The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

The branch I reversed on the HubbaBubba turned out to be bigger then I thought it was. It surprised me when I cut it off. But it’s relocated to a vase of water with a very small touch of nutrients in it. The screw in light bulb is said to be a full spectrum bulb. Believe it or not five years ago I bought 6 of these and did my first indoor grow under them. I got rid of the pictures :rofl:


The four Cap Junky plants are coming right along. I’ve been noticing that the buds are starting to swell, get dense and heavy. Should be quite a bountiful harvest. And other then the Cap Junky X Blue Kush and Cap Junky X Cheesequake seeds in a handful of buds these will be SO much less labor intensive then the previous crop which were loaded with seeds.


They look fantastic.

Have you seen anyone pop the s1 beans from last run? I’d like see how they compare…


A couple have told me they either have or will be starting some of the CJ for their summer outdoors grows.


I’ve heard and applied that one for sure, they say 2 hours before sun comes up/lights on is when the terps will be the strongest, best time to harvest if u want the most out of the flavors


We’re talking about harvesting pollen for hand pollination or collection @AzSeaindooin420 but I too cut down my plants before the lights come on and hang them directly in a dark closet to dry if I’m not wet trimming.


Yesterday was the first hand application of pollen on a few select lower buds on the plant. Not looking to make a ton of seeds just more then I’ll ever use and a few to share. Looking at those buds this morning I am very confident the pollination was a success. This early all I expect / hope to see are the tips of the pistils shriveling up. Here are some photos. These buds alone should net me 50+ ish seeds. I’m looking to make 100ish seeds


I took the boat out this morning to fish for a couple hours and invited my oldest living friend to come along. This old timer always out fishes me but I remind him that if I didn’t put him on fish he wouldn’t catch any. Anyway, he hooked into a huge catfish which he nursed in because we were using light tackle. This man has caught many thousands of fish in his lifetime and still gets tickled to death catching a big fish no matter what species.


The bent pistols like that are a sign it took pollination! Congrats ur gonna be a father hahah


That’s a nice fatty! Catch and release or u gonna do a fish fry?


We were just out messing around for a few hours. Tossed him back to get bigger. We both much prefer eating Spotted Bass and they’re easier to fillet.


Spotted bass? Can’t say I’m familiar with those, all we get here is stripers, largemouth and small mouth, small mouth is my fav of em cuz the meat is way more tender


I’m not 100% sure but I think the “proper” name for the Spotted Base is an Alabama Bass, part of the Sunfish family. So I guess technically not a bass and they are known now to be an invasive species. Damn good eatin invasive species.

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Oh hell ya! I love fishing for sunfish, seems like mealworms are crack for em!
We get a lot of redear and bluegill in this area

Heres my personal best on striper

This is about 3 hrs in the sunfish hole

Gotta love those days when u slay it


Hey you gotta learn to hold those small stripers with two hands in front of you and reach the fish out towards the camera to make them appear bigger then they are.
fish tales


So that’s how you make your buds appear bigger… sorcery.


Gonna have to try that sending pics to those special ladies hahahah


If it works it works.


Well I’m all finished pollinating the HubbaBubba plant. I have the pollen branch still in the vase and may try to collect a bit of pollen. But the HubbaBubba now is in cruise control. I will be feeding her a little extra Phosphorus in her feedings over the next 3-4 weeks which from my understanding helps seed development. Yesterday all the plants were treated with a nice EWC based tea that I bubbled for about 30 hours. But like I said there’s not much to do now but keep her happy and healthy. Oh, one thing I did do was bump up her light intensity to 50,000 Lux from 45,000. And when I have a plant alone in a growing space I make it a point to rotate the pot 1/4 turn each day when I look in on the plant. That’s about it for now. The pollination continues to look as though it was a success and the plant is looking healthy.


Thought I would do an update on the 4x4 tent housing the four Cap Junky girls. Looking at them this morning it appears that the four plants will finish before the Cap Junky X Blue Kush OG and Cap Junky X Cheesequake seeds have fully matured. So what I will do is first harvest the two CJ plants without seeds, get them trimmed up and drying. Then move on to the two that I lightly seeded. I will one at a time remove the unseeded branches and wet trim those and get them on the drying screen. That will leave me with two plants with just a couple small branches left on them that have seeds. At that point I will check pluck the first seed off the plants to see how far along they are. They should be close and hopefully fully matured.

Here are a couple pics of my long legged girls.