The Granola Bar

Correct, from seed. I purchased them from Jordan of the islands. There is currenty 2 outaide and then 5 clones of those are indoor with 2 more from seed. Im impressed so far, PM is everywhere around here including with in 15 feet of my plants and not a spot on them… yet

What is the background of yours? Have you grown it to harvest in the past?


I ran a pack of those 5 years ago, Jordan makes a really good timewarp. I also really enjoyed his Godwarp.

Hope you get some really nice stuff, post some photos if you have the chance.

Mines the original clone, I got it off an older guy who lives down island from me. I love this girl, by far my favourite plant to grow.

Yeah I grew her last year, super uplifting all around weed


Oh cool, i think i recall you offering up cuts of that in the past. I was so close to taking you up on that but i already had 6 seeds on the go.

Here are mine, outside on the deck, they only get about 4 hours of direct light a day. Hopefully thats enough to make some decent buds. I can take them inside but i dont know when I would do that. I suppose when the weather turns.


You’re always welcome to a cut any Canadian os for that matter. Don’t ever want to lose her again and the best way to do that is by giving her away to as many people as possible.

They’re looking beautiful ! You’re going to have some killer buds on your hands


So this is a weird one today. I was scrolling Facebook marketplace and some beans were on there.

Anyways got talking to the person and from the sounds of it, it’s an elderly family member who made these seeds. He’s no longer able to grow so he gave it to his family to do what they like with it.

Packs were cheap so I grabbed a ten pack of each of his lines. So if you’re from B.C, Vancouver island area and have any info on any of these names it would be greatly appreciated. So seem to be newer varieties but who knows if some are older.

@SHSC-1 you know a lot of BC history ever heard of any of these before.

New Ganny
Fruit Salad
Sayward Outdoor
Punch Berri
Blu Meanie
Northern lights Big Red
Northern Lights Giant
Black Hash
Texada timewarp
White Night
Colombian gold
Chunky Monkey
Lizard Lips
Fever Dream


interesting… a few do jump out at me besides the obvious ones like texada timewarp of course.
I recognize names… but no recollections of toking most of those.
Lizard Lips and Black Hash pique my interest though.
Not on facebook or I would check those out.
Nice score though, tag me when you grow those two i mention.
Punch Berry and Mimosa , Chunky Monkey, and those two northern lights I have heard of… but again I don’t know if I have actually smoked them. Many of those would be from that 95 to 2005 era I’m thinking, some a little newer perhaps


What a place to find those, that is just the coolest!

I remember asking a surfer in Tofino what they were smokin’ on and he said “Chunky Monkey”. And Sayward Outdoor? How mold resistant would that have to be???


Well if you ever want some they’re $5 for 10 seeds and the lady said she had a lot more!

Thanks for your insights and yes will give you a tag when I pop them !


Thanks for sharing !! I love to hear the hippies in Tofino were smoking the chunky monkey! Hahah

Right! Those sayward outdoor are going to be some of the first I pop, I really want to find out what’s in those beans

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Here’s a little update from this years outdoor before I take off for a trip across Canada

Texada timewarp

Old Island Blueberry




Safe travels growmie!

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