The Future grow

Well I been feeling kind of guilty with ya’ll showing me yours and all, so I guess I’ll show you mine. It’s the Future from Gelato seeds. Been topped, started LST, grown in Kind Soil in 4 x 8 with Bloom Plus 3000 LEDs.


I get it. The pretty plant in kind soil, boring. Ok here is the latest issue I have had to deal with. My pH pen took a crap, so I have 3 plants in Dwc who suffered pH lockout due to low pH (1 as low as 2.4) for at least a day and pen was replaced (including backup). My fault for buying cheap crap. I replaced with 2 apera units. Anyway, reservoirs changed out the Caramel Cream seems unaffected, the Pineapple chunk appears to be recovering, but the Liberty Haze is struggling. Any suggestions, comments, prayers and kind thoughts appreciated.


Hey man looking good in there! Looks like you have found the issue and fixed it so ill pull up a chair and snack while these baby’s do their thing, cheers :dash::dash:.

Thank you for your kind words

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Time to update the most boring grow on OG (I mean this crew crushes stone as part of making their own soil and all I do is drop a bean in some Kind soil). Anyway is day 31 from planting( didn’t start keeping records till I transplanted on 11th), not sure when it sprouted but it seemed quick 2-3 days. Anyway she is being LST’d and getting a liter of Walmart spring water (.60 a gallon)every 5 days (based on light pot method). I’m on well water with hard water and would rather pay than treat. The reason I am using Kind soul was to eliminate the biggest part of my issues as possible. The grower! Suffering from info overload in all the excitement I loved my plants too much. So I am taking a very slow and deliberate approach this time. So I got 10 bags of that stuff and I plan to start a new plant every 2-3 weeks as whatever will allow (time, space, whatever) and study the plant at various stages simultaneously(bro science). With respect to training I found a guide and just following directions. So far so good. Things are coming into focus.


This weeks update still doing LST. Gave her 2 liters this morning. Selective defoliation as needed

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