The Monster Mash

WOW, that’s beautiful!


Wow is right.


And this from outside Phoenix yesterday! Glad you’re back, hope you had a beneficial trip.


The Monster Mash
14 April 2023

Acknowledgements and further updates coming tomorrow :v:


The Monster Mash 12 Week Review
15 April 2023

A Video Documentary of weeks 1-12

You must watch this video on YouTube


Itinerary and time line update -

  • Patient interviews for the Portal Hypertension Conference has been rescheduled to June - by which time this thread will be completed
  • New Auto watering/feeding system may not get installed for this grow
  • Medical procedure: banding for esophageal varices set for May 1-2. I may be out a few more days - I’ll have to wait and see how it goes.
  • The Monster Mash is still set to wrap up by mid June at the latest
  • Prize packages will be shipped to winners within 10 days of the close of the thread (hopefully well before that)
  • The girls will be 12 weeks old on Monday 17th of April and about 17 weeks old on May 22nd (tentative harvest date)
  • Week 5 of entries for the Guess The Weight game start this Tuesday/Wednesday. 5 more entries available until harvest.

Three Week Flowering Defoliation is penciled in for this week. Have a great rest of your weekend :v:


what a beautiful scenery a really lovely place to live at!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

and you plants lokking amazing!


I really enjoyed the video @BU2B! Very cool to see a sort of timelapse of the two plants growing and all those sparkling budsites.

Nicely done, :clap: :clap:


Awesome I can’t wait to see your defol process especially on plants that we’ve been getting familiar with for last 12 weeks. Can’t wait!:+1:


3 week flowering defoliation Plant B:
15 April 2023

NOW is the time to really be thinking “tube of light down each branch” when defoliating. As noted in the PPPMethod PDF when in veg mode - branches and growth tips should be noticeable but I don’t defoliate the plant to the degree I do during flowering; when each flowering branch and growth tip should be easily discernible and exposed to light.

Notice the small pile of leaves. What were removed were mostly large leaves (less than one in ten) and yet that small amount - which were allowed to grow for food - opened the plant up to light by about 90%. Back in the day I used to leave a lot more leaves on the bottom of the plant in a skirt formation. It’s the way I learned. Over time I found that I prefer to remove the vast majority of those leaves as well as I want the plant to focus on flowers not making fat happy leaves. As long as you leave enough leaves during your 3 week flowering defoliation to feed your plant and flowers for the 5 weeks that remain of flowering - I think removing the skirt is more beneficial than harmful.

Do you see now why I try to limit flowering growth tips to between 60 - 70 if growing two plants in a four x four space? Regardless of the stretch it becomes increasingly impossible to spread the plant out enough for all of the flowering branches to get the light they need to develop to their fullest potential if you have more than 70 flowering branches on a 2 x 4 indoor plant. Not to mention that during flowering is NOT the time to be limiting airflow around plump moisture laden buds - you’re just asking for trouble.

Plant A defoliation and clean up will be a separate post :v:


Your PDF was great! I’ve read through it like four or five times! I wish that Nebula Haze chick you linked still posted videos. Her voice is hella cute.


This is the song my grandpa said he wanted played at his funeral… :frowning_face: He’s still “fine” but it makes me sad to think about when he goes.


If your grandpa does have this playing at his funeral… it will be a good thing.
There wont be a dry eye in the house… but it wont be because of sadness
it will be tears of joy at the beauty and wonder that is life and how good it is to get to share it with those you love. :gift_heart:


He will. It’s what he asked me to do, so it will happen!


good ole Satchmo… ya I’m a louie fan too :wink:
miss that guy and that bigger than life smile.


I am really digging all of that great music you keep bringing!:+1:Very inspirational. :grin: At this moment in the journey of my life it really strikes a nerve. Thank you for being you brother. :heart: Every time you post new picts of the monsters all I can think is. FEEED ME SEAMOR!:joy::green_heart:


My moms all time favorite song!


The Monster Mash
16 April 2023

Defoliation for Plant A coming up today.

My son once told me …
You grow some nice buds Dad; but just so you know … you’re never going to be able to get insurance to cover your loss should anything happen. Insurance companies are savvy enough today to know that no matter what the policy- the weed is going to be lost in a series of small fires.:rofl::+1:t3::v: