Pinkleberry x Black Widow 7/31

These are free seeds I got in the seed trading post so as such probably deserves its own grow diary.

I think there were 6 total of these (a few other crosses only popped these though).

Only 3 germinated in root riot cubes (First time using don’t like them they are better for cloning). Also used the cloner dome which I usually don’t bother with.

I fed heavy to judge how they could handle 10 percent comfrey fertilizer and they did not like it! Actually 1 of them didn’t mind you’ll see it’s it’s largest. In my growing experience it’s better to over feed right away then not and have sluggish growth… (I once had had sluggish pepper take 6 months to flower). Ignore my cloning experiments in the front and back.


As you can see two of them have nitrogen twisting but it’ll level off as I use water a couple times.


I’ll pull up a chair this looks interesting.


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I’ll pull up for this!

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Here now , hope I didn’t miss much yet

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Not much its slow growing so to speak.

Here’s a bubblegum MSNL Auto Feminized I started.

Bubblegum was my first everstrain to grow years ago.

I asked here a few months back about bubblegum regulars because the 5 I got from MSNL did not germ or only made it to the surface and straight died (not dampened off just froze and died).

It took a few months but they resent me 5 replacements being that I’m documenting my current other seeds from them. So this plant was in an effort (3 months later) to grow that first strain ever to now it’ll be slightly behind my current photos.

Hope you enjoy how I’ve trained her.

Shes eating about 2 liters of water everyday or day and a half. She gets Alaska organic fertilizer and comfrey fertilizer(home made) every other day. She’s also growing in coco which was also my first media. I’ve finally figured out I need to over water after running another plant 3 months ago in coco as well. Soon as I refigured that out again the growth has been explosive.

Hope you enjoy it.

P.S. when I left this community back in 04-05 people frowned on fem seeds. I dont know man it seems like a money grab. I over plant to accommodate males (not hard right). Now I get no new seeds from this plant. It seems everyone’s fast food growing on the Facebook groups, they seem to adore feminized seed. I’m bummed about it because I’m finding regular seed (in autos and photos) seems out of stock or not available mostly for a strain like this and many others.

*End rant


I forgot these are trashy Chinese kingbo 45 watt crappy led lights. I got them back in 2017 to try LED. I only ended up using them (for veg) because I realized I didn’t like how packed my tent was.

Here is an update. I’ve tried 3 differant training methods. Especially since one plant made 2 growing tips on its own without lst to start with.

The 3 in the 1 gallon pots in the bottom of the pic are the pinkleberry x black widows.

Once I moved them under the Mars hydro tws2000 all the plants starting growing mew tips within a day. You can see the lime green growth from just under a week under the new lights. (The other leds I use are for mostly for clones or short veg but these were under them awhile).