The Monster Mash

Looking good bud! Are you getting your money’s worth out of your $50 girl you picked up?:grin::green_heart:

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@Smoklahoma My $50 Girl is a bud spinner - priceless!
I only hand trimmed about half of each plant. The rest went in the spinner - lol.

Just now finished up :crazy_face:


Plant A:

The STANDARD branch

About halfway …

I’d say there’s at least 10 grams of keif in here.

Once it’s dry it will be run through a 90 micron bubble bag. Trim and popcorn buds will be used to make oil and capsules.

Tally t’oughts to follow :wink: daayum glad that’s done - lol


I need a coffee and a joint! :joy:

Thoughts on the harvest -

Plant A: STANDARD branch trimmed weight 17.80 g
Estimated number of STANDARD branches: 26

Rough estimate: 13 oz (26 divided by two x 26 grams - approx 1 oz)
Best estimate: 5.77 oz ((17.80 x 26) x .35)) 161.98 g

Plant B: STANDARD branch trimmed weight 25.62 g
Estimated number of STANDARD branches 44

Rough estimate: 22 oz (44 divided by two x 26 grams - approx 1 oz)
Best estimate: 13.9 oz ((25.62 x 44) x .35)) 394.55 g

Fingers crossed but we should be looking at a total weight for flower for the grow at - drumm roll

Somewhere between 19.6 and 35 ounces :crossed_fingers:t2:

You may have noticed starting about week 14 or so that what appeared to be random numbers showed up in bold in my posts. I made my projection twice. The numbers 4, 6 and 0 were posted in that order and bolted two times :joy:. 460 grams is MY estimate or 16.22 oz.


That’s a pretty big window, lol.
Morning bud. I better get this safety meeting going.
Have a great day!


Tell me about it! Folks who have guessed or estimated weight have had their work cut out for them;
New Strain
Unknown bud density
Different flower types
No seeds but two hermies

Whoever brings home first and second place have definitely earned it! :v:


Four months flew by. THIS is why you grow; time is going to pass anyway, you may as well make it worth your while.

Looking back, wow! But, there were times when time couldn’t get along fast enough. It has been a wild, peaceful, crazy and eventful ride. Thanks for the company.

Before I forget - (which would be the first time I have ever done that again!) The Monster Mash officially closes on the 28th, I would like to wait as long as is possible to get an accurate weight total. Here is the problem: I told everyone that prizes would be distributed within 10 days of the close of the thread; that’s June 8th. I will be leaving town on the 28th and wont be back until the 9th and the 28th is Sunday. Mail and/or parcels can’t go out on a Sunday and I won’t be here on Monday and will not be back in town until 11 days after the close of the thread. I haven’t forgotten you - HONEST. It’s just a matter of logistics. Your prizes WILL be sent out when I return to town on the 9th or 10th of June.

As we are waiting on drying time I have just a few more things I would like to mention before the close of the thread and I get gone from journaling for good …

This thread - at least for me - is a perfect example of what The OG is all about. First and foremost we’re cannabis enthusiasts. Secondly most of us are growers.

The OG is an exceptional place for both. You may start out thinking you’re going to show someone something, but chances are good you’re gonna learn something in the process. Or maybe you just wanted to learn something and ended up with something to say. Something that not only moved the conversation forward but also that afforded your candor the opportunity to help others. You came here because, well, let’s face it - There’s Just Something About Mary, but I bet if you hung around for long enough you would find that cannabis becomes a nice connection and that it’s the people, just like you, ordinary folks doing what they can to be good and get by who truly make all the difference in the world. I will always remember and can never forget the kind hearts, giving nature and desire to not only spread help and good will but to also do it in a way that is more helpful than hurtful. That isn’t always the case - but you had best bet your bottom dollar that it’s true a lot more than it isn’t!

Don’t let your DOGMA and preconceived notions get the better of you. It’s an easy thing to let happen, next thing you know your supporting your beliefs which are based on your opinion which is based on your beliefs and actual information and knowledge based on observation and data seems to quietly slip out the back door.

You may have heard something similar to this in the past YOUR POLLEN CHUCKING IS DETRIMENTAL TO MY CANNABIS! and may have even thought that it was a pretty bold and maybe even obnoxious thing to say. It isn’t. Things being what they are, if you grow long enough; you’re going to play. It’s like having all the lego’s - SOMETHING is gonna happen. Someone is going to give you some beans… you’re gonna love 'em and want to share them or reciprocate. Problem? Well, maybe… Are you giving them seeds you made? Seeds the plant made rhodilized? Hermie? What about the tendency it has to be susceptible to mildew that the mother plant didn’t have? Low CBD? High CBN? Produces okay? Produces amazing? Fu’get about it! See where I’m going? Propagation done right takes time. Find out what you’re talking about and learn to learn and KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW! I guarantee if you just start spouting stuff off because you ‘think’ you know - someone out there WILL KNOW and either call you out or point out the error to any who will listen. TAKE YOUR TIME and do it right if you’re gonna be pollen chucking or regardless of your good intent and best effort YOUR POLLEN CHUCKING IS “INDEED” DETRIMENTAL TO MY CANNABIS! If you don’t have the time or are not willing to put forth the effort and really have no idea what you’re doing - support someone who does know, who is doing it right and doing what they can to improve cannabis over-all; not just make new unstable eye catching varieties that are genetically inferior and that will ultimately lead to less stable traits and varieties.

I HONESTLY think everyone involved in the FRANKENSTEIN project from clone inception and creation to feminized s1 seeds began with the very best of intentions and that is a good thing. How some of the issues were and are being addressed with regard to this plant is a lesson for us all in diligence tempered with knowledge and practical application that we will each have to address at some point, with some plant or strain or cutting or seed in the future. And guess what? You’re in the right place! Cannabis, Cultivation, Information, Kindness & Good Will are what The OG has and continues to do the best!

Thank You Folks! :v:


Amen my friend! Awesome job on those btw, always learn watching your threads, so informative! I was way off on my guesstimation ! Lol but giving you the benefit of the doubt for absolute monsters, it’s funny cuz my mentor said “say 500” but I had already made my guess. :weary: ugh I’m not even telling him how close he was ! Keep up the amazing work , hope you are doing very well. :facepunch:t2:


Nap Time for me :wink:


I may have overshot… never know though
Missed my last guess last night… my meds put me down early but I got a few in and one might be in the ballpark… or not haha

doesn’t really matter, i wasn’t here for the prizes, I really wanted to watch this go down from beginning to end. Been growing a long time but I am still a student in this subject of cannabis and you have been an excellent teacher of this method @BU2B. I’m just grateful to have been able to share this last journey with you. Not to mention the incredible creativity added to the thread in the form of the stories and incredible graphics. You have brought some good people together here and made it fun on top of being educational.
All I have to say at the end of the day is a big heartfelt thankyou.


Nicely articulated… :+1:

I’ve had similar thoughts rolling around in my head for some time now.
This is why I favour the old simple lines and land races.

Great summation.



The Prestige is an artform @bu2b, thanks for reminding us of what it looks like.

You are a class act, from the shoe leather up.

Mahalo Brother,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Get your MMIT Diploma in ONLY 7 minutes!
Making Moments in Time (must be watched on YouTube)


Winners for the Guess The Weight Game
will be coming up shortly we’re just waiting on the drying clock


Time keeps on slipping slipping slipping into the future.


Wow talk about consistency those skeletons look exactly like your 3d model of how you create your plant structure. If I knew how I’d overlay your graphic with the pic and see how close it is cause it looks perfect to me. I’ve studied your training program for quite a while.
I don’t know why but this song seemed fitting you damn long hairs lmao
Signs Tesla Signs - Google Search


We are still waiting on the drying clock. However 44 hours in and the buds have been nipped from branches. Here’s the process so far -
PLANTS A & B (A on the left)

5 litre curing tubs :v:


Now that is hilarious! My wife sent me this yesterday :joy::rofl::crazy_face:


I like it. But this my go-to, lol.


I’m thinking since we have time on our hands and a cold press at our disposal that maybe we should MASH some MONSTERS at some point today…
What ya reckon?

YOU are the Breeze :v: