The Monster Mash

The Monster Mash
30 January 2023

Getting to the root of the question -
Who’s a Hilda and who’s an Olive?


My guess is olive on the left. Hilda on the right. Olive left bottom. But I’m usually bass ackwards.


:speaking_head: me too!

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The Monster Mash
31 January 2023

If you’ve checked in on the SMALL UPDATE Section this morning you were greeted with this:

Ouch! Looks like one of the girls is REALLY wanting the Cal/Mag (actually looks a bit more like a calcium than magnesium deficiency) which I was happy to provide. This is also pushing me to think this well rooted Monster is a HILDA. Why? Hilda has much more of an Indica like appearance and I’ve found that indica dominant strains will often crave cal/mag as soon as their roots are out when growing in Hydro. Once roots are established and nutrients are added the deficiency will generally go away on its own. To be honest it may not look great but I’m not too worried about it at this point. She’s also the largest and is far outpacing the other two girls on root development.

On a separate note -
I’ve kept the un sprouted bean moist and warm. This morning I did a little Bean Salad Surgery and cracked the shell along the seam to take a peek inside. The seed is viable! lol. Fat, white and looking ready to greet the world. Time will tell if she gets a tail :v:



Did you know?
American Indians are NOT called Indians because Columbus or anyone else thought they had landed in India. InDios en Dios- of god. Ninos de indios - children of god - Indians. Historically; what we now know as India and East Indians were then known as Hindustan and Hindustani’s or Hindustan’s NOT India and Indians! American Indians became knows as Indians over time because a LOT of people were writing home saying; hey look, the children of god are over here too!


- @Heliosphear Highlights -

The Monster Mash Grow Images, Illustrations and Creations

Frankenstein’s Daughters: Olive & Hilda - A FAMILY ALBUM OF SORTS

Wowing and Wonderful general creations posted to The Monster Mash thread


The Monster Mash
31 January 2023

HIGH Hopes
About 16 weeks from now the plan is to be harvesting a tent packed full of these …

(minus the fallen hairs :joy:)


Can you please tell me what you see that tells you it needs calcium.


Maybe the copper colored spots?

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:speaking_head: @Smoklahoma
Todays pheno ID shot is an excellent example. Take a look:

Notice the golden/ brown specs on the leaves. This is a classic example of a calcium deficiency in cannabis. If it was a tomato it would be brown to black spots.

Due to a common misconception that started in the early 40’s it was once believed that both calcium and magnesium worked best in a specific ratio related to each other both Calcium and Magnesium (and often iron and other micronutrients) are commonly available today in mixed form. Both calcium and magnesium are really best thought of two different things - as they are.

Even though the plant shown DOES show signs of calcium deficiency it DOES NOT show signs of magnesium deficiency; which would manifest as light colored leaves and edges and between the veins. If growing in soil or coco it is much easier to address the issues separately, but for hydro you’re kind of limited on your options. Hard water helps but often doesn’t deliver the calcium in a form that is readily accessible to the plant. For magnesium only issues - there’s Epsom salt, for calcium issues the quick fix is Cal/Mag whether your plant needs the magnesium and additional micronutrients or not.

This is borrowed from Jorge Cervantes and you may find it of some use. :v:


Do you use Epsom salt in your hydro reservoir?


:speaking_head: I really try to not do much of anything by rote. I don’t add nutrients or additive just because the plant might need them, only if they do or if additional nutrients are called for. But… to answer you’re question, yes IF NEEDED. I dissolve the Epsom salt in liquid then add to the tub with feedings.


I have epsom salts on site, but I’m not sure when or how to use them!

What signs do you look for and how much per gallon? Foliar, or just add to the hydro nutes?



The Monster Mash
1 February 2023


@Gpaw now THIS is late to the party! Look who’s shown up almost two weeks late!


I’m also curious about this.

When used in soil I will dissolve one, maybe two tablespoons per gallon of water going in.

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:speaking_head: I mix Epsom salt at 1 tsp (5ml I know I know dry weight wet weight - grams Vs liters - stupid American system) per gallon. But you can use up to a tablespoon per gallon if you do a flush after recovery.

Being a mobile nutrient it will move as needed. This means older larger leaves will have more. As the deficiency progresses the plant moves the magnesium to where it’s needed. This results in an overall lightening of the plant and some very notice changes on older larger leaves which are usually at the bottom of your plant.

This will manifest itself in noticeable yellowing or lightening of the affected leaves which are often lighter at the edge and between the veins of the leaf. This is NOT the same as an iron deficiency in appearance and will NOT appear white or without pigment. At first it will not look like a calcium deficiency- if left to progress it will look very much the same as a calcium deficiency and is often perceived as such when it really isn’t. YET calcium too is a mobile nutrient and often appears in conjunction with a magnesium deficiency as the same larger older leaves are symptomatic first and symptoms can become similar; they’re sometimes intermingled in growers minds.

I hope this makes at least a little sense :v:

Note: the really good thing is - if your plants haven’t needed Epsom salt or it’s use is questionable chances are good that you’re doing something right.


The Monster Mash
1 February 2023

• Attention future weight prognosticators
When they said LARGE rolling tray - they meant it!

@Heliosphear and the USPS have confirmed your poster will be here on Friday!

• Frankenstein’s Daughter Pheno identification chart is in progress. Page one is complete (Peruse Previous Posts)

• The girls and HIDLDA DA MOMMA out for a play day in the ‘artificial’ sun


I was hoping you’d say the spots. I’ve had that every grow. Nice to know I can jump on it early next time.


@BU2B Thank you, looking forward to seeing it in person. :sunglasses:


The Monster Mash
2 February 2023

There’s little to report (this is a GOOD thing!) … small updates and edits have been made.
There’s a new @Heliosphear Monster Mash update coming up tomorrow (Friday) and it’s (s)MASHINGly good. Be sure and pop back in for an OOGLE at the Amazing skill and talent available right here - At Home on The OG!

My wife sent me this clip - I can just imagine it’s very much like the conversation in the tent when Momma Hilda is in the house… :wink:

… more to come … :v: