The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Anyone recall who is running the Corinto? @MantisTobogganMD was it you? Time to send it?
I’m supposed to send it right around now.


Wrong area but look at the stretch on afghan original #1 manifold


Hi, just opened my eyes now :sweat_smile:
It is as George says… Very very little. I buyed a bottle from the UK to spain from amz. And after filling my aquarium many times, it is almost full.
Mine was before they include scoop, so I was using a little eppendorf of 0,2ml to dosage.


Panama Red x Oxacan ( @Upstate )

Hi I flipped the PR x OX 3 weeks ago.

She is stretching now …and some nice side growth coming…Interesting!

What strain of P R did you use in the cross?




weatherman is calling it “graupel” and not snow. I think he’s only saying that because he knows the local school districts don’t reserve holiday time for “graupel days” and he just hates children :rage: (:rofl:)


So I’ve noticed a lot of the plants on this thread are basically a lanky main stem with just a couple branches. Is this because of genetics it’s just how these act or is how your trim/train your plants. This is for anyone to answer you just happened to have to closest example


Double Panama. Should be a good cross🤞 untested so be vigilant for nanners. Looking good! Flowering time should be 13-16 weeks but its possible a real long flower is in there.


These are pure Sativa plants in this thread. Most of us grow them 12/12 from seed. With a veg time side branches really come in, sometimes overgrowing your space. There are often lanky phenotypes but that’s a product of indoor growth. I like to see the form of the plants without messing with them too much if possible when growing them the first time, but no doubt topped and trained plants produce way better. Unfortunately one well trained and heavily topped sativa can fill your tent And it might not be a good 1. Better to have more plants, even scraggly ones, to have a good chance at something special. When you find a sativa keeper its really special smoke. Very Different too.
Keep an eye on the side branches of that most recent Pole plant. They are going to come in strong over the next few weeks.


Morning @upstate, a great delivery and Thanks for spelling it out like that.


Looks like tiny styrofoam balls, huh. It’s done that a few times here already. Two days ago specifically.


I don’t remember seeing snow like this growing up. Today we had some old fashioned snowflakes coming down which was refreshing. Being from New York I assure everyone that I have seen every form of precipitation known to man. Often in one day lol. Snow, sleet, ice, hail, mixed rain/ snow, mixed snow/rain, Thunder and lightning snow showers…and plain old rain.

It sure does. Styrofoam balls coming out of the sky is a new one for me. Do you think it’s temperature related or have you had this type of snow when it’s really cold? Sometimes lately it has had the consistency of sand. Heavy shit.


Maybe something like one of these?
I was reading yesterday that warm air in the atmosphere of the polar vortex is pushing cold air into the northern hemisphere, resulting in this latest winter storm. Perhaps the warm upper atmosphere is wetter as a result, causing irregular clumps as the snowflake crystals form.

Rimed Crystals
Clouds are made of countless water droplets, and sometimes these droplets collide with and stick to snow crystals. The frozen droplets are called rime. All the different types of snow crystals can be found decorated with rime. When the coverage is especially heavy, so that the assembly looks like a tiny snowball, the result is called graupel.
The first two pictures at right have relatively light rime coverage. The final example is completely covered with rime, but you can still see the six-fold symmetry of the underlying stellar crystal.

Irregular Crystals
The most common snow crystals by far are the irregular crystals. These are small, usually clumped together, and show little of the symmetry seen in stellar or columnar crystals.

Pictures here:


Wow. Nice scenery. When you mention New York or the NE United States in general, the first thing most people think of is urban sprawl. While there is no shortage of that, there is a whole lot more to NY than that.




We got the fluffy balls a couple days ago.
It needs to be just below freezing and no wind
(well, around here anyway… :grin: :vulcan_salute:) .



Yeah, Hawaiian was made with Mexi, Thai, Swazi, and Afghan from the 60s


Ok thank you for clearing that up I’ve been confused how all these plants have the weird lanky no branches. I get it that is what plants look like running 12/12 so it’s the sea of green approach kinda. I have some much I want to grow and 12/12 seems like the easiest way with one tent.
Also Ive been curious on the Oaxaca flowering time all I’ve seen is hybrids with crazy short flowering times. Is it a faster flowering sativa or is that a common pheno with sativa’s longer flower times. Sorry to ask so many questions but when I find something that excites me I go all in. Before I do I try to absorb as much info as I can. These true sativas have more than tickled my fancy. This many people saying it’s something special to me means that it’s something thanks for your patience and generousity y’all.



Hip Hip Hoory

Finally George……let the drums roll


Great harvest Arriba|nullxnull, hope it’s the first of many incoming… beer3|nullxnull


Awesome! Do you know the variety name by chance? Was looking at a variety banana pack from Miami fruit company but it’s so expensive for what you get. Just once I’d like to try some different bananas than the same ones I see at the grocery store.

It’s really just along the coast and in the larger river valleys that have the heavy concentrations of people. Upstate New York and North Carolina are about the same size with the same population of 7 million and 2 million of them here are in Buffalo and Albany area alone. Most places in New York you can take a piss facing the road, not that I would ever do such a thing lol. Heck, here i sometimes pee IN the road😁 …just because I can. More than 5 or 6 cars go by the house in a day and I start to complain about the traffic. I once mowed the lawn naked to make my couch bound wife smile after a rough neck surgery.
@420noob small containers make for skinny plants. The canopy mimics the container below if there is no training.
This is Oaxaca in the ground for 3 months, planted at a foot in height. Its 11 feet tall.

This Cryptic Labs Oaxaca flowers 13-16 weeks on average. Up to 20 weeks.