Back in the day (think 2004) overgrow changed my entire life, I want to help

There had been a regression in the quality of information and resources available for years after our beloved site was originally shut down. There are things I learned in that time I never hear discussed any more. I’ve noticed that most of what’s available is cabbage these days. I have a low opinion of myself normally but ive yet to meet someone in my vicinity who does it better. I wouldnt be what I am now without what I learned from this url from 2003-2005/6.

For example of you are using anything not freshly picked aloe Vera for cuttings your simply doing it wrong, full stop. Aloe has given me sub 36 hour rooting (two occasions, but still amazing) and brought fails down to almost zero.

I would like to know where the community feels it’s deficiencies are the worst. I have alot I can add saved from our old home, things learned through trial and error.

We need to stop feminized, autoflower and ruderalis from entering the gene pool, you people need to cut that out your making a mess of things. Everyone needs to be using normal seeds to maintain stability. It is possible to get 100% females from non feminized, maybe im crazy but I have specific rules I follow and haven’t had but 2 males in a very very long time, most recently getting 12/12 seeds to sprout and turn out female. Maybe if I write up what to do and people test my theory we can stop with the mutant seeds. If you need auto flowering or feminized seeds, you have a skill issue my friend. That is why we are here though, yes?! I want to share my knowledge for knowledge on LED Flowering and what the latest hydroponics trends are, if it isn’t well known information.

Tldr: what are the sites strengths and weaknesses as of right now, and are things being tested and reviewed by the community?


Ya don’t say…
Lots of seeds testers around here, if that what you are referring to.
Welcome to OG! :wink:


Welcome! A lot has changed since then, bud. :zipper_mouth_face: I’d start with reading the hell out of this site, maybe squash a few of those folk-tales.


How do you use the aloe? I have a hard to root mom and access to fresh aloe plants.


I read the old one like the bible… I mean I’m just saying what I’m seeing/have seen. I dont care if people want to ignore me that’s not my problem. If what someone is doing works then that’s all that matters. There’s alot of what I’d just call noob mentality on some posts I’ve looked at, subpar advice, etc.

If people want to be rude to me i got vintage lighters to repair I’m all set. Keep using root toner or whatever without antifungal antibacterial properties and wondering why the clones can’t be bothered to make it 3 days. That said there are multiple ways to do many things.


Just cut a blade off (aloe leaf) and dip the end going into your rockwool into the jello aloe stuff. (After you’ve shaved down the “bark” and make sure your including at least one node in your shaved off area) Slushy up the aloe blade with a knife and poke a narrower hole than the stem too so aloe goes all over. It’s good to let the cutting hang out in the aloe soup for like 20 or 30 seconds. Also use soil to line your cloning aquarium not perlite. Figured that out quite recently. Also also crop the larger leaves of the clone and don’t have a whole bunch of nodes on the clone. 2 maybe 3 max past the top… what do we call it the growth tip top clust3r point thingy? That.

This will allow your clone to avoid infection if it takes longer to root.

Make sure the mother has enough mag. Magnesium is the root of so many issues.
You need to have a node be part of your insertion area, I forget the exact science but basically there’s stuff that make rooting easier at every node. Only take the most robust growth tips for clones too.


I feel like someone is going to start talking about Boron real soon…


Welcome groovy buddy ^^

The list of things that you can document is nearly infinite, i mean don’t even ask yourself the question. And open a growlog, it’s personally the first thing that i check to know who’s talking.


What? Who is this guy?
Just playin bud. That’s hella oldschool. :wink:

In all seriousness though…
I’m just gonna say it - You are coming of kinda arrogant, and a tad rude. I wont speak for anyone else, but its definitely got a look on my face, lol.
We’ve got a pretty unique community here at Overgrow. A cannabis community like to other. One which we’re happy to welcome others(like yourself), share, and learn. We also BS alot.
But one thing most people around here dont take kindly to is the peachy type. It’s great you have your ways and have them work for you. But to each their own. I find it downright ignorant for someone to come right out and say “my way is the best way, your dumb if you do it any other way”
Do you see what I’m saying?
I’m sorry if this hurts your feeling or comes across as rude or aggressive. That is not my intention.
We are happy to have you as a new member here. I hope you stay. All contributions to increase our growing skills are welcomed.
Maybe just relaxe a little.
I really hope I haven’t shyed you away from us. :man_facepalming:
Helluva first post though! :crazy_face:

Oh yeah,

I’m definitely curious about this.


If only I had known this before.


Got any pix from your woking methods?


Statements like this are always very helpful and tend to make people come together. /S


Nope, not before another coffee.


Train wrecks are fun sometimes.
How bout you show us Grow Logs.
I like to see a record of all this.
I’m not shitting, if your an “expert”
Then show us kindly.
I had no idea I was such a newb lol.


Don’t let the haters drag you down :joy: I can sympathize with the idea of lost knowledge and I already get the vibe you have at least a little to share.

Now this has my interest piqued. I would love to hear about your technique, and welcome to the new OG bud :sunglasses::+1:


Hes still lurking so be careful ,Boron dude walks on water


Successful cloning has a lot more to do with proper moisture levels in the medium and humidity levels in the cloning space than what type of cloning substance you use or where you cut the clone. Also leaving the ideal amount of leaf to allow it to do its thing without losing to much moisture to fast is a big aspect of success and faster roots.
I never use any rooting hormone or substance but if I was going to I would suggest willow water.
I don’t notice any faster rooting with or without a node involved and never shave any material off the clone.
Out of the last 90 clones I’ve made one died so I will continue my methods even though you insist I’m doing it wrong :joy:
I’ve read Cloning gel can damage the plants RNA leading to potential genetic drift so I avoid it all together, it’s not likely but is documented in scientific plant journals so I play it safe. Lots of bad advice out there , currently people think tissue culture is the awesome new thing but it’s old school plant tech from the 80s in regular horticulture/agriculture circles. Long term storage via tissue culture also leads to a breakdown in the plants code causing loss of traits. It’s financially and operationally inferior to standard cloning methods or other means of genetic preservation.
Most old school cannabis advice is based of assumptions and myth and not rooted in actual horticulture science.


Might be that the male was in fact a disguised female :slight_smile:

Have a link for that?


It might take me a moment to find the exact article I read that in but here is a link for now and I’ll try and find a more specific explanation. I don’t know if I believe it myself based on how cell division works and takes place within plants but I fig better safe then sorry when you have non replacable varieites. Science is also often wrong , it’s said you can’t clone rosemary with out rooting hormone but I do it all the time so maybe they ment to say you can’t quickly clone it without hormone idk but wording is importent.
Not all clones are exact copies of the parent plant and it is not fully understood why as of now so I avoid all possible causes. Somatic genetic changes can be caused by damage and stress and rooting hormones mimic this type of damage to induce rooting. I find it best to take healthy cuttings from healthy plants and make new moms often.