The Monster Mash

@JtheFool Midjourney, thank you.


Kick the bolder from the cave entrance… the spirit of OG is rising!

Bigfoot, the legendary creature of the forest, was a lonely soul. He had been living in the woods for as long as he could remember, and he had never met another of his kind. He was content with his solitude, but he couldn’t help but feel a sense of longing for something more.

One day, Bigfoot was out for a walk in the woods when he came across a strange sight. There, in the middle of a clearing, was a large marijuana plantation. Bigfoot had never seen anything like it before. He was intrigued, and he decided to investigate.

As he got closer, Bigfoot saw that the plantation was well-tended. The plants were healthy and lush, and they were clearly being grown with care. Bigfoot also noticed that there were several large machines scattered around the plantation. These machines were unlike anything he had ever seen before.

Bigfoot was about to turn away when he heard a noise. He turned around and saw a man standing in the shadows. The man was tall and thin, with long, dark hair and a beard. He was wearing a black hoodie and jeans, and he had a pair of sunglasses perched on his nose.

“Hello,” the man said. “My name is BU2B. I’m a scientist, and I’m working on a project here.”

Bigfoot didn’t say anything. He just stared at the man.

“I’m growing these marijuana plants,” BU2B continued, “to use in my research. I’m trying to develop a new type of AI that can be used to control plants.”

Bigfoot was still silent.

“I know this is a lot to take in,” BU2B said. “But I would really appreciate it if you could help me with my research. I need someone who can help me take care of the plants and keep an eye on the machines.”

Bigfoot hesitated for a moment. He had never been asked to help anyone with anything before. But he also knew that he was the only one who could help BU2B.

“Okay,” Bigfoot said. “I’ll help you.”

And so, Bigfoot began working with BU2B. He took care of the plants, he kept an eye on the machines, and he even helped with his research. Bigfoot was happy to have a purpose in life, and he was grateful to BU2B for giving him a chance.

One day, he came to Bigfoot with some exciting news.

“I’ve finally done it,” BU2B said. “I’ve developed the AI.”

Bigfoot was amazed. He had never seen anything like it before. The AI was a small, black box with a blinking light.

“How does it work?” Bigfoot asked.

“I’ll show you,” he said.

BU2B took the AI and placed it in the middle of a field of marijuana plants. The AI began to glow, and the plants began to grow at an accelerated rate.

“It’s incredible,” Bigfoot said. “What are you going to do with it?”

“I’m going to use it to OverGrow the World,” BU2B said. “I’m going to make the world a better place, one plant at a time.”

Bigfoot smiled. He knew that BU2B was a good man, and he knew that he would use the AI for good.

“I’m with you,” Bigfoot said. “Let’s OverGrow the World.”


Next post 4.21.23


this whole thread concept is so cool. The grow, the contest, the stories, the amazing graphics… and the real life deep shit… struck a cord with me as my wife was diagnosed with non alcohol type fatty liver last year. Sparked a conversation and my own journey of understanding. I appreciate the sharing, the honesty , the advice and articles.
Sharing the PDF of the method is also incredible and I realize the time and effort to compile all that and make it freely availlable. Everywhere I turn on this site there is amazing human beings being kind , supportive and lifting up thier fellow OG’s. Mad respect !!

@BU2B , I hope you keep on keepin on brother. This is more than a grow thread and a contest already and I hope the positive energy and the hope for healing flows back to you and gives you some respite from your challenges.

Are we at the third guess? or is that next week LOL


@SHSC-1 Week 4 starts on Wednesday with a new round of estimates. The first week of entries were basically freebies as that week was transition to bloom but estimates could still be made. Thank You for following along on the ride - a few rough spots but the end of the tunnel is in sight :slight_smile:

I’m kind of done talkin to myself but photo updates will be posted once a week from here on out with the next update being when I return to town on the 21st :v:


The Monster Mash
10 April 2023

This is a highly edited version that was originally posted yesterday. As usual - I got hurt, offended & sorry for the pain I had caused and just wanted everyone to get along and deleted the original post. Rightfully so - It upset some people I had no intention of ever upsetting. BUT … all of that being said. I’ve had the night to think about it and have hopefully come up with a way of saying ‘almost’ the same thing without ruffling any feathers.

I think it’s an important note, but not one worth quarreling over

EDITORIAL: 9 April 2023

“That’s not how this works… that’s not how any of this works.”

It’s the Holiday Weekend - (if you’re Canadian - lucky you - no work tomorrow :wink: ) so I’m hoping that patience, kindness and understanding is running at a high at the moment.

PLEASE NOTE: This is an editorial, not gospel and even if it was gospel - just like the one(s) in print; it will always be subject to personal interpretation.

This isn’t a rebel rousing event or root for your team kind of thing just my opinion and my personal explanation of the terms “I” use and have used during this journal and what they mean ‘to me’.

Some may be wondering … okay; so I’ve seen the names FRANKENSTEIN and FRANKENSTEINS DAUGHTER thrown about by many almost interchangeably - what the heck are YOU growing and what variation or strain am I looking at here exactly?

I will have to admit when I started this whole process I was at least as green as the day is long … still pretty yellow around the gills but information IS flowing in.

My understanding of genetics at this point:
IS Frankensteins Daughter JUST an S1 of Frankenstein. Well… yes and no. She is an S1 of Frankenstein, HOWEVER an S1 is NOT a clone and they are NOT the same thing (though they are similiar) THIS is what I personally am referring to during this journal and it’s pretty well summed up by this post from another web site: ya I know… I borrowed it. lol

S1 = first selfed generation = selfing is being pollinated by the same genotype
F1 = first filial generation

Yes, if you cross two filial genotypes you get the next filial generation even if they are both female. So yes, crossing two female F3 siblings gives you F4 seeds.

Applying silver to a female Cannabis plant inhibits the production of ethylene, which causes the plant to produce male parts. The genetics don’t change, there are no mutations. Meiosis proceeds normally, producing four pollen grains from each parent cell, just like in a male plant. Since you start with XX instead of XY, you get four grains of X pollen instead of two X and two Y grains. From there it’s exactly the same as regular male-female sex. “Fem” seeds are identical to the half of regular seeds that are female. There is no difference.

Mendelian laws still apply. Genes are independently assorted. That means each pollen/ovum has a different set of genetics, one or the other allele chosen independently from the others. That means S1 seeds are not clones, each recessive heterozygous gene lurking in the parent has a 25% of coming up homozygous recessive in each seed.

So whether S1’s produce phenos like the parent depends on how stable the parents genetics are, i.e. how homozygous the genes are. Most Cannabis isn’t stable because there is no money in producing true breeding strains or selling seeds in general, so when you self you get lots of recessive traits popping up and you rarely get the magic combination that prompted you to self the parent in the first place.

start here, dig deeper:’s_laws
posted on by “Observe & Report” May 8, 2018

PERSONALLY? I don’t really care what it’s called… I’m growing it. You’re seeing it. AND many will be smoking it and using it. MY title for the plant doesn’t really matter - she doesn’t care a bit. :v:

What is being shown and grown in this journal and thread is:

  • FRANKENSTEINS DAUGHTER from seed: A feminized photo S1 plant of FRANKENSTEIN (call it whatever you want to - but this is what “I’m” calling it. I thought it was kind of cool that the ‘name’ gave homage to FRANKENSTEIN and it’s creator while also noting that S1’s are not cuttings in seed form.)
  • This is NOT a FRANKENSTEIN grow; FRANKENSTEIN is a cutting only plant.

Thanks for putting up with my quirks and quandaries


Thank you! I didn’t want to get involved, but I kinda groan every time this fight over who has the real Frankenstein seeds comes up. This is the original Frankenstein, aka Adam, aka Dr. Potseed’s monster. Personally, I think any seeds produced are likely to be highly variable, no matter who they’re coming from or what they name them. Not that there won’t be some good stuff in there, but it’ll probably be a pheno hunt.


Beautiful bud @cormoran
Hey all this is a great information thread! Shows @BU2B pound per plant training method. It is a teaching grow log with kick ass graphic novel and a great contest guess final weights with treasure trove of goodies. Do to health reasons this might be the last time you’ll be able to see his process and ask questions as the log continues. @BU2B and @Heliosphear have put a lot of time and knowledge into this project. Follow along ask questions learn useful information and maybe make some friends Doug Dawson's giveaway thread (Part 1) - #1663 by DougDawson


Plant A now far overlooks her sister and has been moved to the back. Just an FYI - full update coming 4.21.23


The Monster Mash
With your host @BU2B - A Not Ready For Prime Time Player

I just can’t do it… I just can’t give up. NOT NOW.

To be perfectly honest I’m a real baby when it comes to conflict and confrontation. But… my heart just won’t let me climb back under that rock. To you my fellow sojourners and soldiers, priests and poets, artists and aristocrats - my hat is off to all of you. I am truly sorry for any problems or hurt feelings I may have caused - REALLY. As my much better half would say “I’m trying” (in more ways than one.) Forgive me for my outbursts, doubts and indecisiveness on how to BEST proceed…

But Just Like Michael Franti I’m calling for me and everyone else to PLEASE - STAY HUMAN

Till I’m gone away… this is what I’m saying …

Yo, nobody’s born hating another person
A mad world puts that poison in us
But if we can learn to hate another person
Then we can learn to love a brother or sister
Another mother or mister
Don’t be part of the system
Join the universal nation
In every nation

give me some time … I’ll get my head back on straight
:v: :wheel_of_dharma: Peace Y’all


What are you talkin about @BU2B ?

Brother, you have been and will continue to be an example of what a true friend and honest broker of Truth can be. @BU2B is an Honorable Man. Fact.

Jus Sayin,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


I think he’s been hanging out with me too much. Getting in his head like I do to myself.:crazy_face: He’s always telling me I worry too much. But seriously @BU2B is the most kind,compassionate, loving, peaceful, true friend ( I can go on and on) and honest human I’ve ever ran across. I am a BETTER person inside and out for having the pleasure to have been graced by his soul!:v::heart:
Better get those last minute guesses in. It’s gonna be a bunch :fire: pot at the end.:grin::green_heart:
And prizes!!
And a killer movie!
And some great music!


The Monster Mash
12 April 2023

Since I can’t black out the above two embarrassing posts - I guess I’ll just have to smile and carry on

There’s not a lot to report on the plant front - I could post more pics but they would really not show anything new and would just be variation on the same photo posted yesterday.

There is some pretty exciting news - for me anyway - on the grow.

Remember Hilda Da Momma? Her new traveling family is changing from indoor to outdoor growing as their grow room is transformed into a room for the grandkids. My buddy developed his own auto watering system - gravity flow much different than @Smoklahoma ’s - that we are hoping to have set up here by this weekend. WooHoo!

I will be out of town Thursday and Friday and back home for the weekend before heading to Connecticut for the Portal Hypertension Patient interviews on Monday. I am hoping to make an update post with the system in place by this weekend before heading out. If I don’t make it, it will be (hopefully) the 21st when I return for the next update.

I’m taggin @Smokelahoma to keep an eye on things for me while I’m gone (that calling him out in public thing has already earned me a promise of a new grow room - lol - so it appears to work). But really I’m taggin him because he’s gonna have some MAJOR surgery coming up at the same time I’m going to be gone and is going to be laid up without much else to do for a bit.

All my best wishes for a rapid recovery friend - and just kidding about putting you to work while you’re off work 🫶🏽

I hope to have a grow update for you by this weekend :crossed_fingers:


“For the last several years I have followed a method that I developed that helps me average a pound per plant” @BU2B hmmm seems you have left a hint 2022. :sunglasses:

I look forward to your return, safe travel my friend.


I love seeing things people build that enhances the grow experience. Looking forward to see what y’all come up with. Starting to get a little nervous about the surgery but I think more so about trying to get everything done around the place. Gonna be hard to stay down for that long.
Favors are being call in, so hopefully smooth as possible :pray: Have a safe trip brother. I’ll do my best with this rowdy bunch. :v::green_heart: :eyes:


The Monster Mash
13 April 2023

Here are the girls last night just before lights out:
Plant A: in the Back - I quit counting at 35 flowering growth tips
Plant B: in the Front - The wife and I stopped counting at 75 flowering growth tips/branches

Next update Saturday 15th of April :v:


looking great BU2B! worthy of the name Monster mash :smiley:


Those look amazing. Very cool grow @BU2B


I’m outta here for a few days. See you folks with even MORE NEWS on Saturday. Be Kind - Unwind


have a safe trip and peace of mind. thats all we can ask for :pray:


Home Again, Home again

A photo from the trip. Yep that’s Arizona Folks. We’ve got nothing if not variety :v:

Updates just around the corner.