The Dogs' House: La Perrera

Maybe next time. Ha! Ha!

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But he find a lot of good stuff to Mr.Trumps walls:

Je, «Tigre»s back looks an stone too: Can ya see my boy? Back to trees…


It took a minute but i found him. Ha! Ha!

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Today, right now, family luch (seafood paella):


Boy that sure beats my bowl of oatmeal right now.

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Yare allways welcome to eat here friend…but not “bottelled sauces” , red eye gravy or kétchup or ya will kill my mother with a heart attack!
Btw, ya can make your owns sauces like tomate one: only needs fresh red tomatoes, olive oil, onios, salt n a little of sugar…

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I am honored MiG and would never dream of upsetting your mother. Ha! Ha! It is small and loud but, “me casa es su casa, me amigo Usted es siempre bienvenido.”

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Hola amigos, Como esta usted hoy?..Estoy muy bien…Que tiempo?..nublado?..I have been practicing my Spanish Mig,lol. I hope it doesn’t offend you if I butcher your language. If so,just tell me and I will stick with English… Hasta la proxima, que pass buen dia me amigotes!


Mi espanol es no bueno por caca.

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Salud, “amigotes”, je, je…
Here max shadow temp are between 30 °C. Yesterday n the day before the wind comes from Sahara desert n the sky was orange ( I suppouse It was worst in @Dee.S73 African island). But now Blue skies again…


Yesterday here was cold freezing wind from the mountains…
Today we are expecting rain :open_mouth:
Clima está loco aquí también…


Hola amigo,encantado. Que tal? De donde es usted? it OK if I practice my Spanish with you? I do not wish to offend, just learn…well me compadre’s, I must go trabajar…hasta luego.


Nevermind, @Stonervet68 , @ryasco!: If Skeakespeare didint awaked up from his tomb (“tumba”?)whith my English, Cervantes will not be diferent with ya!..Seriously talkin, nevermind bout your mistakes : we only can sais “thanks!” n be proud of the foreigner people who tries to speak our tongue… Btw, Spanish is my native tongue, but It isent the native tongue of all Spanish people: some of us has like native tongue Gallaecian (the origin of Portuguese), Euskera (from Basque country n Western Navarra), Catalonian or Balearic or Valencian (very similars, in North East Mediterranean coast), or Arabic in Continental North African Ceuta n Melilla provinces… In the @Dee.S73 “adoption” land is a Afro-Berberian tongue called “Guanche” nearly to dissapear…
But we all have the Spanish like “lengua franca” to be able to understand between us.
In fact my tongue is an Spanish Tongue (cos Gallaecian,Basque n the others are Spanish Oficial Tongues too) called Castillian (“Castellano”). Castillian (what foreigner people knows as “Spanish”) was in fact the last in time Spanish Tongue borned. It borned durin Media Age like a " lengua franca" used between Arabic, Gallaecian n Basque speakers in order to have a “común” tongue between “us”…(Like modern Spanglish between English&Spanish speakers)


Btw, @MadScientist, my “little Costa Rican family” was here in Monte Adentro to the family lunch last weekend (Lorena, my Costa Rican “prima hermana política” loves paella)… Btw, I asked her what ya n me talked here before : She said me she is from a San José outside neighbourhood, but she was various years workin in Ciudad de Panamá. She said me too she never had seen marihuana in Costa Rica or Panamá; my plants were the first time she saw ganja, so she dosent know any thing bout cannabis in “PuraVidaLandia”…

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Hello @Stonervet68 you can practice with me, butchering the language in the only thing that will allow you to advance… Pura vida mi compa aqui estamos para ayudar!

Yeah man, whenever you’re coming down here maybe we can get together or something… @MiG


I make some mean Paella, (so they say…) when you cook very seldom get the joy other people do when being served a dish instead of cooking it, but yeah I love Paella, just like Lorena your sis. Reason why started cooking it in the first place.

I’m the one most in need of practicing spanish , guys… :wink:
Being so similar to my native tongue ( Italian) makes it easy to understand each other, but in the meantime, “discourages” from learning proper spanish… Talking fluently both english and french I end up using a mix of approximate spanish, italian and english…Damn lazyness… Lol


Muchas gracias Ciencialocos…I know many Spanish words, just not sure on the spelling or the singular or plural variations. Also not good with sentence structure…When y’all type Spanish, I have to pick out the words I know then try to comprehend the meaning of the sentence from that. I do sort of a mental fill-in-the blank visualization of the sentence…typing a reply back is like the same process in reverse. However, not knowing the Spanish word for something I wish to articulate really complicates the process, lol…De donde es usted? Costa Rica?.. From all the pic’s and video of your country I have seen, I would say your tropical environment is the very definition of paradise for “good ol’ country boys” like me, lol.


Dee are you from Italy? If so I look forward to having many historical discussions with you about your country. I am a very enthusiastic student of Roman history and find it completely fascinating as Ancient Rome’s(and Greece) political/social/economic structure is pretty much the basis for our Western Civilization today. Mig is like a el profesora universitario when it comes to ancient history. I am sure he can contribute much to these discussions.

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Cheers @Stonervet68, right now i’m learning German, with, its super easy, $8/month and you go at your own pace… Try it, they make you think in the language you’re trying to learn so no traslations it’s more of a Symbol/meaning kinda of a thing…

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