The Dogs' House: La Perrera

Guden tag, vas is loss mine gueten komoraden?, I was stationed in Alemania for a year… I thought about getting Rosetta Stone and trying to work with that. However I will certainly go look at your


I am a foreman on a roofing crew and we have a lot of Spanish guys that are working for us. What I try to do at work is sort of like immersion training where I have them speak to me in Spanish as much as they can.

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Alles gut mein komoraden, Deutsh ist ziemlich… i think the right word is “Schon” but yeah anyway, i’m doing the reverse process like you, but yeah. i tried to say German is pretty


Poly vou francia? Les bon temps, mon ami.Led sa la bon taun roulet!, can’t spell in French worth a shit!

Parle au petit pa’, ce’mon piacere mon ami! Fumee cannabis!!!


There are actually two forms of the German language, High German and low German. Most modern German speak low German. Hi German was a throwback to the old Teutonic/Germanic States days.


Sounds like Game of Thrones! High Valyrian and everything yeah! But if i am not mistaken Germany was an empire until not too long ago, i mean i think even in WW1 they had an Emperor of the Germanic Empire or something like that.

Damn dude we are some internationally tongued motherfuckers,lol… Das vadonia, commorad!


Ok you lost me there… HAHAHA. Here in Costa Rica there’s alot of tourism, you end up chwing a few words in different languages. I like other people’s cultures and traditions and cuisine… That’s what makes us!

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In Teutonic times Germany was a large loose collection of states. Bavaria,Austria,Prussa and several other city-states whose names escapes. The Thirty Years War was fought in Germany and caused massive loss of life and destruction …After World War 1 a republic was formed called the Weimar Republic. By '33 that was a done deal and Hitler was looking at becoming the leader at that point.


That was “good day, friend” in Russian.

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I see what happened you were trying to say “bye” in Russian, it’s actually spelled “dasvidaniya”…

So, spasiba!


Thanks for the clarification… now I won’t confuse the next Russian I tell that to LOL

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HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA you got that right!!! Well, they way things are looking now… Might as well learn u know, that or Corean!!! HAHAHAHA

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I know that’s right for sure. I think I’ll try to stick with the Russian language, trying the Asian languages gives me a massive headache LOL

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I hear you, did two semesters in Mandarin and Pingying is easy, well not really, but easier than learning all the hieroglyphs that look they came from Stargate or something, that’s when it gets pretty messy!

Most of the people in China, know how to read and speak the language, but not everybody can write. Poor people talk a completely different thing and if you live 10 miles away then you speak something else and such…


Damn dude you must be a very smart individual. I have always understood Mandarin to be one of the hardest languages to learn because they have like 30 different meanings for each word!

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I love other cultures and doctrines and anything that will put a splinter in my head, very miserable way to live mind you, they say “ignorance is bliss”, but i have to know, I might not be super smart or nothing like that, we are all the same, no one’s better, no one’s worse but i have a thirst for languages and the occult and Hermes in Egypt and hidden history and such… Not a conspiracy theorist, but yeah man, thanks. God bless ya.


Damn man, I got to go run the old ball-and-chain to the grocery store.I shall return later and hope to pick up our interesting conversation again. Maybe later Mig will be on here and we can all talk some more history. Looking forward to it me amigo, hasta la proxima,Que pase buen dia!!!

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All dogs inna La Perrera readin n enjoyin your conversation, my friends.
Ya @Stonervet68 , @MadScientist n @Dee.S73 have always allowed (n wellcomes) the entry into The Dogs House; nevermind if MiG will be at home or not: the “secret command” that make dogs wellcomes ya like my friends is “!! SEMPER FIDELIS !!”; (@ryasco, @hempmex, @GrowerGoneWild, @SLOGrown n the rest of the OG people: now ya know the “contraseña” too…).

…But for the “bad people”…CAVE CANEM!! :

Btw, @Stonervet68, If ya likes Rome’s History, the pic have its own long history… Sure @Dee.S73 has recogniced It…