Cob curing - anyone do it?

This batch was super tastey, the first cobb I made didn’t stick around cause I kept smoking it. Patience is key in the regard that the potency arrives 1mo+ into the aging/cool cure process. If you can imagine a fermented fruit, like papaya or guava. Like Tropical with a spice complement, way smoother than jar cure - according to Sensei Tangwena 6 months will bring the potential forward.

@PineTarBastard OK - just be mindful of the temps with dehydrator. I was looking at those as well, but price wise seemed to be cheaper to go with the yogurt maker in my case. I think the Mulanje will be a prime candidate as from what I’ve heard it’s similar to Malawi Gold in it’s ‘profound experience’ potential - so you may be in for a very special treat. By all means, experiment with them all, would love to hear about your experiences with the different cultivars cobbed. Presuming you meant dry, my filipinos were already water restricted and drying out on the vine so to speak so I tested producing this batch of cobbs that were chopped and then cobbed within 24 to ~ 56 hours. There should be a decent amount of moisture content left, where the stems bend but don’t snap - some people say you should cobb before you’re ready to jar. Sensei Tangwena says that the plant should still be moist (and alive).

There is probably a bandwidth that is acceptable, but I don’t have enough experience to speak on what that is definitively. Instrumental pictures posted in earlier part of the thread, reposted again for reference >>>