The Monster Mash

3:33 PM today, the origin story of Adamia.



:rofl: :four_leaf_clover: I think it does count! Awesome shirt, Happy St. Patricks Day @Smoklahoma

2o minutes till post, get to smokin!


What a route you prepared for us.
Curiosity… Kill the cat :rofl:



On the countdown here, I’m gonna load a big bowl of late harvest Frankenstein, apply flame, then watch the fun.





what am i mising here? what post? 20 minutes @Heliosphear


monkey not realistic enough


Cause it’s Sasquatch. :rofl: :four_leaf_clover: Shenanigans!


Git up to speed Jet!

Go up to the top and plow the field. LoL


So far we have covered how Dr. Frankenstein made a monster that couldn’t die… Immortality was the goal. The Doctor took the knowledge and used the power of the emerald skull to make green gamma lightning.

He out lived 3 wife’s and had a daughter that he sent away because he could not control the rage of becoming the monster.

The daughter Came back for answers…

To the power given to her.

Part 1 of 2 next post 20 minutes.


Adamia has all the power of her father and mother combined to make her the ultimate, no other like her.

Note to @BU2B a new version of midjourney has come out just recently and I’m learning how to make new characters. So I have to continue the race from here. Until next time I can only say “OverGrow the World with Love”.

On with the race!

Happy St. Patricks Day. Next stop is to give away a OverGrow Poster @Rhai88 ’s fun and games
Have a great day. Been posting for 4 hours, need a break.

@BU2B I think a Monster Mash poster is a great idea, let’s work that out.


A sincere thanks.
@Heliosphear, you spew marvels, images that write a story in my mind. (and I don’t mean gettin kinky with Adamia… LoL).

We’ve been treated to your talent here, I’m one of many fans.

Thanks for sharing your genius with us.



what a fun day.
The artwork is just fantastically entertaining @Heliosphear


@Heliosphear d8JBdDJ d8JBdDJ d8JBdDJ YOU DA MAN!


Woa Dude! @DougDawson !!! :joy::+1:t3: and I had no idea you could surf!!! This has been a most excellent afternoon.


You never cease to amaze @Heliosphear , really cool man.


Just enjoying the ride @Heliosphear, nice artwork :peace_symbol:


Amazing work as usual @Heliosphear.


Thanks to everyone for showing up for the unveiling; you folks ROCK! :v:

I know it may look that way but I really didn’t spring the poster idea on poor @Heliosphear in public for him to discover I’d committed him to more work. The man works, has his own site, creates images with glee for many more than I will know about, is actively involved in fundraisers and giveaways and somehow still has time to get in a few hours sleep a day and have a personal life too! If I were ‘ever’ to dub someone SAINTLY it would be this guy. What’s even more amazing to me, and something that constantly blows my mind is - He’s Not Alone! The OG is loaded to the gills with good folks doing good things for and with others. If ever there was a site that most exemplifies what modern weedism ism - this is it! Good folks, doing good things, being kind, helping where they can, trying to be understanding, tolerant and patient, learning, caring and sharing. We have a few fallouts on occasion, but not many and I kid you not, many is the time the cheers tune has run through my head as I think ‘Quick with a joke or to light up your smoke - NO PLACE is like The OG!’

It’s quite likely that I will have only one or two more posts before or by the 23rd when the GUESS THE WEIGHT Game starts but here’s the plan at the moment:

  • Tubs will be replaced with fresh water with nutes set to Transition to Bloom levels
  • Plants will be defoliated and yeppers it’s time to TIE YOUR MOTHER DOWN! They will be splayed out to expose as many flowering growth tips as is possible before they start the final faze of their journey - Making those delicious effective flowers! After this ‘splaying’ the plants will no longer be trained to grow outward and all training will focus on spreading out the plant and exposing bud sites
  • Two hours of darkness will be added per 24 hours beginning on the 23rd until the schedule gets to 12/12. Flowering will officially begin with the first flowers, not from the 12/12 switch.
  • Though I won’t be here @Heliosphear will still be posting even more of his amazing creations on Friday March 24th so be sure and ‘check in to check out’ what’s happening in the Monster-verse.
  • Episode 3 of Frank In Space: An OverGrow Space Drama (the graphic novel) will be posted here and on @Rhai88 's Games and Giveaways thread before dawn on Sunday. Don’t forget to pick up your copy of this weeks Freaky Friday Flashbacks to help chuckle your way through the week.

Have a great weekend folks! :v:

small update: Hilda Da Momma is moving. Spring is coming and I have a friend who is an amputee with constant nerve pain who’s outdoor grow she will be moving into. They’re going to be looking after each other starting some time this weekend. Thanks HDM!!!