The Monster Mash

You hit the nail on the head brother! I’m thankful that you turned me on to the OG. I can’t figure out how all these kind, generous , caring people even have time to breath. I’m proud to be apart of this community and hopefully be able to do my part someday help to Overgrow the world :earth_americas: :green_heart: Sorry I missed out on all the fun today but it was fun catching up. You frig’n ROCK @Heliosphear !


Coming up Today …

“Before she drifted into the dream Adamia could have sworn she heard Creedence singing old cotton fields and something about Tulsa, weed, whites & wine…”

and …
Episode 3 is LIVE! Here’s the complete series to date:
FrankInSpace_E1.pdf (771.8 KB)
FrankInSpace_E2.pdf (2.4 MB)
FrankInSpace_E3.pdf (3.9 MB)


@BU2B looking at the PDF’s Absolutely Beautiful. Awe struck!

Thank you everyone for your kindness, off to play some Creedence…


:speaking_head: @Heliosphear PERFECT wrap up! :green_heart: 🫶🏽 :v: :+1:t3:


Got my blood flowing. I lived that space. Thanks @Heliosphear.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


The Monster Mash
The Weekend Report. 18 March 2023

The big defoliation and bud site exposure before flowering was today.

I’m hoping to take a few days off and will make one more update on Wednesday or Thursday (the 22nd or 23rd) when the girls get their first taste of darkness.

They should have time to recover nicely before they transition to bloom.




The girls have been changed to Transition to Bloom nutrients and each given a little extra magnesium to counteract the defoliation and allow for quicker recovery. pH per tub: A 6.0. B 5.9. Plant A is drinking just over 1 liter per day and Plant B about 2.5 liters. Ambient average air temp 74° f RH 37%

Since I will be here until Thursday I will be sure and post any notable changes or updates as/if needed :v:

Here come the buds!


When you get a chance, can you describe your strategy for this pruning, i.e. the way you “look down each branch” to selectively trim before the final run to harvest?



Do you mean subtracted? I agree with you post 100%

Also did you do your ppp method on those plants as well. Once you defol them can really see the training and how short, fat, and bushy bud spots everywhere. Can’t wait for the stretch.


:speaking_head: @420noob Good eye … thanks :+1: fixed

Sorry… overlooked the rest of your question. Yep, I use my PPP method almost exclusively. The biggest down side I’ve found is its’s darn hard to distinguish one grow from another without looking at time stamps - lol


:speaking_head: @GrouchyOldMan absolutely. Thanks for the reminder.

I tend to leave more leaves than most. I think it’s important that the girls have not only a good foundation and healthy roots but they also have enough leaves to do the job and produce the most effective flowers. I really think that it takes some time and practice to learn how to defoliate properly and I quite often see people defoliating far too much for the plant to produce substantial and potent flowers or just letting them go a bit and not defoliating enough. The result of both is a diminished harvest in both volume and potency. When it comes to defoliation I’ve found these guidelines helpful-

  • During Veg mode I leave enough foliage for ambient light to get into the plant but not direct light. I do this for several reasons. Using the method I do for growing leaving more leaves and allowing only ambient light to reach the inside of the plant during vegetation mode allows the ‘runners’ or flowering branch tips to develop slowly and evenly thus making a much more even canopy for flowering. It also allows new flowering growth tips to develop and add to the total number of flowering growth tips. Often I have found that these side runners are more substantial than the branch I had planned as the flowering branch. This gives me more options when it comes time to cull less substantial and less productive branches.

  • When it comes to flowering my focus on defoliation changes a bit. I do my best to envision a flexible cone of light that encircles each branch or the Get Smart cone of silence :rofl:. Like a paper towel roll with a pencil in the middle or cobbling a cannagar. Starting at the top of each branch I take note of flowering growth tips and remove leaves that are either preventing that light cone from happening or that are directly covering flowering sites. If you find you have too many branches to accommodate the cone or cylinder of light when branches are going to be full of flowers or getting full; your only choice is to cull them if you want fat full buds. Now is the optimal time to cull excessive growth tip branches to avoid spindly growth, stretched nodal spacing and larfy buds. It will be a lot more heart wrenching to be culling branches half full of flowers and hoping what remains has enough time to take advantage of the extra space and fatten up. When in Flower mode - up until about week 5 I focus on larger leaves rather than small ones. Small leaves will grow into large ones and your plant will continue to produce more leaves until around week 5 of flowering. I think THIS is what scares most people - taking large leaves is VERY noticeable so taking a few makes a big difference in view. I say go ahead and defoliate, remove more large leaves than small ones and as long as you’re leaving about 5 leaves for every one you remove your plants will be be healthy and happy. Just don’t get too carried away when exposing those bud sites and err on the side of caution … leave more leaves. I think you will find it makes a fairly significant impact to yield and potency.

  • After week 5 I pick at 'em. I still defoliate but not much… removing ONLY leaves that have grown out of buds and slowly cleaning the plant and flowers up in preparation for harvest and to give the flowers less obstructed light.

Basically this is Schwazzing:

  • Defoliate just before flowering to expose bud sites.
  • Defoliate again about 3 weeks into flowering once bud sites are known and established.
  • After the 3 week defoliation fold and tuck with mild to no defoliation after week 5 until harvest

A lot of indoor growers do this already and learned it, just like me, from observation NOT from the $500 Schwazzing book


Girls are banging. I’m loving it. Great work on the PDFs. Need to publish that when your done. :grin::green_heart:


Looking big and happy, they’re gonna explode at the flip


Great stuff here spot on write up this is the way 🤌


:speaking_head: @Smoklahoma when the grow is done and crowds have thinned, right before the stage lights dim on The Monster Mash journal the complete series - compiled into a single file will be available via virus checked PDF file on HiDrive for anyone to download who would like a copy. :v:


I would love a copy :wave:


:speaking_head: @Adventuretime86 I should have a link up here - on this thread, in about 8 more weeks :v:


Heck yeah that’ll be an awesome bit of history to hold on to I’ll definitely keep an eye out for the link


One love, one blood
One life, you got to do what you should
One life, with each other
Sisters, brothers

One life but we’re not the same
We get to carry each other, carry each other

[sorry if some find the audience not to their liking… it’s not about uncle joe or nancy]


Professional video. My dream tent!


Welcome back Quack! :wave:

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