Greg Kihn. Then there were bands at state fairs and rec halls. So many of them I cannot recall half of them now. I was pretty stoned in those days. Like all the time. So were all my friends. And if were were not stoned, we would get stoned.

Ah, the late 1970s… the weed was good… the live music was really good… the women were good… and it was cheap to live in Central California then. Gas and rent were cheap. So were cigarettes. So was weed. Lots of good cheap weed. And stereos hi fi got good. I remember copping my first pound of Colombian and I overstayed my welcome as the seller had a McIntosh system and was playing Low Spark of High Heeled Boys. Dan na na… du duh…


Old Silversides daughter… this is what happens when they are started in 5 gallon containers… looks like it will take up a thousand watt light by itself lol.


have you ever grown out fruity juice by sensi? im having a hard time trying to get these beans for a preservation run im planning later. but have you smoked on this strain?

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Never grew this one. It has been around for a while, but I have never gotten any beans or grown it. Delicious Seeds say online that they have it in stock. They also ship to the states. This is not a Central American strain tho. Off topic? Its a cross of Afghan and Thai.


yes very off topic i know but i cant believe no one has grown these, i will try getting these for a run soon
nope, just tried said message only there seed and 2 others ship to the states.
guess ill see where else, thanks @PanchoVilla
back on subject though thanks for sharing the big slur stories man, i appreciate it,
i think i found my new favorite landrace and that being lambs bread, very nice


@Upstate @FattyRoots @YoBigdaddy

Three most Sativa plants. All well week from last fotos, the last foto ( the other ones …I’m sure will come on …but there is a difference.

30 days since germ foto.


I’m blown away at how fat some of the leaves are from this variety. At first glance I wouldn’t guess this is long flowering. ( not to worry. Mine looked the same early on.) Looking great!
I see a plant with red petioles. These had an incredible smell. Hope yours does too. We won’t know till flower.


Any AG porn for us? How are the plants doing?


What are Petioles?
…excuse mi ignorance



Petioles are where the stem connects to the leaf


They’re coming along. I was gonna take pics whenever they started showing preflowers so I could “update” instead of just posting veg porn haha

For anyone who’s interested in boring words/information…
You should’ve seen how they looked a few weeks ago — pissed off/dying. I scrambled and did a few tricks (mainly coconut water, cannazyme) which at least made them happy. The focus was to pamper the roots and let the rest fall into place. I also moved them to their own tent with a high intensity LED above them. They seem to really enjoy the high intensity light! That, and they do not like wet feet. Although within the last day or two I’ve noticed some heat stress… As it gets colder outside my heat turns on in the house more often; i’m working on a happy-medium now.

And as far as differences go between Bodhis & WoodstockFarmacy, there aren’t any — at least visually. WSF seem to be more sensitive to nutes oddly enough, but that can be coincidental. I did switch the cycle to 11/13 a few days ago. They have about 6ft of clearance before I have to start chopping tops — although I highly doubt they’ll stretch that far.


@Upstate @YoBigdaddy @FattyRoots @Gpaw

Double Panama red.

More veg porn LOL



Nice healthy white roots. Looking good. They’ll be having a growthspurt shortly.:grin:


New phone going. Wondering how the pictures others see are coming out compared to my old one. A few pics from this summers Oaxaca…



Might be pure imagination but that first picture looks like it could have been in the makeup of late 90s/ early naughties Skunk #1.