The dumbest growing advice you've ever heard? [misinformation inside]

Or drinking bleach :nauseated_face:


Someone tried to tell me mixing rubbing alcohol and bleach was a great way to clean your tent… I told em it was an even better way to make chloroform and gas themselves…


i heard that ammonia and bleach was a better cleaning agent, it could clean out your house, and maybe a few more down the road.

(edit: sorry i have to add this in, because i feel like somone might do it, please dont mix ammonia and bleach.)


I unfortunately dont have a link for it as it was on instagram and you cant search for shit on there but with the whole dark before harvest thing: They tested a couple of strains after harvesting at 12, 24, 36 and 72 hours then sent buds for lab testing. The lab tests showed that there was an increase in THC the longer they were in the dark but terpenes degraded the longer they were in the dark. The test themselves showed very slight increases, like a percent or 2. They surmised that 24 hours was a good sweet spot for harvesting. This was a commercial op that wanted to hit better lab numbers so the stock looks good on paper. Not sure how much it would effect the final product smoke wise.
Plants do have different cycles during night / day so the idea of something happening in the dark isnt completely crazy.


Sadly enough, you are probably correct. :joy:


Well I’ve actually read research where this has been done, all you are doing is bypassing the plants own sugar manufacturing process and injecting it direct, apparently it does have a significant effect, though hooking your plants up to a sugar drip is just taking shit way too far imho. :joy:

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The topic is dumbest grow advice. Ok . Pee on your plants will give the nutrients they need because your body has protein they need. It also will keep mosquitoes away. Can coke for the last week of flowering. Because of the carbonation. Smoke with your girls you’ll have buds for life. Sounds :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This might be debatable, but I don’t agree with it.
Flood your plants with fertilizer last 2 weeks before harvest

Hmm… maybe it’s feasible that elevated EC would reduce the amount of water the plants can take up, and then triggering a stress response, this may have an effect on things like terps. Just speculation though🤷‍♂️

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I don’t know if I already posted this but I was in jail, dude told everyone like he knew how to grow,… the only way to get purple nugs is to vent car exhaust into the flowering room. Rofl


He said it put on exta weight

Well plants do bulk up in the last two weeks, so not wrong there. The practice of Flushing and starving them while they are adding weight does seem counter productive but that’s still commonly done.

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I need 400cc of liquid glucose STAT

That’s what I was thinking. I’ve seen the guy do this and his plants are just pretty much on the ground with weight when there done, especially the last few days. I would think that you could accomplish the same thing with a supersoil, but without any fert taste

After having tried this a few times. I feed until chop. There is zero fertilizer taste, buds burn to white ash, and are fat and tasty. IMO only way to get fert taste is to straight up fry your plants before you chop them.

It has forever made zero sense to me to stop feeding your plants when they’re putting on the most weight. And I don’t know of any other agricultural entity that flushes their plants before harvest. Not even tobacco.


This boils down to “chem nutes bad.”

I have never “tasted chemicals.”

My buds routinely hit the ground.

Nutes are nutes whether from a bottle or from living soil.


After harvest spray 7up on your plants to give it a good sparkle.


It has to be diet though because the sucralose enhances the effect.

Oh there are so many its hard to narrow down.

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make sure to dry and smoke the roots, that’s where the thc comes from. I try to pick the funniest ones :wink:


Thought you had to boil them first:)

(In reference to the roots @JoeCrowe )