The dumbest growing advice you've ever heard? [misinformation inside]

“you never have to worry about nute burn with organic fertilizer”

“you never have to worry about pH with organic fertilizer”

“Let the soil dry out completely between waterings to get rid of fungus gnats”


Grow under sea level make your weed stronger. When it’s a full moon stir Nutrients and water
Counter clockwise.


“Weed only grows in the tropics”,

“there’s only 3 types of weed middles, dank, and dro”

“The roots get you the highest”

And probably the worst and best bit of weed advice I’ve ever gotten and taken was from my mom who told me I should grow my own because I spend to much on it(my landlords a cop and this is not a legal state)


That last one looks like a good way to get rid of your plants along with the gnats.:grimacing:


More of a couple worst theories then grow advice , but it is funny enough to share.
Back in the mid 90s I had a friend who stole his moms estrogen patches and put them in his soil . In his mind he figured it would increase his number of female plants . Needless to say I refused to smoke any of his weed after that .

The not so funny one was hearing a grower tell how he would crush up dilaudid and add it to his plants water . He actually explained how he figured it would get people hooked and only want to buy his weed.

As for dumbest . One I can think of is one I still see quite a bit .
Many times I have seen people try to argue if genetics are the most important thing or not . Lots even state that a " dialed in " environment is more important. You can have the perfect set up and be on top of everything , but without good genetics you CANNOT grow good weed .

The best advice I ever got was to germ my seeds in a 50/50 bleach to water mix in the microwave for 5 min on high. Ever since I started doing that I haven’t had any hermis , PM , Thrips , mites , etc, etc …


Piss on your plants for nitrates


Thats soo silly . Everyone knows piss is for drinking and part of a healthy diet…


Dont forget bathing too…


More cow bell. Come one. They like to dance.

“Just because you use 1ml PH down per gallon, doesn’t mean it’s 1/2ml PH down for half a gallon” :joy: