The Dogs' House: La Perrera

I want to go to Spain, for culture, architecture and cannabis! This is a cross between Jethro Tull and Strunz & Farah!

Or at least it sounds like that to me!

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Rivalpo talkin bout Spanish Sativas Landraces, here from La Palma Island:


Asi que de una manera u otra todas las Landraces del nuevo mundo se deben al comercio y los immigrantes al nuevo mundo, yo no sabia que las canarias habian formado parte tan importante en la conquista del nuevo mundo! Muy interesante el articulo…

Desde el siglo 14 fuman weed en las canarias…! LOL

Seguro por eso fue que se pelearon los Cartagos y los Fenicios! LOLLOLOLOL

En la Península Ibérica el cannabis psicoactivo llega antes, en el siglo VIII y la conquista peninsular por el Califato Omeya de Damasco, @MadScientist.

In the Iberian Peninsula psychoactive cannabis comes earlier, in the eight century and the peninsular conquest by the Umayyad Caliphate of Damascus, @ Mad Scientist.

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Claro: Hernan Cortés encargó a Pedro Cuadrado el primer cultivo de cannabis psicoactivo.
Antes, el famoso capitán de Hernan Cortes llamado por los Amerindios “El Dios Tizón”, por ser de raza negra, había intentado germinar cannabis y naranjos en la costa este caribeña de Veracruz, consiguiendo al menos el primer naranjo de América…

Claro: Hernan Cortes commissioned Pedro Cuadrado the first active psycho cannabis crop. Before, the famous captain of Hernan Cortes called by the Amerindians “El Dios Tizón”, because of being black, had tried to germinate cannabis and orange trees in the Caribbean east coast of Veracruz, obtaining at least the first orange tree of America …

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Que bueno MiG, esa parte de la historia es totalmente desconocida para mi. Echate algun link para leer esa varas!

That’s good MiG, that part of history is totally unknown for me. Throw a link in to rread up on those!

Ok, @MadScientist: a ver y little history of psicoactivo cannabis in Spain:


I did move those lovely Dogs related threads here, its the best place imho

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A esto me refería (fotos de ahora)…
I was talkin bout this (pics token right now)…
Apollo11 X SmoothSmoke; Tropical Seeds (ramas secundarias/secundary branches):


Que buenas fotos mi hermano! Que no daria por un capullo de esos en mi mano!!!

…ese mismo atardecer de ayer en La Perrera, Purple Mexican; Cannabiogen :

… that same sunset yesterday in La Perrera, Purple Mexican; Cannabiogen:


…También el atardecer de ayer, King Congo; (Congo Point Noire X Highland SouthAfrican Ciskei, Tropical Seeds :


ddfnbb nbknml m,nkmlm, ,vvvvbvbv bbbbb bvcfgdrtdfd fsrser

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Do you know the cross n the breeders?
I’m only said what Glennorch tell me… N he showed both patentals… @supermigu is growin it right now…

Other time with Glenn Orch: in this pic he n “his people” are “polenizando” an Afropips Malawi with an Jamaicans Lambsbreed male from Collective Vibes. In the pic the plant is startin to produce seeds:

N this is a female Jamaican Lambsbreed from Colectivo Vibes, as the male used in the cross MalawiXJamaican showed before:

Salud, @Oilmev!

PD: I think maybe the father is a Jamaicans Lamsbreed’60s or '70s… But Jamaica’86 sounds me more to Jamaican’s Blue Montains’85 CannaBioGen…


GleenOrch has some fine genetics. I enjoyed the Mextiza seeds he gave to me, was some good stuff. :slight_smile:


GlennOrch’s friends, like @supermigu or ya, @Pineapple_Punch, are wellcomed as friends of mine too…


…así estamos… @MadScientist, si sabes como me pongo, pa’ que me invitas…dice al final, je…

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Esa frase la uso yo! Estas seguro que nadie te esta contando historias de mi MiG!!!??? Que casualidad LOLOLOLOLOL!

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fxfgdfgdfg hgfhftfhgf hfghfghfghf

Hola MIG,

Living on spain atm (moved about 1 year ago).
Still doing just indoor growing (journal in about a week, if the girls survive the current situation).
Really nice plants man ! I have a friend near me that we were doing a barbacoa on his terrace and then…

I am thining to grow an small plant at my little terrace but man, I am so afraid :fearful:
so, for me it is the tent (yet)

Saludos !!